Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C916 The Blue Sky Was Full of Ambition

C916 The Blue Sky Was Full of Ambition

When Gong Lingye heard his daughter's voice, his tensed heart finally relaxed. He said anxiously, "Moyi, how are you?"    


"I'm in the fighter plane. I'm fine, but the one who saved me... Brother's eyes were poisoned and need treatment." Gong Moyi said.    


"Okay, I will start to share the positions. You come and join us immediately." Gong Lingye said.    


Soon, Gong Moyi followed the location Gong Lingye had sent her and started the autopilot mode.    


The flight of the aircraft became slow. In this small country, it would be very soon to arrive with a fighter aircraft between the two locations.    


Ten minutes later, she met up with Gong Lingye's plane. At the same time, the other four fighter jets also met up with the same destination.    


The fighter jets drew a beautiful arc in the air. Only at this moment did Gong Moyi feel the excitement that came later.    


The first time she flew a plane, it was actually not a school's training plane. Instead, in a foreign country, under the guidance of an older brother, the plane flew into the blue sky!    


However, she also knew that she was only using simple operations. She actually did not know many functions of a fighter aircraft.    


And it was clear that everything at this moment proved her thoughts.    


Because Gong Lingye had already led the other aircraft and started bombarding the terrifying weapons on the ground.    


Smoke and smoke filled their field of vision. As the fighter jets flew across the sky, bullets kept falling. Then, the militants below were eliminated without any resistance.    


After the bombing ended, the fighter jets continued to fly toward their next target. The blue sky had a long tail, and the six fighter jets were arrogant and powerful. They were like ambitious men in the sky.    


A word suddenly popped up in Gong Moyi's mind, so she asked, "Dad, are we clearing the place now?"    


Gong Lingye curled his lips and said, "Yes."    


Gong Moyi felt that she could not fall behind, so she quickly followed and threw the bomb.    


Just now, she had learned a little and realized that she could use it now. When she was excited that she had also successfully shot the bomb, she turned her eyes and saw that there was something wrong with the man beside her.    


Shocked, she stretched out her hand to take his pulse.    


Only when she pulled out her hand did she realize that his hand was still on the back of her hand.    


She pulled it out, and her fingertips landed on his wrist.    


After a moment, Gong Moyi's expression changed and she said to Gong Lingye, "Father, the condition of my brother who saved me is very bad. I can't wait anymore. I have to go and treat him immediately."    


Gong Lingye immediately said, "I will send a fighter jet to take you to the capital. You guys leave the country first. I will meet up with you guys later."    


"Alright." Gong Moyi replied.    


Gong Lingye had promised the local government that he would suppress the situation. In addition, he needed to stay and deal with the aftermath with Country L, so he could not leave.    


Hence, Gong Moyi followed a fighter jet and flew towards the capital.    


Seeing that they were getting closer, she suddenly realized a very serious problem: she would not land!    


She turned her head and called the man beside her, "Brother?"    


He didn't respond, as if he had fallen unconscious.    


Gong Moyi was anxious. She took a deep breath and pressed a few of his acupuncture points.    


A moment later, the man woke up. He still had his eyes closed. "Where are we?"    


His voice was hoarse and somewhat dull.    


"We'll land immediately, I won't." Gong Moyi quickly said.    


"Okay, tell me when we reach the critical point. Tell me the height and speed. I'll control the operation." He forced himself to wake up.    


"We're here!" Gong Moyi quickly read the numbers on the meter.    


Then, the man operated the engine again.    


In front, the fighter jet leading the way had successfully landed, and the fighter jet Gong Moyi was in also landed smoothly under the man's control.    


When the wheels rubbed against the ground and shook, Gong Moyi's heart, which had been hanging on, finally fell.    


And beside her, the man's hand also slid down from the control lever.    


Gong Moyi was even more worried. Almost at the moment the plane stopped, she immediately opened the cabin door and jumped down.    


The pilot in front had already ran over and said: "Mr. Gong said we will bring him out of the country immediately!"    


Gong Moyi nodded. She understood Gong Lingye's arrangement.    


Because it involved the rights to airspace and other rights. So in the end, someone had to clean up the mess.    


Gong Lingye sent a pilot to follow Gong Moyi. He wanted her and this pilot to send a man to another country for medical purposes.    


So Gong Moyi quickly helped the pilot who had just arrived to the back seat.    


The back seat was still single. She could only squeeze into the man's arms again.    


But at this moment, she could no longer care about anything else. Thus, the fighter aircraft soared into the sky once again and headed straight for Country F.    


Country F had a specialized treatment team. Over the years, everything in the base had matured.    


If they went to other countries, they would also need to apply for a flight route, and they wouldn't have time at all.    


Because the pilot of the previous plane, Little Zhao, had brought an extra oxygen mask, they were able to fly ten thousand meters into the sky this time, and their speed could also be accelerated to the maximum.    


Three hours later, the plane landed in Country F.    


The man was sent to the emergency room.    


Gong Moyi stood outside the emergency room and turned to ask the person in charge. "Is that pilot brother Xiyan Cheng?"    


Actually, when she first saw him on the ground, she was suspicious. Just now on the plane, she was almost certain.    


Ten years of not seeing each other. His facial features actually did not change much from when he was a teenager. It was just that the originally gentle curvature was replaced by sharpness, fading away. His inexperience was gone, and he became more mature.    


His skin had also changed to a wheat-colored color due to long-term training. His shoulders had become wider, and his voice had changed. However, that familiar feeling did not change in the slightest.    


She knew that it was him, and even that day at the mound, it should also be him.    


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