Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C881 He's Angry

C881 He's Angry

Chiang Xiaoxi immediately pulled her back.    


"Tell Bai, tell Mr Shangyu, can you take a picture of that little boy just now?" Chiang Xiaoxi whispered to her daughter, "But you have to secretly take a picture. Don't let anyone know."    


Chiang Yubai was a little puzzled but she still nodded immediately, "Okay."    


She came to the front of the camera and saw that Pei Shangyu was already very impatient.    


But what was strange was that if it was any other time, Pei Shangyu would probably have already hung up the video, and now, he was still in front of the camera.    


"Mr Shangyu." Chiang Yubai smiled at him. "Where's your little friend?"    


Pei Shangyu frowned and pursed his lips tightly. He did not speak.    


Chiang Yubai blinked her eyes and did not get angry. She only said to him, "Can you secretly take a picture of that little brother?"    


When Pei Shangyu heard this, his face became even colder. He seemed to be very angry and his voice was a little hoarse, "I'm hanging up."    


Chiang Yubai quickly waved her hand. "Wait! Brother, just take a picture, okay?"    


But in the next second, the video was cut off.    


Chiang Yubai pouted. Why was Mr Shangyu so angry?    


Chiang Yubai felt dejected when the mission was not completed.    


Chiang Xiaoxi felt regretful but there was nothing she could do.    


Actually, she did not expect to see her son. Just now, it seemed that it was a gift from the heavens.    


She held Chiang Yubai in her arms and traced her daughter's hair. Her voice was gentle, "It has nothing to do with Bai. It's good that Mom has you."    


"And Mr Shangyu!" Chiang Yubai added.    


Chiang Xiaoxi nodded. "Yes, and Shangyu."    


After the banquet ended, Pei Shangyu was sent back to the villa by the driver.    


Ms Pei did not come. Along the way, Pei Shangyu was alone.    


It was late at night. He used the password to open the door of the villa and found that everyone was waiting for him in the living room.    


Chiang Yubai had always slept early and woke up early. At this moment, she was extremely sleepy. When he came in, she was yawning, small. Her mouth was big and her eyes were watery.    


For some reason, Pei Shangyu felt a little uneasy.    


He walked in and was about to return to his bedroom.    


Chiang Yubai, on the other hand, had already stood up and ran over. "Mr Shangyu, is today very fun?"    


Her movements were a little too big. She touched the place where he was injured and the pain made him suck in a breath of cold air.    


Chiang Yubai was about to ask what happened when Pei Shangyu took a step back and said, "I don't like that kind of place."    


Chiang Yubai blinked her eyes and said, "Oh, then brother won't be going in the future. We will just play at home."    


Pei Shangyu nodded casually and turned around to go to his bedroom.    


His bedroom had a bathroom, so he didn't need to go out of his room to take a shower.    


He took off his clothes and looked at the bruises on his body. Hatred welled up in his eyes.    


However, his hatred was quickly devoured by the pain. The strength that he had used to support himself in front of outsiders disappeared. He limped towards the bathroom, like a wild beast that was healing on its own.    


Outside, Chiang Yubai was finally able to sleep and was brought to the bedroom by Chiang Xiaoxi.    


Outside, Zhang Qin was talking about what to eat tomorrow and was still thinking about how she would have to return to the small fishing village after the Lantern Festival.    


Pei Shangyu was in the room and when he heard the faint sound outside, he reached out to touch his broken hair.    


The dried blood scab solidified in his hair. It hurt as soon as it touched his hair.    


He leaned against the cold wall of the bathroom. He had never been in such a hurry to grow up.    


Thousands of miles away, Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng were still fighting on the front line of punishment.    


Today was the last day of their punishment. They had already endured for six days. Seeing that the dawn of victory was just ahead of them, they finally had something to look forward to.    


Perhaps because Gong Moyi was used to training, the journey that she could walk alone was getting longer and longer. Today, she had walked 26 kilometers by herself. At this moment, there was still the last 4 kilometers of the road that was the hardest to walk on.    


The sun was shining high above her head. Although both of them had applied sunscreen, it was still obvious that they had turned black.    


Gong Moyi had never been so dark before. Even her exposed little hands seemed to be unable to be washed clean.    


The youth beside her had also clearly darkened a few shades, but his facial features seemed to have become more robust.    


He carried the sandbags of the two people on his back and held Gong Moyi's hand. He continued forward with a tired look on his face.    


At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from the grass in front of them.    


The two of them were shocked and stopped in their tracks.    


They saw a sand snake sticking out its tongue and raising its head to look at them coldly.    


It was Gong Moyi's first time seeing a snake in the wild and she could not help but grab Xiyan Cheng's hand.    


He held her small hand with his big hand, and his body moved forward without batting an eyelid, blocking her behind him.    


There was a snake at the base, and the instructor Fu Yucheng had said before, but he also said that the snake was not poisonous. If he wanted to drive it away, he could use a transmitter on the displacement device to drive it away.    


Gong Moyi hid behind Xiyan Cheng. She turned on her displacement device and was ready to help Xiyan Cheng at any time.    


The young man said to Gong Moyi in a low voice, "Moyi, don't move. I'll fire first. You be careful at any time."    


Gong Moyi nodded and pressed her finger on the transmitter.    


Just as Xiyan Cheng aimed at the snake, the sand snake suddenly jumped up and shot over.    


At the same time, Xiyan Cheng pressed the transmitter. The light beam accurately landed on the sand snake's body, causing it to fall from the sky as if it had been electrocuted.    


Xiyan Cheng pulled Gong Moyi and took a big step back. The two of them observed the reaction of the sand snake on the ground.    


It had just been electrocuted and finally understood that the two of them were not to be trifled with. After recovering its movement, it ran away quickly.    


Gong Moyi finally heaved a sigh of relief. She came out from behind Xiyan Cheng and patted her chest. "Mr Cheng, your aim is so accurate!"    


Xiyan Cheng let go of her and checked in front of him. After there were no more problems, he held Gong Moyi's hand and continued forward. He said, "Moyi, we can learn how to hit targets tomorrow."    


"I have played before." Gong Moyi said, "Dad took me to the shooting range, but I used an air gun because I could not pull the trigger of the real gun."    


"Let's go play tomorrow." Xiyan Cheng narrowed his eyes and added, "Real gun."    


Gong Moyi's eyes turned and asked, "Will they be punished?"    


Xiyan Cheng smiled and looked at the slyness in her eyes. He asked, "Will she be punished?"    


Gong Moyi was like a spoiled child. She pretended to think for a few seconds and then said, "Go."    


Xiyan Cheng laughed and pulled her forward.    


The road ahead did not seem to be so rugged. When there were only two kilometers left, Gong Moyi could not move even if she diverted her attention.    


Xiyan Cheng squatted in front of her and let her lie down.    


He was more familiar with carrying her on his back. He directly stood up and brought her through a ravine filled with obstacles. When he saw the camp in the distance, he said, "Moyi, don't worry. I will not be punished tomorrow."    


"Hmm?" Gong Moyi turned her face sideways and reached out to help Xiyan Cheng wipe his sweat.    


From the corner of his eye, he looked at her black little hand. He thought of the time when he first saw her, who was like a porcelain doll, and said, "I can't let you get tanned again."    


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