Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1013 Gong Mo Yi Was a Bit Jealous

C1013 Gong Mo Yi Was a Bit Jealous

"The painting is done on one side." Xiyan Cheng opened his mouth and the beautiful lips opened and closed.    


Gong Moyi found that he was born with a slight smile on his lips, but it was covered by his iron-blooded aura. If the same facial features were on her Second Elder Brother, it would be another kind of temperament.    


Thinking of Gong Moxuan, Gong Moyi's heart sank again.    


The next second, Xiyan Cheng withdrew his hand from the back of her chair and gently lifted her chin.    


He looked at her for a moment and continued to draw the eyebrows on the other side.    


Only then did Gong Moyi realize that this fellow was drawing the eyebrows for her. She did not know if there was a problem with his level of appreciation.    


After all, he was a person who worked in the army every day and was with a group of rough men. Did he really know how to draw eyebrows? He couldn't have drawn a single eyebrow, right?    


He thought so anxiously in his heart, yet he didn't dare move, and he was afraid that it would be even worse.    


She could only let the man gently pinch her chin and use a pen to do whatever he wanted on her face.    


"It's done." Xiyan Cheng finally put away the pen. The corner of his lips curled up slightly and his voice was low and magnetic. "Little Moyi, look at the mirror."    


Gong Moyi turned her head and looked at herself in the mirror.    


Her beautiful eyebrows, clear eyes, and lips. Her face was full and sparkling, and her face was delicate and exquisite.    


She thought that her eyebrows would be painted by him, but there was no problem at all. It was as if she was supposed to be like this, in the distant mountains.    


Gong Moyi was shocked. Before she could open her mouth, she saw Xiyan Cheng leaning over again. His face was almost touching hers, and they both broke into the mirror.    


"Are you satisfied?" He asked.    


Gong Moyi had to admit, "You drew very well."    


After saying that, she turned her head to look at him.    


Coincidentally, Xiyan Cheng also turned his head.    


And so, because of this action, their lips... They were almost pressed together.    


Gong Moyi hurriedly pulled back.    


She pursed her lips and suppressed the ripple in her heart just now. She raised her eyebrows at Xiyan Cheng. "Looks like Mr Cheng is quite experienced!"    


Xiyan Cheng smiled and did not reply.    


Gong Moyi said meaningfully, "His skills are comparable to a makeup artist. How many times have you drawn before?"    


Xiyan Cheng approached her and his nose almost touched hers. His eyes looked deeply at her and his voice was low and magnetic, "Little Moyi, do you want to ask about my past relationship history?"    


Gong Moyi blinked her eyes. "I did not ask."    


Xiyan Cheng smiled and touched Gong Moyi's nose. "You promised to be my girlfriend, so I told you."    


Gong Moyi rolled her eyes. "I am not curious!"    


"Really?" Xiyan Cheng smiled. "I will tell you."    


Gong Moyi knew what this guy meant. She would be his girlfriend sooner or later, so he would tell her.    


Hmph, with his current appearance, he must have had countless girlfriends! She would not agree!    


Gong Moyi thought unhappily. Seeing Xiyan Cheng's smug look, she only wanted to punch him twice.    


She checked her makeup again and confirmed that there was no problem, so she walked to the side to look at the lines.    


Little Pin had practiced with Xiyan Cheng and his other comrades many times. Actually, Gong Moyi had already memorized it, but now she did not want to bother with that annoying guy, so she completely ignored him.    


She was reading the lines, but he kept looking at her. Just as Gong Moyi felt that his gaze was getting more and more impudent and was about to flip out, Xiyan Cheng walked over.    


He squatted down and his line of sight was the same as hers. His tone became serious as he said, "Not a single one."    


Gong Moyi ignored him.    


Xiyan Cheng took the script from her hand. "Little Moyi, I don't have any other girlfriends. I used to be very busy at school. After I went to the army, I did not have any girlfriends. I only like you. I've never been interested in anyone else. "    


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