Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C892 I Have Been Looking for My Mother

C892 I Have Been Looking for My Mother

Gong Moyi turned her head and asked Beiming Yumo, "What about you?"    


Beiming Yumo said lightly, "Yes."    


Pei Shangyu was the only one left. Although he was in an awkward situation, Gong Moyi had opened her mouth. As the person who owed her a favor, he nodded and joined in.    


The children began to play cards and wash their cards.    


Luck was important, but it also depended on skill.    


Gong Moyi had played before, and her luck was not bad just now, so she agreed to the first round. The one who lost was Pei Shangyu.    


She asked him, "Mr Shangyu, did your wound itch when it healed?"    


Pei Shangyu replied with an expressionless face, "Not itchy."    


Gong Moyi was satisfied. There were some ticklish components in the anti-inflammatory medicine. It seemed to be really useful.    


Beiming Yumo won the second round.    


He thought for a moment and asked Gong Moyi, "Where are your parents?"    


He heard Gong Moyi call the middle-aged man 'Uncle Wang'.    


Gong Moyi was stunned when she heard that, and then her face became heavy as she sighed.    


Seeing this, Chiang Yubai blinked her eyes and seemed to have understood something and quickly said, "This question is not good, there is no need to say!"    


Seemingly afraid that Gong Moyi would be sad, she even pulled Gong Moyi's hand and said to her, "Moyi do not be sad. My father is also not here! He is a hero who resisted the flood and has sacrificed his life for the country for many years. Not long after I was born, he disappeared! I don't even know what he looks like..."    


Speaking up to this point, the little girl's eyes carried some sadness.    


On the other side, Beiming Yumo's long eyelashes drooped slightly as he said to Gong Moyi, "I'm sorry."    


Gong Moyi did not expect that just by making an expression, her little friends would be able to imagine a huge scene.    


She felt a little guilty, so she smiled at Beiming Yumo in a friendly manner. "It's nothing! But your father seems to be very powerful! "    


Chiang Yubai was curious, "Moyi, have you seen Big Brother Yumo's father?"    


Yes, wait for him in the car outside. " Gong Moyi said, "Uncle is quite handsome."    


Hearing this, Chiang Xiaoxi's face instantly turned pale.    


When Beiming Yumo saw Gong Moyi's relaxed look, the guilt in his heart became even heavier. He felt that the girl in front of him might be forcing a smile because she was sad.    


He looked at her and said, "I don't have a mother."    


This time Gong Moyi did not say anything but Chiang Yubai was surprised. "Big Brother Yumo, you... Where is mother?"    


"She was kidnapped not long after I was born." Beiming Yumo said, "My father searched for a long time, but he couldn't find her."    


Chiang Yubai felt sad for Beiming Yumo again. "Brother Yumo, are you still looking for her now?"    


"I will insist on finding it." Beiming Yumo's tone was calm and firm.    


On the side, Chiang Xiaoxi, who had pretended to go to the washroom to cover up for her loss of self-control, heard Beiming Yumo's words just as she finished organizing her thoughts.    


Suddenly, a heat surged in her eyes, and she could no longer control it.    


She went back to the washroom and did not come out for a long time.    


When the three children were talking about their backgrounds, Pei Shangyu still did not speak.    


In his mind, he kept recalling the 'bastard' mentioned by those children.    


Perhaps it was because their moods had dropped a little, but this time, the four of them were not as enthusiastic as before.    


In the end, Chiang Yubai won once in a rare occasion. She asked Beiming Yumo who had lost, "Brother Yumo, can you and Moyi come to our house often to play?"    


Beiming Yumo did not expect Chiang Yubai to ask such a question. He looked at Gong Moyi beside him and said, "I can."    


Gong Moyi also nodded. "Me too."    


Chiang Yubai was happy. She turned to Pei Shangyu and said, "Mr Shangyu, we have friends again!"    


