Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1038 I Suddenly Miss Him

C1038 I Suddenly Miss Him

Beiming Yubai saw the post from Little Qi's side. She flipped through the post and unknowingly linked it to the first few evaluation posts that her classmates had summarized downstairs.    


Thus, she saw Pei Shangyu's photo.    


It was a photo taken by her classmates. There was a picture of him writing with his head down in the classroom, and there was also a side profile of him walking on the school's road.    


With this look, Beiming Yubai's gaze could no longer shift away.    


That was one of the most important people in her life. It occupied a huge portion of her life. She had once had a skin blind date and had completely given herself to the other party.    


However, she suddenly realized that it had been more than half a year since she last saw him.    


She did not know where he was, nor did she know who she had with her, nor did she know if she would have the chance to meet him again in this lifetime.    


At this moment, the emotions that she had suppressed for a long time burst out. She buried her face in her arms, silently crying.    


However, the reality was just like this. It was as if this post was vacant, and he was gradually forgotten by others. Someone occupied his former place.    




Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng had been saving people in B Country for many days. From the beginning when they moved the wounded to the later when the active volcano erupted, they started to adjust their plans and move more civilians from the ground.    


This way, half a month had passed.    


Everyone was now living in a small city called Leha. Three days ago, the city near this small city was almost drowned by volcanic ash because of the volcanic eruption.    


They quickly moved people over, and they had been busy all night.    


At this moment, it was morning. Gong Moyi slowly woke up and looked at the bright red sky.    


This place was different from the city that was affected by the earthquake earlier. It kept raining over there, while this place was dry to the point of hurting one's throat.    


The nearby cities were already filled with refugees. Therefore, this batch of refugees could only reluctantly stay in this small city. As for where their home would be located in the future, it would depend on the government's opinion.    


Gong Moyi came out and used a wet tissue to wash her face. Because of the lack of water, they had not been able to shower for three days. They could only wait for today to go to another city and find a place to wash properly.    


In Laha City, people had just woken up and were starting to get busy for a day.    


There were no other arrangements in the morning. Because they were leaving in the afternoon, Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng came out together and took a stroll around the small city under the volcano.    


There were many homeless refugees on the streets. They slept on the stone road casually. Fortunately, the ground was not damp and it was not cold at night, so they could barely handle it.    


Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng found a small breakfast restaurant that was still open and went in. Inside was an old lady.    


When the old lady saw the two of them, her face was full of smiles as she warmly welcomed them to sit down.    


Xiyan Cheng happened to have his phone ring and went out to answer the phone. Gong Moyi, on the other hand, ordered their breakfast and took out money from her pocket.    


However, when she took out the money, the old lady did not take it.    


She shook her head and handed the money over. "Grandma, we are here to eat. You are a shop owner. You must collect money!"    


However, the old lady said, "You're my son's saviors!"    


She said in English with a heavy local accent, "It was you who saved my two sons in Seere Town and moved them to Leha, so you're our family's saviors!"    


Gong Moyi was stunned. She did not expect that the two sons of this old lady were in the city that was engulfed in volcanic ash.    


The old lady explained, "My two sons are running a farm there. The land there is fertile. The corn and soybeans planted there are better than other places. You saved them when the volcano erupted that day. Although they are still in the hospital, the doctor said that their lives are no longer in danger. After a few more days of fluid transfusion, they will be able to clear their lungs and go home. "    


When Gong Moyi heard this, she was also happy for the old lady. "Old lady, in the words of our country, your son is called," After surviving a great disaster, there will be good fortune in the future. They will definitely have good luck in the future! "    


Hearing what she said, the old lady was even happier.    


She looked at Xiyan Cheng who was standing at the door and making a phone call. She smiled at Gong Moyi and said," Little girl, your husband is also not bad. I think he is very good at first glance. Although I am old, I have decades of experience when it comes to judging people. I will not be wrong! "    


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