Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1010 I Miss Him

C1010 I Miss Him

Lieh Muwan was quietly doing the questions. Gong Moxiu did not go over to disturb her. Instead, he flipped through the books that he had just picked out.    


He felt that there was no more problem. Hence, he put them away and arranged them in an order.    


At this moment, Lieh Muwan was surprised to find that she actually knew all these types of questions.    


This was clearly something she had encountered before, but she would not do it every time she encountered it. The teacher had explained it to her at that time, and she understood it at that time, but she was still blinded the next time.    


Today, after following Gong Moxiu's method, she discovered that the two questions had only changed the way they were described. There was no difficulty in understanding them at all.    


She quickly finished the questions, and as if she was worried, she checked them again.    


Coincidentally, Gong Moxiu turned around and came over with a book. He said lightly, "Ten minutes is up."    


Lieh Muwan met his eyes and was not very confident. "Mr Xiu, I am done. What do you think? "    


Gong Moxiu nodded and sat down to pick up the paper.    


With just one sweep, he saw that she was right, so he said with some relief, "Looks like I have grasped it."    


"I'm all right?" Lieh Muwan was still in disbelief. Her eyes were bright.    


Gong Moxiu nodded.    


After saying that, he handed over the book in his hand. "When you have time. "Yes."    


"Okay." Lieh Muwan nodded.    


Gong Moxiu continued to tell her the rest of the questions.    


Time slowly passed. Before she knew it, Lieh Muwan had already practiced all the types that she did not know.    


She felt enlightened. She felt that since the start of school until now, the fog in her mind seemed to have dispersed quite a bit.    


"Thank you, Mr Xiu!" She sincerely thanked him. "I think I should be able to improve a little next semester."    


Gong Moxiu nodded and casually picked up Lieh Muwan's Language Examination paper at the end of the last semester.    


He looked at the marks and asked, "Why is it so bad? Do you really not understand or what?"    


Lieh Muwan's expression froze.    


Yes, there was no reason for mathematics. She had always been good at language and should not be like this.    


In the room, the air became a little heavy.    


Gong Moxiu's eyes were locked on Lieh Muwan. She had nowhere to hide, so she met his eyes.    


She saw that when Gong Moxiu became serious, he was really different from Gong Moxuan.    


Gong Moxuan liked to laugh and tease her. Sometimes, he was naughty, but it always made her feel happy.    


But Gong Moxiu was too cold. He always gave her the feeling that he was always the snow on the mountain peak, unreachable and unreachable.    


She lowered her eyes.    


"Because of my younger brother?" Gong Moxiu took the initiative to break the stiffness.    


Lieh Muwan looked up. "I -"    


"Are you blaming yourself?" Gong Moxiu asked again.    


Lieh Muwan did not speak.    


She looked at the face that was especially similar to Gong Moxuan's. Finally, under such an oppressive atmosphere, she could not help but cry. "Mr Xiu, I miss Mr Xuan!"    


Gong Moxiu did not expect Lieh Muwan to cry after he asked her a few more questions.    


In his memory, Gong Moyi rarely cried when she was young. So he had almost no experience in coaxing girls.    


But Lieh Muwan was clearly different from Gong Moyi. Once she cried, her tears would roll out without money, and she even looked up at him without blinking, as if he had bullied her.    


He was somewhat helpless and immediately took a step forward and said dryly, "You don't have to blame yourself."    


Lieh Muwan shook her head and stood up. She came in front of Gong Moxiu and looked at his face through the tear curtain and directly threw herself into his embrace. "Wuwu, I miss Mr Xuan!"    


Gong Moxiu was held by a girl. He stood motionless on the spot. His usually indifferent and cold face was slightly cracked.    


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