Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C885 I Don't Weigh More than a Hundred My Chest Is Not Flat and I'm Not Short

C885 I Don't Weigh More than a Hundred My Chest Is Not Flat and I'm Not Short

Huyan Dieh stared blankly at Soong Ziheng.    


Soong Ziheng looked at her suddenly stunned expression and took the butterfly off his shoulder. He said, "Didn't you say it was cold? I'll take you to a place that isn't cold."    


Huyan Dieh reacted. When she thought of the hat on her head, the corner of her mouth raised. "Yes."    


"Is this your first time coming to Imperial City?" Soong Ziheng asked.    


"Second time." Huyan Dieh said honestly, "I came here when I was young."    


Soong Ziheng looked at the girl who was rubbing her hands next to him and his eyes slightly narrowed. "Why aren't you wearing gloves?"    


"Didn't you say that girls are petty when they don't wear gloves?" Huyan Dieh blinked. "Come, come, come, Mr Ziheng. It's time to test your EQ!"    


"I'll go and buy you gloves." Soong Ziheng said.    


Huyan Dieh heard him and looked like she was in deep sorrow.    


In front, Soong Ziheng took a few steps forward and the corners of his mouth twitched.    


He seemed to be able to think of the girl's upset expression at this moment, the kind of despair that she did not know how to complain about when she met a straight man.    


He deliberately left her hanging for a few steps. Seeing that she was dejected, his tone immediately carried a hint of a smile: "Xiao Die, didn't you say it was cold? Let's go and buy it quickly. "    


Huyan Dieh was even more devastated. Her mouth was almost hanging an oil bottle.    


Soong Ziheng turned around and looked at her for a few seconds. Suddenly, he reached out his hand and took both of her hands, placing them in his palm.    


Huyan Dieh's expression froze, as if her entire body had been cast with body-immobilizing techniques.    


Soong Ziheng, on the other hand, had a calm expression as he looked at her calmly. "Then my EQ, how many points did you give me?"    


Huyan Dieh understood that Soong Ziheng had done it on purpose just now!    


He just wanted to see her performance!    


She was a little vexed, but when her gaze touched the hand that he held, her heart began to rapidly pound against her chest again.    


At this moment, there was no sound in the surroundings, it was as if there was only them in the entire world.    


She raised her eyes to look at him in front of her and spoke very quickly, "Mr Ziheng. Actually, have you noticed that I have many advantages? "    


Soong Ziheng lowered his eyes to look at Huyan Dieh's flushed little face. His gaze was quiet, as if he was waiting for her to continue.    


She continued, "I am good-looking and my figure is good too! I have an armor line, and I've been practicing mermaid lines recently! "    


"Although I don't weigh more than a hundred, I'm not flat-chested or short!"    


"I learned well, and even my teacher praised my talent in design!"    


"I'm full of energy, working overtime is nothing difficult! You can call me anytime you want in your company!"    


"I'm also... I'm still very good at fighting, I can protect you!"    


Huyan Dieh said a string of words in one breath and finally concluded, "So it is not easy to find such a smart, cute, and capable girl. The key is that such a smart, cute, and capable girl still likes you!"    


Her eyes lit up and when she looked at him, there was a bit of cuteness like taking credit. It was like a little pet. She wagged her tail at her owner and said, "I am so good, just take me away!"    


Soong Ziheng wanted to laugh, but he suddenly felt touched, which made him feel like his heart was melting into a sweet and sour taste.    


He stared into Huyan Dieh's eyes and did not say anything.    


She was nervous. This was the first time she had confessed to a boy. She had already told him all her strengths, and it seemed like she could not list anything else.    


But he did not speak. Did he not like her?    


But he did not like her. Why did he help her warm her hands? Could it be that he was only Baby Nuan?    


Just as Huyan Dieh was feeling uneasy, Soong Ziheng spoke.    


His tone was serious and carried an undetectable tenderness, "Xiao Die, if this is the case, it should be said by a man."    


Huyan Dieh's heart sank and she retracted her hand.    


Did he feel that she was not reserved enough?    


The light in her eyes gradually extinguished and the corner of Huyan Dieh's raised lips also slowly relaxed.    


However, Soong Ziheng tightened his grip on her hand and said word by word, "So listen carefully next."    


Huyan Dieh met Soong Ziheng's gaze and felt that his eyes were deep, making her unconsciously immerse herself in it.    


He said, "I'm not bad looking, and I'm tall too. I like to exercise, so I have the armor line and the mermaid line."    


"I don't know how much a man's weight is measured, but I have eight abdominal muscles"    


"I don't have talent in designing, and I don't know if I have talent in management, but the Haisheng is getting on the right track, and it's getting better and better."    


"I'm full of energy, and I don't have any genetic diseases. As for other things, I might have a chance to discuss them in the future."    


"I may not be as good as you, but as a man, protecting his woman is the most basic quality."    


Huyan Dieh listened to his words and felt the blood rushing to her brain and her whole body seemed to float to the clouds.    


These were the words that she had just said to promote herself. And he used her format and content to say it from his point of view.    


So those words that he had just said should not have been said by a girl. Was that what he meant?    


He heard Soong Ziheng say, "I originally did not plan to fall in love too early, but my aptitude is mediocre, but I met a smart, cute, and capable girl. I feel that it's best not to miss it."    


He leaned over and looked at her in the same line of sight. He asked, "So, Little Butterfly, can you be my girlfriend?"    


Huyan Dieh's eyes were wide open and the butterfly in her hand fell down from her palm due to exhaustion. Because of the feeling, it automatically flew up and flapped its beautiful wings.    


Her chest heaved up and down and it took her a long time to find her voice.    


"Okay!" Huyan Dieh nodded her head. She felt it again. "Okay. "Good! Good! Good! "    


Soong Ziheng could not help but laugh. He felt a little helpless, but he also felt sweet in his heart.    


He really did not plan to fall in love before. He also felt that girls were quite cute to her. He could also tell that she was interested in him. He thought that he would just let nature take its course and see.    


However, when she came all the way here and foolishly created romance, the confession just now had warmed his heart even more.    


Just as he had said. It was such a pity that she missed such a good opportunity... Then, why didn't he immediately catch her?    


Soong Ziheng held Huyan Dieh's hand. "Let's go and buy you gloves."    


Huyan Dieh was held by him and asked uncertainly, "Will you help me warm my hands after buying them?"    


Soong Ziheng looked at the 'scheme' in her big eyes and said with a smile, "Warm."    


Huyan Dieh was happy and jumped around him.    


The butterfly danced around the two of them, but just as the two of them were about to walk out of the villa area, it suddenly fell down powerlessly.    


Soong Ziheng caught the butterfly in time and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"It's out of battery." Huyan Dieh looked pitiful. "I practiced outside your house for two hours..."    


He suddenly did not know what to say. There was reproach in his eyes. "So you were so silly that you froze outside for two hours?"    


Freezing for two hours was to create this surprise for him.    


No wonder she got him to send her a location three hours ago.    


No wonder her hands were so cold just now!    


"Don't be like this in the future." He continued to warm her hands: "You even said you were smart, but in the end you were stupid to death."    


Huyan Dieh jumped around beside Soong Ziheng. "Just this time he was a little stupid. He will be smart in the future."    


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