Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C877 The Way Gong Ling Pampered Her Daughter

C877 The Way Gong Ling Pampered Her Daughter

And then another five kilometers, Both of them were a little tired. Gong Moyi finally saw the supply station. She walked over and gave Xiyan Cheng a bottle of water and a piece of bread.    


Their clothes were soaked in sweat. When they stopped eating, they felt as if they had been hungry for several lifetimes.    


Gong Moyi had never wolfed down food like this until she finished a piece of ham bread. Only then did she remember how elegant she was.    


Because the sky was constantly darkening and there was still a long road waiting for them, the two of them did not dare to rest at all and had to continue on their journey.    


The further they went, the more... Her legs became heavier and Gong Moyi looked at the recorder on her wrist and sighed.    


There was still one-third left. But every step she took was torture.    


Xiyan Cheng, who was beside her, could tell that she was in pain, so he said, "Moyi, why don't I carry you?"    


Gong Moyi heard this and quickly shook her head. "You carrying ten pounds of stuff is already heavy enough. I'm fine, I can still persist. "    


The sky gradually darkened. The setting sun pulled out two long shadows from their bodies.    


Just as Gong Moyi was rejoicing that they were only three kilometers away, she suddenly realized that the ground had become uneven.    


The road ahead was filled with continuous slopes. There were still steps. If they went back the way they came, they would probably need to walk more than ten kilometers before they could find a place to call.    


At first, her and Xiyan Cheng's phones were confiscated.    


They finally knew how difficult it was to walk. There were places with puddles. Gong Moyi was small and could not jump over. In the end, she let Xiyan Cheng carry her.    


But when she went over a small sand dune, she lost her balance and fell. Although it did not hurt, she found that she could not stand up.    


Her legs were filled with lead, and every lift was painful. She tried to stand up, but it was from the size of a... Her legs to her toes were trembling.    


The young man beside her suddenly squatted in front of her and said to her, "Moyi, come up."    


Gong Moyi hesitated for a moment. "Mr Cheng, aren't you tired?"    


He shook his head. "I am four years older than you. This road is good for me."    


She really could not walk anymore. If she could move a little bit, Gong Moyi did not like to become someone else's burden. But at this moment, she could only lie on Xiyan Cheng's back. The two sandbags were tied in front of her chest.    


Although the young man was fast and tall, Gong Moyi laid on Xiyan Cheng's back, reached out her hand and gently wrapped it around his neck, and carefully asked, "Mr Cheng. Am I very heavy?"    


Xiyan Cheng shook his head. "Very light."    


He carried her forward steadily and walked on the rugged mountain road with some difficulty.    


The sky had completely darkened. Gong Moyi turned on the light on her wrist displacement device and lit up the road they were walking on.    


The light came from her wrist, so Gong Moyi saw the dust and sweat on Xiyan Cheng's face.    


She reached out to help him carefully wipe them off.    


The girl's soft fingers landed on her face. Because her chin was resting on his shoulder, Xiyan Cheng smelled the sweet scent of milk.    


She was already seven years old and smelled like strawberry milk. Her body was soft and delicate.    


Xiyan Cheng could not tell what it felt, so he gently smiled.    


The last part of the road finally became flat. The two of them arrived at the place where they had set off earlier. The wrist locator showed that it was exactly 30 kilometers.    


Fu Yucheng was training with his comrades at the end of the road. When they saw a ray of light coming from afar, they could not help but look over.    


When they were about to get close, Xiyan Cheng put Gong Moyi down from his back and held her hand as he walked in front of Fu Yucheng.    


Fu Yucheng took off their displacement recorder. He said lightly. "The punishment for today is completed. It will continue tomorrow."    


Xiyan Cheng put down the sandbag and pulled Gong Moyi, who was almost unable to walk, up to the dormitory building step by step.    


Gong Moyi could not climb the stairs, so Xiyan Cheng carried her on his back. He went to the second floor and placed her at the door of her room.    


"Mr Cheng, thank you for today." Gong Moyi said seriously.    


"I am the one who implicated you. If I did not come up with that idea, you would not have been punished." Xiyan Cheng said.    


Gong Moyi pulled his sleeve and motioned for him to lean over.    


Xiyan Cheng bent over and listened. He heard Gong Moyi's soft voice, but it was stubborn. "Even if I know that I will be punished, I will still take the plane you are on."    


Xiyan Cheng was stunned for a moment, then he could not help but laugh.    


Gong Moyi also smiled and said to him, "Mr Cheng, see you tomorrow."    


"See you tomorrow." Xiyan Cheng rubbed Gong Moyi's dusty hair.    


When Gong Moyi returned to her room, she saw Gong Lingye waiting for her.    


There was a sumptuous supper in the room. She only took a whiff before her appetite started to move.    


"Moyi, go and take a shower first." Gong Lingye said.    


Gong Moyi pouted and went to the bathroom first.    


Gong Lingye heard the sound of water in the bathroom and felt a little heartache. However, he also knew that there were some things that could not be condoned.    


Since she was five years old, Gong Moyi had followed Helian Qing to learn medical skills. Usually when she was free, she would learn all kinds of medicinal herbs, acupuncture points, and many basic physiotherapies together with Gong Suhe.    


So she ate supper to avoid tomorrow's double. Her legs were sore to the point that she could not even move a step, so she began to massage her own acupuncture points.    


However, she was too tired. With such a small movement, she felt that her fingers and arms were sore.    


On the side, Gong Lingye saw what was happening and walked over. He picked Gong Moyi up and asked, "Moyi, where do you need to massage?"    


Gong Moyi was angry and turned her small face away, ignoring him.    


Gong Lingye continued to coax her. "Father is worried about you. If something really happens to you, I will be with you in the future. What should I do? "    


Gong Moyi continued to be angry and pouted.    


Just now, he even let her take a bath before she could eat. It did not hurt her at all!    


"Moyi, you are angry that you will be punished tomorrow." Gong Lingye traced his daughter's soft hair. "Didn't father teach you that even if you are angry, you cannot use your own body to anger others."    


Gong Moyi still felt a little angry, but Gong Lingye's words had already convinced her.    


Gong Lingye continued to give her a way out. "After dad helps you massage, you can continue to be angry with dad. It is not worth it to be angry at you now because you are at a disadvantage."    


Gong Moyi snorted and started to instruct Gong Lingye to massage the corresponding acupuncture points to relax her. Muscles in her legs.    


Gong Lingye did as he was told, but he found that Gong Moyi had fallen asleep as he pressed.    


He carefully picked her up and placed her on the bed. He covered her with a thin blanket and turned off the light.    


As a father, how could he not feel sorry for his daughter?    


However, Gong Lingye also realized that although his daughter often acted coquettishly towards him, she had an idea deep in her heart. Usually, when she had decided on something, she would do it even if it was risky.    


She had an unruly personality and rarely abided by the rules. If she did not restrain herself properly when she was young, she would not have the concept of abiding by the rules when she grew up in the future.    


Although he believed that Gong Moyi's character was upright, if she was too unruly, it would be very easy for her to suffer in the future.    


Although he had an enviable wealth and status, he could not help his daughter live her life.    


It was impossible for him to protect her for the rest of her life, so he hoped that she would have the ability to protect him for the rest of his life.    


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