Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C943 I'll Give You a Complete Home

C943 I'll Give You a Complete Home

After a long time, Pei Shangyu finally let go of Beiming Yubai.    


Their foreheads were pressed against each other, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Stay with Bai and me. When I graduate from college, I will give you a complete home."    


That complete home was for her, and also for him.    


Although he had this villa, and even two years ago, Ms Pei directly transferred the villa under his name in order to express that she was not heartless and heartless.    


However, he only had a house and not a home.    


As for Beiming Yubai, although her parents loved her very much, But her home was not absolutely complete either.    


A few years ago, Chiang Xiaoxi and her colleagues were together.    


That colleague was very good to Chiang Xiaoxi. Many years ago, Chiang Xiaoxi had just come to Jin City to be a part-timer on the internet.    


Although Chiang Xiaoxi did not want to get married because of Beiming Yubai, Beiming Yubai gradually grew up and hoped that her mother would have a good home.    


It was she who took the initiative to make an appointment with that uncle and mother and told them everything.    


After Chiang Xiaoxi and that uncle were together, that uncle also treated Beiming Yubai very well and did not even want to make her sad. He also did not let Chiang Xiaoxi have children again and just said that he treated Bai as his own daughter.    


Beiming Shen had these few years. Even though Beiming Shen was not married all these years, he had a woman by his side. It was just that the position of the family head's wife was not something that everyone could do.    


Chiang Xiaoxi's birth status was destined to not be able to do so. No matter who the other families chose, the benefits would not be maximized, so it was better to be empty.    


However, it could not be denied that both Beiming Shen and Chiang Xiaoxi gave the two children 100% love.    


Beiming Yubai and Beiming Yumo did not have any extreme or gloomy personalities over the years. They grew up under the care of their parents, but they were still not perfect enough.    


Pei Shangyu thought, he wanted to perfect Beiming Yubai and their future children to make up for the kind of perfection they did not have.    


At this moment, when Beiming Yubai heard Pei Shangyu's words, her heart violently shook. Large beads of tears fell down. It was hard to say whether she was happy or bitter.    


She understood what he meant.    


Pei Shangyu pressed her into his embrace and said in a somewhat vile manner: "This is my first time confessing. I can't not agree to it, understand?"    


Beiming Yubai slowly reached out her hand and gently placed it on his waist.    


He felt that he was almost twenty years old. His body tensed up. Immediately, Beiming Yubai softly said, "Alright, Mr Shangyu."    


In fact, since he was 16 years old, he had treated her differently.    


Although his personality was still not sunny, he was much better than when he was young.    


They went to school together. He took her to skip classes and fought for her. They experienced rebellious youth together. Although some relationships were not broken, those who were in them could still feel the sweetness and sourness.    


She also had some personal gains and losses, especially when she heard that many girls in university were more active. Beiming Yubai was afraid that Pei Shangyu would fall in love with someone.    


After all, she was still in high school. Even if she did enter his school, it would still take two years.    


But at this moment, all the drifting seemed to have found a place to park. Beiming Yubai felt sweet and could not help but smile.    


Pei Shangyu felt that the girl in his arms was not crying anymore, so he let go of her and carried her to the sofa. He stretched out his arm and held her in his arms.    


The two of them turned on the television to watch, but no one saw what they were talking about.    


Until evening, Beiming Yubai received a call from Chiang Xiaoxi. She could only say, "Mr Shangyu, I have to go back in a while."    


Pei Shangyu nodded and locked his eyes on her. "Let's kiss for a while more."    


After saying that, he held her again and started to kiss.    


Her center of gravity was unstable and she was pressed onto the sofa by him. Her young body was always very agile. Feeling it, Pei Shangyu let go of Beiming Yubai before he lost control of himself.    


She was still a little stunned. She did not know why he suddenly stopped and then went to the bathroom with some irritation.    


She waited for a while and did not see anyone come out, so she asked at the door, "Mr Shangyu, what happened to you?"    


She barely suppressed her anger just now. When the hot Pei Shangyu heard her, he broke his technique again. He was a little flustered and exasperated. "Don't speak!"    


However, when the girl outside did not say anything, he could not control himself no matter what, to the point that he actually used his hands to deal with her once.    


When he came out again, Pei Shangyu saw Beiming Yubai's depressed look on the sofa, so he went over and asked, "Are you hungry?"    


Beiming Yubai's eyes were red. "Mr Shangyu, why are you so fierce to me?"    


Pei Shangyu did not know how to explain, so he could only say dryly. "I am just angry with myself."    


Beiming Yubai did not answer. "Why?"    


"Don't ask anymore. Anyway, it is my problem." After Pei Shangyu said that, he felt that he needed to go out and enjoy the cold wind.    


He picked up his coat and put it on for Beiming Yubai. He wrapped Beiming Yubai up with a scarf and hat into a small dumpling and said, "I will take you home."    


"Mr Shangyu, will you be lonely at home alone?" Beiming Yubai could not help but ask.    


"Then bring the test paper over and stay at home." Pei Shangyu said.    


Beiming Yubai nodded. "Okay. Next time I look for you, I will bring the simulation question with me."    


Pei Shangyu looked at the girl's round eyes and scolded in his heart, "That's too much. His mother is so cute! Who would stay at home and do nothing? Can you bear it? "    


He put his arm around her shoulder and urged," Let's go. Don't let Auntie wait too long. "    


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