Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C879 It Was the First Time That the Dragon and Phoenix Embryo Had Seen Each Other

C879 It Was the First Time That the Dragon and Phoenix Embryo Had Seen Each Other

Pei Shangyu felt pain all over his body. He even had a taste of rust in his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He still seized the opportunity to grab a boy's foot and drag him down with his life.    


The boy was hugged by him and fell down. Then, his hair was pulled by Pei Shangyu. Then, Pei Shangyu's fist landed on his stomach.    


Pei Shangyu did not slap people in the face, but he hit them all on his body. Although he was in so much pain that his bones were numb, he kept going crazy with the force in his bones.    


Beiming Yumo walked over and looked at the group of people. He asked faintly, "May I ask where the hall is?"    


The children who were fighting didn't expect that someone would come. They all paused. Immediately, someone looked at Beiming Yumo with an unfriendly expression. "Where did you come from?"    


"I am Beiming Yumo." The boy looked at the crowd and spoke in a calm tone.    


When the few of them heard him, they looked at each other. The oldest among them suddenly stood up straight and said with a serious expression, "He is the heir to the Beiming Family? You must have seen wrongly from the misunderstanding just now."    


Another boy also echoed, "Yeah, we are exchanging pointers."    


Beiming Yumo did not care about the shoddy explanation of the crowd. He only asked, "May I ask where is the hall?"    


"We will bring you there." The eldest young man said. He stretched out his hand to put it on Beiming Yumo's shoulder, but the boy avoided it.    


The youth was a little embarrassed as he smiled and said: "Let's go. The banquet should be starting soon."    


After everyone left, Pei Shangyu, who was on the ground, slowly got up.    


The winter garden was very cold, but his face was covered in sweat.    


Those children were obviously smart. No one hit his face, but the places where his hair was covered were smashed a few places.    


There was not a single spot on his body that did not hurt, but there were no tears in his eyes. He looked like a lone wolf.    


He stood where he was, listening to the conversation coming from the hall in the distance. It was a little far away.    


Pei Shangyu felt his teeth hurt a little. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his teeth were spat into the soil in the garden along with the blood foam.    


He stood there for a while and felt that he should be able to walk. He then took a step forward.    


At this moment, Ms Pei came out from the inside. When she saw him, she could not help frowning. "Shangyu, why are you here? Everyone is in the hall. It's so undisciplined for you to be here alone!"    


Pei Shangyu didn't say anything. He took difficult steps and followed Ms Pei to the main hall.    


When they reached the door, Ms Pei immediately had an elegant and appropriate smile on her face. She reached out and held Pei Shangyu's hand. Her expression was gentle, but there was a warning in her tone, "Today, you are all friends of your grandfather in the business world. You have to be alert."    


Pei Shangyu lowered his eyes and looked at his mother holding his hand. There were no changes in his eyes.    


What followed was almost all the social gatherings, because it was in the hall. At most, they could only say a few insulting words.    


Pei Shangyu did not seem to hear it. He sat alone in a corner. When there was a need for him to appear, he would be taken out by Ms Pei.    


However, it was obvious that Ms Pei also felt that the existence of this child was a disgrace, so she only needed Pei Shangyu twice in total.    


Pei Shangyu was free and alone in the corner. He casually took some things to fill his stomach that he had not been able to fill before.    


At this moment, a boy walked over and sat on the sofa beside him.    


He turned his head and found that it was the heir of the Beiming Family.    


Beiming Yumo also saw him. He looked at him for a few seconds, then handed over a piece of paper and pointed at Pei Shangyu's head.    


Only then did Pei Shangyu feel an itch on his forehead. He reached out his hand and touched it. When his fingertip reached in front of him, he saw a piercing red.    


It turned out to be the wound from the fight just now. Because the hall was hot, blood flowed down again.    


He took it and wiped the wound with his hand, saying: "Thank you"    


Beiming Yumo did not say anything else. He just picked up the juice in front of him and drank it. His back was straight. Although he was young, he could see that his posture was elegant. He came from a famous family.    


Pei Shangyu did not like to interact with people. Even if there were people around him, he was not affected at all.    


He threw the paper with blood in his hand to the side. After making sure that he did not bleed anymore, he also took a glass of fruit juice and slowly drank it.    


There was silence in the sofa area until Pei Shangyu's phone rang.    


He took out his phone from his pocket and found that there were two cracks on the corner of the screen.    


On the screen was a video call request from Chiang Xiaoxi.    


At this moment, he really did not want to answer.    


He originally wanted to hang up, but he did not know. Maybe his hand was injured as well. His fingertip shook and he actually picked up.    


Immediately, the video call was connected and Chiang Xiaoxi appeared on the screen with Chiang Yubai in her arms.    


Chiang Xiaoxi also began to worry after Pei Shangyu left. Although Ms Pei was Pei Shangyu's biological mother, it was Chiang Xiaoxi's first time seeing a mother treat a child like this.    


Ms Pei's living expenses were very generous to Pei Shangyu. It could be seen that the other party's family background was very good, but the better the family background, the harsher some things might be.    


When Chiang Xiaoxi saw the tip of the iceberg in the Beiming Family, she felt that it was not a place for people to stay. Now that she thought about how Pei Shangyu was in the family, she did not know what he would face.    


Worried about it, she made a video call.    


At this moment, the call was connected. Chiang Xiaoxi felt relieved when she saw Pei Shangyu sitting on the sofa. She said to Pei Shangyu, "Shangyu, sister wants to talk to you."    


Pei Shangyu looked at the two people in the camera. He felt his heart tighten for the whole night. He felt relaxed for a moment.    


He didn't say anything. He just looked at the screen.    


Chiang Yubai saw that her brother was fine and was very happy. She said to Pei Shangyu, "Mr Shangyu, have you eaten? You left halfway today. Are you hungry?"    


Pei Shangyu shook his head. He did not want to speak. He only felt that his throat was hoarse and he could not make a sound.    


On the other side, Beiming Yumo, who had been sitting upright all this time, heard the girl's soft and sticky voice. He was inexplicably attracted and turned his gaze to the screen.    


On the screen, the girl had two braids. She had big eyes and a slight baby fat on her face. Her skin was fair and her smile was very sweet.    


"Mr Shangyu, when are you going home? Mom and I are waiting for you!" Chiang Yubai said again.    


Pei Shangyu shook his head and said, "I don't know."    


Because his voice was very hoarse, Chiang Yubai did not hear him clearly, so she asked again. " Mr Shangyu. Are you saying that you don't know when you are going home?"    


Pei Shangyu nodded.    


Chiang Yubai pouted and seemed to be a little regretful. She then smiled again. "It's alright. Mom and I will wait for you at home!"    


After saying that, she curiously looked at the scene and said to Pei Shangyu, "Mr Shangyu. What kind of banquet are you guys holding? I have never been to a banquet before, is it the same as in the television series? "Can you show me your phone?"    


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