Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C948 This Time It's Because I Have No Experience

C948 This Time It's Because I Have No Experience

Beiming Yubai's heart skipped a beat. She knew Pei Shangyu. He was the kind of person who would never speak his mind, but at this moment, he was showing her his heart.    


Although her whole body was sore and uncomfortable, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise.    


After taking a shower, Beiming Yubai felt a little embarrassed to go back to the bedroom.    


Outside, Pei Shangyu took her phone and said, "With Bai, Auntie called you several times."    


Beiming Yubai quickly wrapped herself in a towel and came out of the bathroom. She did not even dare to look at Pei Shangyu. She took the phone and called Chiang Xiaoxi.    


Pei Shangyu saw her pink face and the white pair on the outside of the towel. His legs felt tight in his throat.    


He forced himself to look away. He stood up and walked outside, leaving the space for Beiming Yubai.    


In the bedroom, Beiming Yubai explained that she did not hear him clearly on the way. She also said that she would immediately go home, Yunyun. Her face had already turned red like an apple.    


She was actually together with Pei Shangyu just like that. She looked at the prickly red on the bed sheet and felt that her heart was going crazy again.    


In the study next door, Pei Shangyu picked up the documents on the table and checked them over and over again. Only then did he sign on it.    


It was a will. The person who made the will was him, and the beneficiary was Beiming Yubai.    


He knew that although her family was in good condition and did not need his share, he felt that he should give everything he could to her.    


The matter that day was too dangerous. He had given her an alarm. In the future, when he and her were in the same university, those people would definitely look for opportunities.    


Although she had hired bodyguards at home, there was indeed no foolproof thing in this world. He could not take risks with her.    


Just as Pei Shangyu was deep in thought, footsteps sounded from outside.    


He hurriedly put the document in the drawer and prepared to find a lawyer to notarize it the next morning.    


Pei Shangyu got up and saw that Beiming Yubai had already changed her clothes. She was still shy to the point that she did not dare to look at him and only said in a low voice: "Mom told me to go home."    


"Yes, I'll take you." After Pei Shangyu said that, he took the car keys and left with Beiming Yubai.    


He did a project a few months ago. He had a surplus and bought a car. He also had a small savings.    


Although the car was ordinary, the savings were not much. However, this was a good start.    


On the way, Pei Shangyu used his left hand to drive the car and his right hand kept holding Beiming Yubai's hand in his palm.    


Beiming Yubai felt it was sweet. From time to time, she would sneak a glance at Pei Shangyu and then immediately look away.    


When he arrived at her house, he parked the car and looked at her in the passenger seat. His eyes were filled with reluctance.    


The two of them were already in a relationship, and now that they had broken through that boundary, they wished they could stick together at all times.    


He said: "And Bai, I'll call you tomorrow to pick you up"    


Beiming Yubai said, "Where are we going?"    


"I haven't thought about it yet." Pei Shangyu answered truthfully.    


Then he added: "Why don't you go to my house? We can take a look at the fitness equipment."    


Beiming Yubai thought of something and blushed again.    


Pei Shangyu saw it and could not help but reach out and hold her in his arms. He kissed her again and said, " With Bai, I went back on my word. I can't wait for you to graduate. I want you to marry me when you reach the age where you can get your certificate. "    


Beiming Yubai's heart pounded and she snorted.    


Pei Shangyu felt that she was cute. He hugged her and kissed her for a long time. It was only when he felt that he could not control himself that he let her go. "Good boy, let's go home. See you tomorrow!"    


Beiming Yubai nodded. "Mr Shangyu, good night."    


"Good night."    


Beiming Yubai opened the car door and ran away like a little rabbit. On the seat, Pei Shangyu's eyes were filled with gentleness.    


Beiming Yubai ran home. Her face was still very hot.    


Fortunately, she did not meet anyone along the way. She had already returned to her room.    


The scenes of what happened with Pei Shangyu in the villa today kept replaying in her mind. She was happy, shy, nervous, and expectant.    


At this moment, her phone rang.    


She picked it up and saw that it was Pei Shangyu.    


As he drove, he used the car to drive Bluetooth to talk to her. "Shibai, have you entered the house?"    


"Yes, I have entered the house." Beiming Yubai did not expect Pei Shangyu to call her again. The moment she picked up, she realized that she really missed him.    


"Does it still hurt?" He asked again.    


She immediately wished she could get under the blanket.    


He didn't hear her answer. He knew that the girl was shy, so he said: "It's because I'm inexperienced this time. If I don't control it well, it won't hurt next time."    


Beiming Yubai's whole body was burning. She was a little angry. "Mr Shangyu, you are bad!"    


There seemed to be a man's low laughter coming from the other side. Then he said, "You are tired today. You should rest early at night."    


Beiming Yubai heard 'tired' and felt embarrassed again. She replied, "Yes."    


He did not hang up. The two of them just listened to each other's breathing like it was not enough.    


After a long time, Beiming Yubai heard Pei Shangyu say, "I really want to start school soon."    


She understood that after school started, they could be together every day.    


And at night...    


Thinking of this, she hurriedly shouted at herself, "Stop! Stop! Don't think about it! "    


Finally, when Pei Shangyu arrived at the villa district and was about to get off the car, the two ended the call.    


Beiming Yubai had already taken a shower and did not need to take another shower. She laid on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.    


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