Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C880 Her Own Son!

C880 Her Own Son!

Pei Shangyu. Although he didn't really like this request, he still followed Chiang Yubai's request and raised his phone.    


Hence, Chiang Yubai was the first to see Beiming Yumo, who was beside Pei Shangyu.    


She opened her eyes wide and looked at him curiously, but Pei Shangyu had already turned the camera around.    


Immediately, the bustling banquet hall confused Chiang Yubai's eyes.    


This was the first time the girl had seen such a place. The room was very big, even bigger than the large classroom she was in.    


The room was very gorgeous. There was a beautiful candlestick on the wall, and it was unknown if the dancing flames were real.    


There were three-dimensional carvings on the ceiling of the hall. There were also beautiful crystal lamps that fell down, flickering with gorgeous and dazzling light.    


The people in the banquet hall were all very beautiful. The men were wearing well-ironed suits, the women were wearing shiny skirts, and they were wearing jewelry. Under the crystal lamps, they were dazzling.    


Even in winter, they were all wearing shirts and dresses. Some of the dresses were still exposed, outlining the graceful figures of the women.    


A waiter walked in the middle of the crowd, holding a tray in his hand. The cups on the tray were also very exquisite.    


Chiang Yubai was dazzled. Before she could see every detail clearly, Pei Shangyu had already turned the camera back and asked coldly, "Have you seen enough?"    


Chiang Yubai actually still wanted to see, but she was afraid that Pei Shangyu would be unhappy, so she could only give up.    


She carefully asked, "Mr Shangyu, Is the brother beside you your friend?"    


Her voice was still soft and soft, sounding a bit probing, causing Beiming Yumo to look over again.    


Pei Shangyu turned the camera, and Beiming Yumo went into the mirror again.    


Chiang Yubai looked at the boy in the camera and saw that he was wearing a beautiful tuxedo. His facial features were delicate, and he had a noble temperament, just like a little prince in a book.    


However, the little prince should not be that old. She felt that he might be about the same age as her. Or from his behavior, he might only be slightly older than her.    


Seeing that the young prince was looking at her, she immediately smiled and waved at Beiming Yumo. She greeted him with a smile, "Big brother, hello!"    


Beiming Yumo looked at the girl in the camera who was smiling so happily that her eyes were bent. For some reason, he found it funny.    


He did not know her, so why was she so happy?    


However, he still nodded politely at her and said calmly, "Hello."    


Chiang Yubai was happy and said, "Are you playing with Mr Shangyu? Are you two good friends?"    


Beiming Yumo turned to look at the boy who was about two years older than him and shook his head lightly. "I don't know him."    


"Oh." Chiang Yubai seemed to feel pity.    


Immediately after, she smiled again. "It doesn't matter. This way, we can be considered as getting to know each other."    


When Beiming Yumo heard her, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and then he nodded. "Yes, I guess so."    


He felt that the girl in the camera was a little funny. She seemed to be too friendly.    


However, he felt that the girl in the camera was special. At least he did not dislike it. Instead, he felt that she was actually quite good when she smiled.    


At this moment, Chiang Xiaoxi, who went over to pour water, heard the commotion and walked over. She also entered the camera. "How was the conversation with Bai and brother?"    


As she spoke, she realized that the person in the camera was not Pei Shangyu, but an unfamiliar boy.    


The boy had delicate facial features and a noble temperament. When he sat there, it was as if he wanted to film the cover of a magazine.    


When Chiang Xiaoxi sized him up, he was also sizing her up.    


His pupils were pitch black and there was not much expression on his face.    


He also did not know whose family's child it was. He looked really good. Chiang Xiaoxi was thinking in her heart and was about to ask her daughter something when she saw a man walk over from outside the camera.    


The man was wearing a suit and his temperament was cold. When he got close to them, because of the camera, his face faded out of the camera.    


However, Chiang Xiaoxi saw a man's hand on the shoulder of the little boy just now. The man wore an expensive watch on his wrist. His palm was wide and his joints were clearly defined.    


Then, a deep male voice sounded, "Yumo, what are you doing?"    


At the same time, Pei Shangyu had turned the camera away.    


Chiang Xiaoxi, who was in front of the camera, felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She quickly left the camera. Because she moved too fast, she accidentally slipped and sat on the ground.    


The man just now looked somewhat familiar. Because the camera had been a little far away, she had not been able to see him clearly.    


However, that voice and that 'Yumo' had let her know all of her identities in an instant!    


So that otherworldly little boy just now was her biological son!    


It was a twin brother with white hair!    


Chiang Xiaoxi sat on the ground, her eyes instantly turning red.    


Chiang Yubai, who was originally watching the video with Pei Shangyu, saw this and quickly went over, "Mom, why did you fall?"    


Her voice was crisp and sweet, attracting Beiming Yumo and Beiming Shen's attention. They looked over.    


However, Chiang Yubai put the phone aside, so they only saw the ceiling.    


Pei Shangyu saw the two of them looking at him. He was a little unhappy and slightly blocked the camera.    


Beiming Shen said to his son, "Yumo, Uncle He wants to see you. I'll bring you there."    


"Okay, Dad." Beiming Yumo stood up and followed Beiming Shen.    


In the villa, Chiang Xiaoxi was still sitting on the ground.    


Her face was pale, but her eyes were red. Her chest rose and fell, and her ears buzzed.    


As a mother, how could she not worry about her child?    


The scenes of the two children that she had just given birth to suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Everything that had happened in the past seemed to be a stage where the curtains were torn. She sat below the stage and looked at her real past.    


That little child, the child who had only drank milk in her arms back then, the child who would occasionally cry, had now grown so big?    


She had imagined Yumo's appearance more than once when she stared at him and saw his white hair. However, a boy and a girl's facial features would still be different in the end.    


And just now, she had seen him.    


He was very good looking, and his actions were elegant. He had the noble air of an upper-class person. He was definitely outstanding in all aspects.    


As for Beiming Shen, although his family should have been contaminated with a lot of dirty things, he had raised Yumo very well. At least from the conversation just now, Chiang Xiaoxi could tell that Beiming Shen loved Yumo.    


Because that man, the terrifying man who had killed in front of her, was gentle when he talked to Yumo.    


He treated Yumo differently from Ms Pei and Pei Shangyu.    


Yumo should have been living a good life in the past seven years.    


Chiang Xiaoxi's tears rolled down uncontrollably. She could not control her thoughts and wanted to take another look at Beiming Yumo.    


On the side, Chiang Yubai was already scared to death. She thought Chiang Xiaoxi was in pain from the fall and she could not pull her mother up. She could only go to the other room to call her grandma.    


Zhang Qin came over and saw Chiang Xiaoxi crying and also hurriedly came over to ask what happened.    


Chiang Xiaoxi came back to her senses and got up by herself, "It's nothing. It was just that the fall was painful just now. It is already healed now."    


As she spoke, she even let Chiang Yubai check that she was really fine.    


Chiang Yubai saw that her mother was indeed fine and heaved a sigh of relief. She thought of the video that had not been hung up and hurriedly wanted to go over.    


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