Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1050 The Professor Is a Handsome Man with All Kinds of Tricks

C1050 The Professor Is a Handsome Man with All Kinds of Tricks

Gong Moyi's alias is Guan Moyi. Xiyan Cheng, on the other hand, was called Qian Cheng.    


In her resume, Gong Moyi was 21 years old and had just graduated from university. She studied biology and had excellent results, so she was recommended for her internship here.    


Xiyan Cheng, on the other hand, was 23 years old and had a year of work experience. Previously, he was an assistant at the university's biology lab. This time, he was also an assistant.    


There were specialized contacts over there. Xiyan Cheng and Gong Moyi would be assigned to the contact team, so even if the two of them did not know anything about biological agents, there would still be people to take care of them.    


However, in order to make it look real, the two of them had been supplementing their knowledge in this area along the way. They could be considered to have memorized quite a number of professional terms without much effort.    


Very quickly, the helicopter landed in front of a building with a circular dome.    


Looking down from the sky, Gong Moyi had already witnessed its magnificence. At this moment, when she got off the plane, she discovered that the building was exceptionally grand. It was somewhat similar to a high-tech building or a national sports stadium design.    


It was said that the dome of the building was filled with solar energy integrated boards. The power supply here was almost ten thousand integrated boards that collected solar energy and converted it into electricity to supply the entire base.    


Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng were led by the staff to the front desk on the first floor. The receptionist was a young lady. When she saw the two of them, she said in English, "Please show your work cards."    


The work cards had already been prepared. After the front desk confirmed that there was no mistake, she took the two of them to swipe their cards and let them go to the personnel floor.    


Gong Moyi discovered that the torchlight here was also transparent. She could clearly see everything outside inside.    


She could not help but sigh. At any time, the experimental base of this biological agent was built with a lot of money. After all, the things developed here, once they were invested in civil or biological wars, the profits would be sky-high.    


The two of them went to the Human Resources Department and handed over their work certificates. The personnel quickly gave the two of them official inaugurations. They also took their work certificates to the IT department and were in charge of adding magnets and authority to the two of them.    


"This afternoon, come on time to participate in the inauguration training for two days." The Human Resources Officer said, "I'll take you to familiarize yourselves with your workplaces and your department leaders."    


The few of them went up to the fifth floor together, and the HR staff brought the two of them through the corridor.    


Suddenly, their eyes lit up.    


The huge workspace was spacious and bright, and everyone in the workspace had a table. The table had a metallic texture, and the overall color was white, silver, and transparent, which made the space appear clear and clean.    


"This is your department manager, Manager Lin Shujuann Lin." The personnel introduced, "Manager Lin is a doctor. We are used to calling him Dr. Lin. Dr. Lin has been in this field of research for seven years. He received a national award in his first year."    


Gong Moyi's gaze followed the personnel introduction and looked at the man sitting at the table.    


The man was wearing a white shirt. He looked very young, so she couldn't help but think, "This seven years of service, did it start from the first year? This year, this Dr. Lin had just graduated?    


As he spoke, Lin Shujuann had already stood up.    


He was tall and was only a little shorter than Xiyan Cheng. Moreover, he was very white, and the skin on his face was also very good. Gong Moyi stood so close to him, but she had never seen him with half a pore on his face. That skin seemed to have been polished later on, and there was not a single flaw.    


As the saying goes, one white is enough to cover one's ugliness. Lin Shujuann's facial features were originally delicate, and coupled with his fair skin, it made people think of only one word - interesting handsome man.    


Gong Moyi's thoughts drifted away.    


In other words, she had deliberately joked about Xiyan Cheng before coming here, but it actually happened so quickly?    


This was too fantastical!    


She looked at the handsome doctor in front of her and could not help but wonder if the biological agent here was very powerful. That was why his skin was so good. It seemed like she wanted to get closer to Dr. Lin, so she turned around and asked him some secret skincare techniques.    


Gong Moyi was thinking when she heard Xiyan Cheng open his mouth, "Hello, Dr. Lin. I am Qian Cheng, the assistant who came over this time."    


Gong Moyi came back to her senses and quickly introduced herself. "Hello, Dr. Lin. I am Guan Moyi. I just graduated this year. I am here to be the assistant for my internship."    


Lin Shujuann smiled. His voice was as moving as his appearance. He stretched out his hand and shook hands with the two of them. Then he said, "Welcome to the team. In the future, everyone work hard and improve together!"    


Gong Moyi found that Lin Shujuann's palm did not have any calluses. It was completely different from Xiyan Cheng's hand.    


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