Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C936 A Gift for a Girlfriend?

C936 A Gift for a Girlfriend?

Gong Moyi continued to fly the plane until she finally found a pilot. Only then did she have the craving to parachute.    


She casually took a picture and posted it on her WeChat Moments. Many people gave her a thumbs-up, but there was no Xiyan Cheng in it.    


She knew that they had a mission, so they would probably have to turn in their phones again.    


That afternoon, Beiming Yumo and his sister were called back by Beiming Shen.    


When they got home, Beiming Yumo went to the family's affiliated hospital for a brain examination.    


After confirming that there was no problem, he also heaved a sigh of relief.    


When he came out, Beiming Shen asked, "Yumo, I heard that you made a mistake when you landed last time. Why? Your operation has always been very stable. "    


Beiming Yumo slightly turned his eyes and only said," At that time, I might have been nervous. "    


Beiming Shen patted his son's shoulder. "You should be more calm in the future. After all, flying is not like driving a car. Sometimes, a small mistake will lead to unpredictable consequences."    


"Okay, Dad," Wang Yao said. Beiming Yumo nodded.    


After he returned to his room, he opened the drawer and took out a card.    


That card was the profit he earned from participating in a project. Although it was not much, only seventy to eighty thousand, it was all earned by himself.    


This card was not bound to any online banks. He thought that it would not be used for a long time, but now he took it out.    


It was already dark. Beiming Yumo ate dinner and said to his father, "Dad, I will go out for a while."    


His son was already seventeen years old. And he was not a playboy either. Therefore, Beiming Shen respected him and didn't ask where he was going.    


He just nodded. "En, come back early."    


Beiming Yumo drove a car by himself and set off from his family, heading straight to the center of Jin City.    


He found a place to park the car, walked down, and first went to a shopping mall on the pedestrian street.    


The first floor was full of jewelry and jewelry. As soon as Beiming Yumo walked in, a sales lady greeted him.    


After all, he was dressed in bright clothes and had a noble temperament. Although he was young, he looked like a son of a rich family.    


Beiming Yumo came to the front of the counter and swept his gaze over the jewelry on it one by one.    


The sales lady saw that he was looking at it seriously, so she said passionately, "Is the handsome guy going to buy it to send his elders or his girlfriend?"    


Beiming Yumo said, "He's the same age as me."    


The salesgirl was a smart person, so she immediately understood. "Oh, a girl? The bracelets and pendants here are suitable for young girls."    


After saying that, she took out a few plates and said, "Look, how about this pendant? There are words engraved on it"    


"And this bracelet, it's very suitable for girls with white skin" As the shopping guide spoke, she pointed at one of the bracelets: "And this is the work of our headquarters' designers, there are only ten of them in the entire country."    


Beiming Yumo looked over. It was a platinum bracelet. The bracelet was thin, but there was a tassel at the end of the bracelet. There was a little white angel on it.    


He asked, "Can I wear this wrist no matter how thin it is?"    


The salesgirl quickly nodded. "Yes. Do you see these rings on it? They are based on the thickness of the wrist. The wrist is fine as long as it is bent backward. They are all flexible. "    


Beiming Yumo picked them up and looked at them carefully. He could not help but wonder what Gong Moyi would look like after she wore the bracelet on her wrist.    


He said, "Okay, wrap it up."    


The salesgirl hurriedly nodded and asked, "Do you still want to look at other things?"    


Beiming Yumo wanted to say that there was no need. After all, if the consultation fee was too much, she might not accept it. But after a moment, he thought of Chiang Xiaoxi again, so he said, "I want to pick a pendant for my mother."    


"Okay, this place is suitable for your mother's age." As the shopping guide spoke, he took another tray.    


Thus, Beiming Yumo chose another pendant before paying together.    


He carried two gift bags and waited for the driver to drive home. He deliberately put the gift bags that he wanted to give to Gong Moyi in the pocket of his jacket.    


So Beiming Yubai only saw her own brother carrying a bag. She looked over curiously and asked, "Brother, why did you go to buy jewelry?"    


"It's for mom. It's her birthday in a few days." Beiming Yumo said calmly.    


Beiming Yubai nodded. "Yes, I haven't bought any gifts yet. I've been thinking about learning how to make cakes these few days! Ah, brother, why didn't you remind me?"    


Beiming Yumo ignored his sister's muttering and went to his own room on the second floor.    


He was in his third year of high school this year. The pressure of his studies was greater than any other time. That was why he usually did questions at home at night.    


But halfway through his work today, he suddenly thought of something. He got up and went to his jacket pocket to take out the jewelry box.    


The slender bracelet lay quietly in the black golden velvet. Under the light, the platinum material shone with a sense of texture.    


He took the bracelet off and looked at it for a long time. Then, he carefully put it back and put the jewelry box back into his pocket.    


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