Pei Shangyu Pei Shangyu pursed his lips and snorted for a long time.    


At noon, Chiang Xiaoxi asked everyone to stay for lunch, but Gong Moyi and Beiming Yumo both said they wanted to go home.    


Finally, Chiang Xiaoxi suggested that the four children take a photo together.    


Gong Moyi and Chiang Yubai stood in the middle, with Beiming Yumo and Pei Shangyu on both sides. The scene was fixed.    


The four children in the picture were all beautiful. If they were put together, they would be able to participate in the exhibition.    


Although she was reluctant, Chiang Xiaoxi still sent Beiming Yumo out.    


She did not dare to walk out of the villa. She was afraid that it would be Beiming Shen outside.    


However, she didn't know that when she was about to leave, Beiming Yumo had already sent a message to Beiming Shen.    


So when he opened the door, Beiming Yumo saw his father a few meters away.    


"Yumo, did you have fun?" At the entrance of the villa, Chiang Xiaoxi heard Beiming Shen's voice and her breathing became tense.    


"Pretty good." Beiming Yumo said, "Dad, I will come again in the future."    


"Okay." Beiming Shen replied.    


After that, the figures of the father and son became further and further away.    


On the other side, Gong Moyi and Uncle Wang were chatting and laughing, their footsteps light.    


When everyone left, Chiang Yubai was somewhat disappointed. She liked lively activities and felt that both Moyi and Yumo were very friendly.    


However, she sent someone back to her room and saw that Pei Shangyu had already returned to his room. She closed the door.    


Sigh, big brother is always like this... She sighed.    


At the same time, in the car.    


Beiming Shen and his son sat in the back, and the driver started the car.    


Beiming Shen asked, "Yumo, do you like playing with your classmates?"    


Beiming Yumo knew his father was talking about Moyi. He thought for a while and said, "Not bad."    


Beiming Shen nodded and asked again, "Pei Shangyu has a younger sister at home?"    


Beiming Yumo thought of Chiang Yubai and could not help but think of Chiang Yubai smiling with curved eyes.    


Furthermore, her voice was very sweet. When she called him, it made him feel that she was cute and friendly, as if she really was his younger sister.    


He replied, "Yes, his younger sister is about the same age as me."    


Beiming Shen was happy that his son rarely made friends, so he said, "Then if you are happy, you can come often in the future."    


"Alright." Beiming Yumo nodded and agreed.    


In the next few months, he went to Pei Shangyu's house several times and called Gong Moyi over every time.    


But there was one weekend when Gong Moyi said that she wanted to go up the mountain to dig medicine for two days, so it was inconvenient for him to go by himself.    


Beiming Yumo felt that digging up medicine was something completely foreign to him, so he asked, "Can I go?"    


Gong Moyi was surprised, and then she remembered that her cousin and sister-in-law in the lobby were not there. It was Uncle Wang who brought her and Gong Suhe there. So she replied, "Yes." You can also call Mr Shangyu and Bai."    


"Yes." It was the first time Beiming Yumo had asked his friends out, but he did not know how to contact Bai and Shangyu, so he called Chiang Xiaoxi.    


Chiang Xiaoxi's breathing trembled when she received the call from her son. After listening to the reason, she replied, "Okay, I will bring Bai and Shangyu over."    


After saying that, she seemed to have thought of something and asked. "Yumo, will your father accompany you there?"    


"My father is away on a business trip and won't be able to come back during the weekend. He should be my family's bodyguard." "Yes," Beiming Yumo said.    


"Okay, then I will prepare something to eat in the mountains in advance." Chiang Xiaoxi said.    


It was just one night before they left. Beiming Yumo was about to go to sleep when he saw his father return home.    


He was a little surprised and told Beiming Shen about his trip tomorrow.    


When he heard about digging medicine, Beiming Shen seemed to have thought of something and said to Beiming Yumo, "Yumo. I have nothing to do tomorrow. I will accompany you there."    


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