Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C911 Change Calm down

C911 Change Calm down

Gong Moyi was a little confused about Xiyan Yi's phone call, but she quickly recovered her thoughts and continued to read the introduction on Country L.    


Country L was a backward country in the Third World. There were conflicts all year round, but the capital had always been relatively safe.    


Especially the plaza near the airport, it could be considered the culmination of that land culture.    


Gong Moyi had finished studying the map and was ready to board the plane.    


They flew all the way and after about six hours, the plane landed at the capital airport of Country L.    


After Gong Moyi filled in the application form for entry and exit, she passed the checkpoint and came out of the airport.    


The weather here was not cold. She had already shipped her coat and only carried a small bag with water and some change as she walked on the land of L Nation.    


Gong Moyi called a car by the roadside and looked out the window. She used her phone to take pictures.    


The official language here was not English, but the driver knew some English, so the basic communication was not blocked.    


When they reached the destination, Gong Moyi paid and took a few photos that she was very satisfied with. Just as she sent them to the social platform, she heard an explosion in the distance.    


She was shocked and almost immediately, her gaze swept over a relatively safe place.    


However, Gong Moyi did not think that everything would change so quickly.    


From the first explosion to the concentrated gunfire behind, it was only a short dozen seconds. The entire city was in a state of panic because of this sudden change.    


Many tourists ran around in fear and were hit by bullets that flew out of nowhere.    


Seeing that someone had been hit, the others were even more panicked. They were like headless flies, fleeing in all directions.    


But at this moment, another huge explosion sounded. It was at the residential area, and it was clearly in the opposite direction from the place where the explosion had just occurred.    


Gong Moyi's heart shivered. She realized the severity of the situation. The fallout shelter that she just found might not work at all.    


She listened carefully. There was no sound of fighter in the sky, so the ones sent out this time should only be the local thugs on the ground. Then, the only thing that could be done was not to run, but to stop.    


She chose a position and quickly fell to the ground, trying her best to lie down with the people she swept.    


Because they were too close, she could even smell the stench of blood on the other person's body.    


Sure enough, not long after she fell, a gunfight broke out on both sides of the street.    


Both sides of the gunfight were firing at full force, and innocent people were constantly being swept up. Miserable screams could be heard incessantly.    


Gong Moyi was in the middle of the square. There were stone platforms on all three sides of her body, and on the other side, there were already civilians covered in blood.    


She did not move. Her eyes followed the hair that covered her face and kept looking for an opportunity.    


At this time, it seemed that one side had already started to retreat. Because after the sudden explosion of gunfire, it became relatively silent. There was another explosion in another direction.    


Gong Moyi still did not move to observe, but the sudden change made her face as white as paper.    


Because she was leaning against the ground, she could clearly hear the vibration of the ground. It was clearly the sound of many people stepping over.    


And the footsteps were heavy, obviously wearing military boots.    


If these people were from the local government, it would be fine, but if they were militants, then it would be troublesome.    


But in reality, good things did not come with bad things. When Gong Moyi saw the clothes of those people, her heart turned cold.    


She had just quietly switched her phone to silent mode and informed the police on the social media platform that had not been closed yet. She originally wanted to make a call, but it was clearly too late.    


Everything happened in just a few minutes. Then, someone started cleaning up the scene.    


The person who was hit by the machine gun was lifted up and thrown into the car, regardless of whether he lived or died.    


Gong Moyi tried to relax her body. When she was lifted up and thrown into the car, she still almost vomited because of the smell of blood.    


She tried her best to hold back until she was carried away by someone. She did not know where she was pulled to.    


The sky gradually turned dark and the car drove out of the capital city. The road was not flat and there were still people who had not died in the car who woke up from the bumpy ride. They opened their eyes and screamed in fear.    


Under the dim light, the sound penetrated through the air, causing the driver to suddenly step on the brakes.    


The militant in the passenger seat jumped down and came to the back of the pickup truck. He raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at the man's head.    


With a clear gunshot, the man's voice was half heard and he stopped breathing.    


After the militant fired, he aimed at the other people in the truck and prepared to shoot.    


If he wasn't completely dead, it would be best to shoot again to avoid being annoying.    


Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a slender figure suddenly jumped out and nimbly moved behind him.    


The man was shocked and instinctively wanted to use the butt of the gun to hit him.    


But at that moment, a hard thing pressed against the back of his heart. According to the feeling, it should be a gun. He heard Gong Moyi speak in English. "If you move again, I will shoot."    


The man did not dare to move.    


Gong Moyi said again, "Put down your gun."    


The man hesitated slightly and put down the gun.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi threw away the glass bottle in her hand and quickly picked up the gun that he put down. She jumped back and directly shot at his head.    


After the shot, the man's head exploded.    


At this time, the militant driving in front noticed that something was wrong and got out of the car with a gun.    


However, the moment he got off the car, a bullet went straight through his temple.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi was covered in cold sweat from fear.    


F * ck, everyone guess, was it Father Ye who came to save Moyi, or was it Mr Cheng?    


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