Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C932 Why Are You so Obedient?

C932 Why Are You so Obedient?

The next day, Gong Moyi went to see Xiyan Cheng again in the morning. As soon as she came out of his room, she heard people from the base say that there were locals outside looking for her.    


Gong Moyi went downstairs and saw the woman in the desert.    


When she saw Gong Moyi, she immediately gestured and pointed at her shoulder.    


Gong Moyi nodded and took her for treatment. When the treatment was over, she found another translator and told the woman that she went to the medical team a few days ago.    


The woman, on the other hand, stuffed her backpack into Gong Moyi's hands and started to gesticulate again.    


The translator told Gong Moyi, "Miss, she said she is very grateful to you and also to our soldiers at the front line. Her bag is a gift they prepared and you must take it."    


Gong Moyi knew that the other party was very poor, but she also understood that this was the other party's sincere heart, so she nodded and accepted it.    


She sent the woman away and made an appointment with her to continue the treatment the day after tomorrow. Only then did she get up and go to Xiyan Cheng's room upstairs.    


She opened the bag and told him that it was a gift. When she looked at it, she found that it was a few pieces of cake.    


It should be a piece of cake made from local crops. It was roasted and had two yellow sides. It smelled a little good.    


Gong Moyi had never been pampered, so she directly took off a piece and tasted it.    


"It's quite fragrant. It tastes a little coarse compared to coarse grain, but there is a kind of fragrance inside." Gong Moyi said and handed a big piece to Xiyan Cheng. "Try it."    


Xiyan Cheng ate the rest of it with her hand. His tone was natural. "Yes, it smells good."    


Gong Moyi looked at the intact pancake in her other hand and then looked at Xiyan Cheng. She was a little upset. "Why did you..."    


"I ate the wrong one." Xiyan Cheng said, but it was not like he really bit the wrong one. He said, "Then give me another one."    


Gong Moyi put the intact piece in his left hand. When Xiyan Cheng put it in his mouth and took a bite, she reached out again and broke a small piece where he had not touched before and put it into her mouth.    


She raised her eyebrows complacently. "I took back one piece. It's fair."    


Xiyan Cheng smiled and suddenly frowned.    


Gong Moyi could not help but ask, "Mr Cheng, what's wrong?"    


"My back suddenly itched." He said that he had to go enough, but he could not move one hand and the other hand was holding the pancake. It looked very difficult.    


Gong Moyi stood up, "Where?"    


Xiyan Cheng sat up straight and leaned slightly to expose his back. "The spine is to the right, the middle of the back."    


Gong Moyi stretched out her hand to help him scratch.    


He looked at her hair that was hanging down and relaxed. He asked, "Little Moyi, why are you so obedient?"    


Gong Moyi's hand stopped and there was some anger in her eyes.    


Xiyan Cheng looked at her with a smile in his eyes. "You are so obedient."    


He was so obedient that he wanted to hide her.    


She began to ignore him, but after a while, she still spoke: "I'm going to J Country in a few days. I'm going there to celebrate the new year."    


Xiyan Cheng looked up. "Yes."    


Then he said, "When you return to T City, I will find you when I have time."    


"Okay." After Gong Moyi said that, she seemed to suddenly remember something and asked, "That aerial exercise, was it you who made the counselor choose me?"    


Xiyan Cheng nodded and looked at her. "I want to know how old the little girl was."    


Then he said, "Tomorrow I will be able to disassemble the line. It is time to return to the army the day after tomorrow."    


"Yes." Gong Moyi nodded. "If you have time to play in the future, can you call me by my name?"    


"Okay." Xiyan Cheng deserved to be straightforward.    


A few days after Xiyan Cheng left the base, Gong Moyi finished treating the woman for the last time. She also flew to Jin City with Gong Lingye and Gong Mochen.    


When the three of them arrived at the Shangguan Family, Soong Yiren and Helian Qing had also arrived with the other children.    


Gong Moxiu was already very tall. He was seventeen years old and had perfectly inherited Gong Lingye's figure and appearance, as well as his cold and restrained temperament. He had also inherited seventy to eighty percent of it.    


However, he was still young, and his shoulders were still a little thin. There was still a bit of immaturity on his face, and he lacked the settling of the years.    


Although Gong Moxuan was about the same age as his big brother, his personality was the complete opposite.    


From afar, he saw Gong Moyi coming over and waved at her. "Moyi, let's go. Big Brother will take you for a ride!"    


Finishing, he opened the car door and Gong Moyi saw Gong Suhe and Gong Qingmo sitting inside.    


When Gong Suhe saw Gong Moyi, her eyes also lit up and shouted, "Aunt!"    


Gong Qingmo was a few years younger than them and at this moment, the youth's face was filled with youth and his big eyes were moist. He also shouted at Gong Moyi, "Aunt, let's take uncle's car and go for a ride together! uncle also said, take me f * cking parachute!"    


Gong Moyi also could not bear to let go of their intentions, so she opened the car door and went up, "Okay, let's go!"    


Gong Moxuan was very satisfied with his little sister's support and drove the car beautifully.    


Oh, tomorrow the man will appear! Guess who ~    


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