Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1002 Think of His Little Girl in the War Zone

C1002 Think of His Little Girl in the War Zone

Xiyan Cheng tightened his grip on the phone.    


He knew she was crying. His strong little girl's face should be filled with tears at this moment.    


However -    


Xiyan Cheng looked around. His line of sight was filled with ruins. The signal of his phone was sometimes strong and sometimes weak.    


This was the time he stole from her. He was afraid that she would cry alone and no one would listen.    


Gong Moyi had not cried for a long time. At this moment, she could not hold back her tears and kept rolling.    


At the other end of the phone, Xiyan Cheng listened to her breathing and only wanted to rub her into his arms.    


But he could not do anything. He leaned against the dirt and listened to the gunshots in the distance and said in a low voice: "Gong Moyi, I miss you."    


The man's voice was low and magnetic as it slowly entered his ears through the telephone line.    


Gong Moyi stopped crying. The voice was still buzzing. "I miss Second Elder Brother."    


"Yes, I know." Xiyan Cheng said.    


At this time, his comrade whispered something to him in English.    


Gong Moyi heard a few words and took a deep breath. "Mr Cheng, I'm hanging up."    


"Okay." Xiyan Cheng replied.    


Gong Moyi said again, "Be careful."    


"Okay." Xiyan Cheng hung up the phone and put it away.    


The next day, Gong Moyi participated in the exam.    


The examination was very strict, and the written test was very difficult.    


She did not know if it was because she cried yesterday to vent her emotions, but it was rare that she did not dream last night. She slept until dawn.    


At this moment, her mind was empty, and there was a persistent thought guiding her...    


As much as she, Second Elder Brother, needed help at that time, those who had the same situation in the world would also have a higher chance of getting help.    


She had missed it once, and it was a pity that she had missed it once. She didn't want to have any more regrets.    


Gong Moyi finished her exams in the morning. At noon, she had a hot pot with her roommate, Fu Qinyan, in the canteen.    


Fu Qinyan knew about her family matters and also knew about her application to join the army. Although she was reluctant, she still congratulated her, "Moyi, do your best in the afternoon!"    


"Okay." Gong Moyi nodded. She knew that if she passed, the chances of seeing them in the future would be much lower.    


Gong Moyi's performance in the afternoon was perfect, so much so that even the soldier in his 40s was a little surprised. "Are you really only 18 and a half years old?"    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Yes, Colonel."    


"That's right." The other party smiled. "Go back and wait for the notice!"    


Three days later, Gong Moyi officially received the notice.    


When she saw the stamped document, the corners of her lips curled up, but her eyes were somewhat red.    


The students knew that she was leaving and they were all very reluctant, especially the boys in the class who had a crush on her. For a moment, it was as if they received some bad news.    


Before they left, the students booked a KTV for Gong Moyi to practice with.    


The school originally did not allow anyone to casually leave the school during the weekends. However, Xiyan Yi had reported to the instructor that the instructor made an exception once. However, he had warned everyone that they had to return to the school at ten o'clock at night.    


That day, everyone came to the private room in the KTV. They ordered a lot of dishes and snacks and sat together.    


They were all future pilots, with passion, dreams, and futures.    


Everyone ate first and started to sing.    


It was rare for Gong Moyi to relax. When she saw the faces of her classmates who had been together for a year and a half, she could not help but sigh.    


Many things in the past appeared in front of her eyes. When she saw them, she thought of Gong Moxuan, who was the same age as them. She thought of the hot blood of young people.    


She drank with them, sang with them, and vented together.    


In the end, when everyone came out of the karaoke, their faces all turned red, and they were all drunk.    


The boys sent Gong Moyi to the dormitory downstairs. They all knew that she was leaving tomorrow, so they shamelessly said they wanted to hug her.    


If it was any other time, Gong Moyi would not care. But today, she thought of the English sentence on Xiyan Cheng's phone that day.    


Xiyan Cheng's comrade was saying, "The other side will probably attack immediately."    


So, he was actually calling her in the rain of bullets.    


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