Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C889 I Saw That There Were New and Old Injuries

C889 I Saw That There Were New and Old Injuries

Gong Moyi immediately understood. It should be Beiming Yumo who also saw the boy being bullied, so he informed the bodyguards to come over.    


He had obviously been standing there for a while. Hence, she had just sprayed the powder at the forty yuan, so he should have seen it again?    


He didn't know if this talisman was in line with the principle that his father had mentioned.    


Gong Moyi sighed in her heart. She turned her gaze and saw that Pei Shangyu's head and hands were bleeding.    


She did not care about anything else. She quickly took out a spare band-aid from her schoolbag and said to Uncle Wang, "Uncle Wang, let's help him sit down."    


Uncle Wang also saw Pei Shangyu's wound. The two did not care about anything else and sat down on the steps by the road.    


Gong Moyi first took a look at Pei Shangyu's wound and saw that the wound on his head was a little wide. Although it was not enough to suture, it was not suitable to use a band-aid.    


She took out an airplane model from her schoolbag and directly found a bottle of powder from the abdomen of the model.    


This was the anti-inflammatory medicine she made. Although it was a lot worse than the medicine in the hospital, it was natural and had a good effect.    


She quickly sprinkled it on the wound on Pei Shangyu's head. Gong Moyi used a clean handkerchief to help him massage and stop the bleeding.    


After that, she let Uncle Wang continue pressing and she went to help him treat the wound on his arm.    


When she lifted Pei Shangyu's sleeve, the boy was obviously very unwilling.    


Gong Moyi leaned close to his ear and said, "If you don't cooperate, I will throw you to those boys!"    


Pei Shangyu paused and raised his cold eyes.    


Gong Moyi was not afraid of him at all. Instead, she smiled and said, "They picked up the money. When they go back, I'm afraid they will scratch their skin for the next few days."    


Pei Shangyu had just seen Gong Moyi's movements. When he heard her, he was also shocked. His gaze when looking at the little girl in front of him became somewhat vigilant.    


"Cooperate obediently." Gong Moyi's expression was serious. "You are my first patient. I will treat you."    


The afternoon sun fell on her small face. Her wheat colored skin seemed to have been plated with a layer of light.    


Without any reason, Pei Shangyu had more trust in this girl who looked about the same age as Chiang Yubai.    


He let Gong Moyi help him stop the bleeding, sprinkle some medicinal powder, and put on the band-aid.    


Only when she finished treating the wound did he open his mouth and say, "Thank you."    


Gong Moyi was deep in thought. After a moment, she asked, "They often hit you?"    


Pei Shangyu pursed his lips and did not say anything.    


Gong Moyi's eyes fell on Pei Shangyu's arm and said, "I saw it. There are new and old injuries."    


Pei Shangyu's face froze.    


Ever since he went to the Hee Family during the New Year, his life had never stopped.    


He had heard from one of the young men that the old master of the Hee Family had heard about the fortune teller. He said that he had to give a small portion of the money to a man with another surname in order to help the Hee Family avoid disaster.    


And Pei Shangyu was that man with a different surname.    


Why would the other direct descendants of the Hee Family be happy? Therefore, Pei Shangyu became a thorn in their side.    


Today, Pei Shangyu was in class. The teacher said that his mother and uncle came to pick him up. There was something going on at home.    


When he came out, he saw his mother and young master He's younger brother, which was his second uncle in name. However, they had also brought a few youths with them.    


After that, his mother and second uncle received a call and left. They told him to return to the Hee Family with his brothers because old man He had asked him to come over for a meal.    


However, as soon as his mother and Second Uncle left, he was surrounded by a few youths. They chased him all the way to the entrance of a small town in Jin City. After that, Gong Moyi saw the scene.    


The scar was opened by someone. Pei Shangyu did not speak. His face was as cold as ever.    


Gong Moyi took out a bottle from her pocket and handed it to him.    


There was a cunning look in her eyes. "Do you want to know its effects? Next time you see someone who bullies you, just sprinkle a little bit on them. "    


Pei Shangyu took it hesitantly, his eyes filled with confusion.    


Gong Moyi explained, "You are my first patient. I will buy it after I sell it."    


"Thank you." Pei Shangyu still repeated this sentence.    


"You're welcome." Gong Moyi said and asked Uncle Wang to help Pei Shangyu up. She then reached out to touch Pei Shangyu's body.    


The boy suddenly tensed up and anger gradually gathered in his eyes.    


Gong Moyi found it funny, as if she saw a stray dog baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.    


She quickly finished checking and said, "Other places are not injured, and there are no broken ribs or anything. You can stop going to the hospital."    


After saying that, she looked up and said to Uncle Wang, "Uncle Wang, let's call a taxi and take him home!"    


Just like that, Gong Moyi walked beside Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang carried Pei Shangyu and the three of them got into a taxi together.    


On the roadside, the bodyguard asked the boy who had been looking at them and did not move, "Young Master, are we going back now?"    


Beiming Yumo watched the taxi drive out of his sight before he turned around and straightened his back. "Go home."    


Gong Moyi and Uncle Wang brought Pei Shangyu to Ms Pei's villa and pressed the doorbell.    


Pei Shangyu could walk by himself now. He wiped the blood off his face, but the wound on the corner of his mouth was still obvious.    


He quickly tidied himself up. After making sure that there was nothing else, he stood up straight.    


Very soon, Chiang Xiaoxi came over to open the door.    


When she saw Pei Shangyu and the two behind him, one big and one small, Chiang Xiaoxi was a little puzzled. "Who are the two of you?"    


"Let's take little brother home." Gong Moyi said.    


Old Wang smiled honestly. "I just saw this child being bullied by a few children..."    


Chiang Xiaoxi immediately became nervous, "Shangyu, what's wrong?"    


As she spoke, she bent over to take a closer look. Her expression changed. "How did you get hurt? Shangyu, you... Mom called me and said that she would pick you up and bring you to your grandfather's place..."    


Pei Shangyu did not say anything. He avoided Chiang Xiaoxi and went straight to his room.    


He was not used to being cared about so much. It was as if his scab wound had been torn open again.    


Chiang Yubai, who was doing her homework in her room, heard the noise and quickly ran out. "Mr Shangyu, mom said you were hurt?"    


At the door, Gong Moyi pulled Chiang Xiaoxi's clothes and gently pulled them.    


Chiang Xiaoxi understood and bent over to make her and Gong Moyi's line of sight parallel.    


"Little brother was beaten up by a few children and they called him a bastard. He should know him and had beaten him more than once." Gong Moyi whispered, "Auntie, My father said that boys have pride. If you don't want others to see him get hurt, pretend not to know. But you just need to protect him! "    


Chiang Xiaoxi was stunned. She looked at the little girl in front of her and felt a warmth in her heart. "Okay, Auntie knows. What's your name?"    


"My name is Guan Moyi." Gong Moyi raised the corner of her lips," Little brother is the first patient I treat, I will return! "    


Chiang Xiaoxi felt that the girl in front of her was even more amiable and cute, so she said, "Then when Auntie comes over to visit, Auntie will give you a call?"    


Gong Moyi nodded, "Okay!"    


She took her phone and wrote down the number, then waved at Chiang Xiaoxi and said goodbye.    


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