Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C878 Bastard Do You Know Who Your Father Is?

C878 Bastard Do You Know Who Your Father Is?

While Gong Lingye was worrying about Gong Moyi, Beiming Shen received an invitation from the Beiming Family.    


Country J was deeply influenced by the culture of Hua Country, so the New Year was very grand.    


The invitation was sent by the Hee Family of Country J, inviting the famous friends of Jin City to attend Old He's birthday banquet.    


After treatment, Beiming Shen's vision had recovered, and the tumor in his brain was only the size of a fingernail. He would be fully recovered soon after the treatment.    


He looked at the invitation and thought of Xuanyuan Yao, who had almost married Young Master He many years ago. He narrowed his eyes.    


He informed Secretary Gao, "Arrange for Yumo to attend the birthday banquet of Hee Family."    


Beiming Yumo was seven and a half years old. He was considered tall among his peers. On the day of the birthday banquet, he wore a black tuxedo and followed his father in a carriage.    


And just two hours ago, Zhang Qin and Chiang Xiaoxi had made a lot of dumplings and were eating together with Chiang Yubai and Pei Shangyu.    


All these years, it was the four of them who were celebrating the New Year.    


The two children grew older, especially Pei Shangyu. Now that he was in the fourth grade, he already looked like a teenager.    


He still didn't like to talk, but his personality seemed to be a little more cheerful than before.    


Chiang Yubai was also in the second grade of elementary school. Her grades were excellent, and she performed well in school. She was very liked by the teachers and classmates.    


Just as the four of them were eating happily, the door of the villa opened.    


Only Ms Pei had the password to the villa. Everyone did not expect that Ms Pei, who had appeared once when they hired Chiang Xiaoxi, would come over.    


Zhang Qin was somewhat helpless and Chiang Xiaoxi indicated for her to not worry. She stood up and was about to ask Ms Pei if she wanted to eat with everyone when she heard Ms Pei say, "I am here to pick up Shangyu."    


As soon as her voice faded, the boy who was eating dumplings and did not raise his eyelids the entire time paused his chopsticks and the dumplings that he picked up just now fell on the table.    


He still hadn't looked at his mother. Although she had made him worry about food and clothing, she had never cared about him. She had never come to see him in the past few years.    


Chiang Xiaoxi's heart was also a little nervous as she asked, "Ms Pei, are you bringing Shangyu over to your place to celebrate the New Year?"    


Ms Pei said, "Bring him to the family's birthday banquet."    


Finished talking, she turned her head to look at her son who was sitting at the table and did not move. She frowned, "Shangyu, come over."    


Pei Shangyu did not move.    


Ms Pei repeated again.    


Only then did Pei Shangyu turn his head. His eyes were cold as he looked at Ms Pei. There was no special expression in his eyes.    


Ms Pei left him behind. "Follow me."    


After saying that, she turned around and walked out.    


Chiang Xiaoxi was a little worried and tried to say something, but Pei Shangyu shook his head at her and walked out.    


After a meal like this, the people behind no longer had any thoughts.    


It was not until the sound of a car engine came from outside that Chiang Yubai softly asked her mother, "Mom, is that auntie Mr Shangyu's mother? "Why is she so fierce? Will she bully Mr Shangyu? "    


Although Chiang Xiaoxi was also worried, she could only comfort her daughter," Hebai, she is Shangyu's mother. Her mother loves her own child, so she will not bully Shangyu. Don't worry. "    


Chiang Yubai nodded but her heart was still faintly worried. She felt that it should not be the relationship between mother and son.    


Outside, Pei Shangyu and Ms Pei sat together in a luxury car and did not speak.    


After driving for more than 20 minutes, Ms Pei said, "I will see your grandfather later. And the rest of the family. You can call me whatever I say. Be good with your mouth."    


Pei Shangyu only responded with an indifferent "En.    


When Ms Pei saw him like this, irritation and disgust surged in the bottom of her eyes. All this while, her cold and elegant demeanor could not be maintained.    


Every time she saw him, she would think of his father. That man had caused her to be unable to raise her head for the rest of her life. He had destroyed the possibility of her happiness for the rest of her life, and the boy beside her was the root of everything.    


Originally, she would never bring Pei Shangyu back to the Hee Family. After all, she had married into the Hee Family through a commercial marriage, and Pei Shangyu was just a b * stard that she had been tricked by that dead man into marrying into the Hee Family.    


However, no one knew who had mentioned it to Old He yesterday, saying that they had not seen the young master for a long time.    


This young master had clearly been kicked out of the Hee Family and had changed his surname, but someone had deliberately used him to humiliate him!    


He didn't know why Old He believed in a fortune-teller, but he said that Pei Shangyu really couldn't be thrown out and run his own course. This was because he could help the Hee Family avoid disaster. Usually, he could stay away from the Hee Family, but every New Year, he had to bring him back.    


Old He believed it when he heard it. That was why he specifically told Ms Pei to bring Pei Shangyu back this morning. He also said that he should be called He Shangyu at the birthday banquet, and that he was the young master of the Hee Family.    


After that, he remained silent all the way until he reached the Hee Family.    


The guests hadn't arrived yet, but the atmosphere in the hall was already bustling with noise and excitement.    


Pei Shangyu was called in front of Old He. Old He handed him a red packet and asked a servant to bring him to change into formal clothes.    


He finished changing his clothes and came out, but he was surrounded by a few boys.    


The oldest boy should be around ten years old. He was taller than him by a head. He looked down at him from above with a look of observation and ridicule. "You are that bastard?"    


Pei Shangyu ignored him and wanted to avoid him.    


But they did not plan to let him go. They surrounded him and pressed him to the garden behind.    


"Hehe, you think you're not a bastard just because you came to our Hee Family? Who doesn't know that you... Mom gave birth to you after seven months of pregnancy, and your blood type doesn't match with uncle's?"    


"Exactly! Look at you, you're just a beggar wearing the clothes of our Hee Family. What kind of thing are you?"    


"You'd better get lost from where you came from!"    


"I'm afraid he won't be able to get back! I heard that his wild father died a long time ago! "He died a few years ago!"    


"I also heard that his father pretended to be the young master of Xiyan Group, but he was actually a homeless man. " Hehe, it's also that idiot mother of his who thought that he had caught a golden son-in-law, but in the end... "    


The more those people spoke, the more unpleasant it sounded. They looked at Pei Shangyu's expression, as if they were looking at a piece of trash.    


Pei Shangyu's body trembled. His fingers were tightly clenched into fists, and his eyes were filled with fury.    


He raised his red eyes and asked, "Who do you think my father is?"    


"Heh, listen up! A bastard is a bastard. He doesn't even know who his father is! "    


"Hahaha - -"    


Everyone laughed.    


At this moment, Pei Shangyu suddenly rushed over and threw a punch at the boy who was laughing happily.    


The boy was about ten years old and was about the same age as Pei Shangyu. He was caught off guard by the punch and fell to the ground. He was in so much pain that he could not stand up.    


The others were stunned for a moment and immediately reacted. They quickly surrounded Pei Shangyu, and their fists and legs crazily attacked his body.    


Pei Shangyu was like a crazy little beast. He kept breaking out of the encirclement amid the thorns. He was not afraid of death. His eyes were red, as if he wanted to die with the others.    


However, he was not even ten years old, plus there were many people on his side. Soon, he was beaten to the ground. He was almost one-sidedly punched and kicked.    


Beiming Yumo and Beiming Shen came over together. Halfway through, he went to the washroom and came out. He saw a group of young men surrounding and beating up the boys on the ground.    


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