Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1048 Don't be Afraid

C1048 Don't be Afraid

Gong Moyi was so scared that she hid under the blanket, but the bed was only that big. Where could she hide?    


Xiyan Cheng firmly locked her, his hands on her shoulders, and the wind and clouds in his eyes moved like thunder.    


The atmosphere suddenly froze, and the calmness revealed a hidden surge that was about to explode.    


Gong Moyi pursed her lips and suddenly realized that there were some jokes that could not be played.    


But this man was too serious!    


As she was cursing in her heart, she saw Xiyan Cheng suddenly bend down and kiss her forehead.    


She was a little surprised because his kiss was a little light and exceptionally gentle. It was completely different from when the rain was about to come.    


In the next second, she heard the man speak in a low voice, "Moyi, don't joke around like this in the future. Don't even think about introducing me to any women. I only like you. I just want to be with you. For you to say such words, it is a kind of harm to my feelings. "    


Gong Moyi felt that her heart was hit by an unknown force because of his words.    


Xiyan Cheng lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then said: "I said it before. When you agree, I won't force anything to happen to you. Don't be afraid."    


Gong Moyi blinked her eyes.    


Xiyan Cheng laid down beside her and held her in his arms. His voice was low. "Looks like you still haven't grown up. I will wait for you for two more years."    


Gong Moyi was in his arms. When she heard the heartbeat from the man's chest, the corner of her mouth raised.    


She had always felt that love was impulsive, but now she realized that although there was an impulse, knowing how to restrain it was the most moving appearance.    


Xiyan Cheng hugged Gong Moyi for a while and suddenly let go.    


He pinched the space between his brows in annoyance and immediately sat up. He also casually took a pillow from Gong Moyi and placed it on the large one. On his leg.    


Gong Moyi was puzzled. When she saw Xiyan Cheng hugging the pink rabbit pillow with an especially cute look, the mischievous factor in her heart once again germinated.    


She secretly took out her phone and took a picture of Xiyan Cheng.    


The man who usually acted fast and quick did not have any reaction at this moment and let her take the picture.    


Gong Moyi pressed two more times and even saw that Xiyan Cheng still did not stop, so she took an inch and climbed to the foot of the bed, directly taking a full-body picture of Xiyan Cheng.    


In the photo, the man was covered in camouflage. His cold facial features were deep. Even though he was sitting, his back was straight. This posture gave people the feeling that he was full of hormones.    


Unfortunately, there was a pink rabbit on his lap. The rabbit's ears were vertical, and its eyes were big. It looked very cute and cute.    


Instantly, the whole scene became extremely funny.    


Gong Moyi crawled to Xiyan Cheng's side and showed him the photo. "Mr Cheng, you can also be salty and sweet."    


Xiyan Cheng had just calmed his hot blood down, but because Gong Moyi crawled over like this, he broke through his cultivation again.    


The little girl who caused this had no idea how challenging his self-control was when she climbed up to his side in bed like this.    


He turned his eyes and said, "Gong Moyi, as the captain, I order you to immediately go out and practice tying knots with ropes!"    


Gong Moyi thought she had misheard him, but seeing Xiyan Cheng's serious look, she could only say obediently, "Yes, Captain!"    


Finishing, she climbed down from the bed and really went to practice tying knots.    


Xiyan Cheng felt that the pink air surrounding him finally became fainter. He slightly recovered his strength and put the rabbit in his hand aside.    


The place that he had just covered had not calmed down yet. Xiyan Cheng took a deep breath and got up, planning to blow on the window.    


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