Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C915 If You Die Then so be It What Are You Afraid Of?

C915 If You Die Then so be It What Are You Afraid Of?

Gong Moyi had no time to care about the distance between her and the man. She was shocked by the man's words.    


She turned her eyes and asked him: "You taught me how to fly a plane?"    


After saying that, she subconsciously shook her head. "I don't know how to drive a plane, and you can't see it. This is a plane, not a car. We will die!"    


"If we die, then so be it." His tone was calm, as if he was saying something unimportant.    


Gong Moyi felt the blood in her heart tremble and immediately felt relieved, "Alright, teach me."    


The man asked directly, "Have you studied the instruments?"    


Fortunately, Gong Moyi had learned theory when she was in school and Gong Lingye had given her a lot of information about this model of fighter aircraft, so she knew about the instruments.    


She nodded and did not say anything unnecessary. She said concisely, "How do we operate it?"    


The man said, "Prepare to start and enter automatic cruise mode. Activate the radar to avoid being hit by the enemy's artillery fire."    


He still had his eyes closed as he quickly asked, "Do you see the red activation button? Press it first, then the green one... Pay attention to the instruments at all times, when it reaches critical value, prepare to pull up..."    


"Okay." Gong Moyi agreed.    


At this moment, the other party's bullets had already landed on the fighter jet.    


She did not have any time to adapt or give herself time to adjust her heart. She followed the man's words and directly started the combat aircraft.    


After the green button was pressed, the fighter jet's engine started to operate. Then, it started to move forward at full speed.    


The time needed to start the plane was very short, and the conditions on the ground were also very low, so it reached the critical point in a few seconds.    


Gong Moyi stretched out her hand to pull the engine, and only after pulling did she realize that it could not be pulled.    


She anxiously said, "I can't pull it!"    


In the next second, the man's hand directly reached over and covered the back of her hand.    


Then, he brought her hand to pull the engine. His voice fell beside her ears. In the sealed space, it drilled straight into her ears. "Little Moyi, pay attention to the instruments at all times."    


Gong Moyi replied, and felt that the plane had already risen.    


This kind of feeling, when she sat on all the planes, was always there. But at this moment, the feeling was more profound than any other time.    


Because at this moment, she was sitting in the cockpit.    


The man's palm was still on the back of her hand. Perhaps because he had been holding a gun or training for a long time, there was an obvious cocoon on his palm. His palm was wide and warm, completely enveloping her and the engine shaft.    


The plane had already entered cruise mode, and its height was also constantly climbing.    


The man beside her said again, "Pay attention to whether they have gunners or not."    


Gong Moyi forced herself to calm down and use the radar function on the plane. After avoiding all the bullets, she indeed saw the cannonballs that were rushing towards them.    


"Yes!" She exclaimed.    


"Don't panic. Use your positioning to lock onto the opponent's trajectory." As the man spoke, he moved closer to Gong Moyi. He fumbled around on the instrument panel and pointed at a button. "Here."    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Okay."    


She started to lock onto the trajectory of the cannonball. Then, she controlled the airplane's automatic cruise to avoid the trajectory of the cannonball.    


"Wait." The man suddenly opened his mouth.    


Following his words, Gong Moyi only saw a few more cannonballs below.    


"We don't have extra oxygen, so we can't fly high." The man quickly explained, "Hold on tight."    


After saying that, he suddenly pulled the engine and said, "Enter manual mode, drop the bomb."    


Gong Moyi's heart shook violently. The moment the man dived down, she locked onto the target on the ground and directly shot the bomb.    


The bomb flew out from the abdomen of the fighter and directly flew towards the target. At the same time, Gong Moyi felt the strength of the man's hand holding hers suddenly tighten.    


Immediately following that, a strong sense of pushing came over. In that instant, Gong Moyi's brain actually went blank for a moment.    


Then, a huge explosion came from below, and their plane soared into the sky in flames.    


Her brain went blank for a short while before returning to normal. She saw that the sun had risen at some point in time, and their plane flew up against the sun, dancing on the plane's head.    


Gong Moyi could not help but turn her head and look at the man beside her.    


They were too close. Only at this moment did she feel that her legs were tightly pressed against his. Separated by the clothing, she could feel the warmth of the man's body and his strong leg muscles.    


Half of her body was also in his arms. His arms were wide and wide, but they were also hard and full of dangerous hormones.    


It was just that his eyes were closed, so his originally aggressive aura seemed to be much more restrained.    


He seemed to know that the crisis had been resolved, so he seemed to relax a little. He raised his head, his figure was firm, and his Adam's apple pulled his neck into a beautiful arc.    


Gong Moyi could not help but ask, "How do you know that there is a problem with their cannons?"    


"Intuition." He lightly spat out two words and as he spoke, his Adam's apple rolled.    


Gong Moyi asked, "How are your eyes?"    


"It's fine, I can't be blind." His tone was gentle. "Drive properly, don't be nervous."    


Gong Moyi thought for a while, "Then where are we going now?"    


"Open the call." Just as the man said that, Gong Moyi heard the communication device on the plane ring.    


She turned on the conversation and a familiar male voice was heard. It was Gong Lingye. "HJ1290, have you found the target?"    


Gong Moyi heard Gong Lingye's voice and only then did she know that she felt her nose turn sour. She said, "Dad!"    


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