Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1052 Gong Mo's Strange Behavior

C1052 Gong Mo's Strange Behavior

He felt a sharp pain in the depths of his mind. Gong Moxuan unconsciously bent down and squatted down.    


He held his aching head tightly and leaned against the wall, waiting for this kind of pain to come.    


However, wave after wave of pain was unbearable to him. His forehead was covered in sweat, and his veins were bulging. He kept twitching and struggling on the ground in pain.    


The floor was smooth, and soon, there was a puddle of water on it. It was all sweat from his body.    


The pain lasted for ten minutes before he slowly relaxed.    


At the same time, Gong Moxuan, who was lying on the ground, had his eyes closed, but the corner of his mouth was raised.    


At this moment, the door of the room was opened and a man in a cloak walked in.    


He looked down at Gong Moxuan from above and did not want to help him up.    


After a while, he saw that Gong Moxuan had not woken up, so he walked over and touched the person on the ground with the tip of his foot.    


Gong Moxuan's vest was soaked with sweat. When cloaked man pushed it aside, he could see that his short hair was also wet. His face was pale, and he unconsciously frowned. There was no blood at all.    


cloaked man was puzzled and squatted down.    


He reached out his pale hand to Gong Moxuan's artery. After making sure that the person was not dead, he stood up.    


There were already people waiting outside.    


cloaked man said, "Ask the doctor to check what's going on."    


The man immediately responded. "Yes!"    


Not long after, Gong Moxuan was carried away and entered the examination room.    


Another half an hour passed. Someone came to cloaked man. "Sir, Cless's body is fine, but there should be something wrong with his brain."    


"What do you mean?" cloaked man said unhappily.    


"It seems like his brain is in chaos." The man said, "The doctor said that because of the problem with the brain nerves, it affected the secretion and the whole operation."    


cloaked man became even more unhappy. "So he was crippled?"    


That person said cautiously, "The doctor said that it's best to go to the clinics and request for new reagents to be developed. Otherwise, he might become a cripple in the future."    


"Become a cripple?" cloaked man sneered, "That would be very meaningless."    


He gestured for that person to go down. "I will think about it."    


The next day, Gong Moxuan still did not wake up.    


cloaked man asked the doctor to inject a nutrient solution and said, "Send it to K Country."    


The doctor nodded and then took out the container that he had prepared earlier and asked someone to carry Gong Moxuan in.    


The container had a special ventilation vent, so even if people were inside for a long time, they would not suffocate because of lack of oxygen.    


"We'll be at the research base in a day." The doctor had someone cover the container with a lid and put it into a box.    


There was more than one box here. Therefore, it was not eye-catching in many boxes.    


All the chests were boarded by an air transport, flying towards K...    


At this moment, Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng were in the research room.    


In front of Xiyan Cheng was a computer. He was sorting out the test data for the past few days.    


Of course, because he had just come over, after he sorted it out, there would still be people checking it again before he could put it into the report.    


On the other side, Gong Moyi was doing experiments with Zhang Ruoqing in the laboratory.    


Zhang Ruoqing was completing the final extraction while Gong Moyi was helping by the side.    


Her movements were swift and quick, which made Zhang Ruoqing very satisfied.    


A day passed very quickly. Gong Moyi practically did not speak to Xiyan Cheng this day. It was just that at lunch time, the two of them nodded across the table.    


Gong Moyi took off her isolation suit from the dressing room outside the laboratory and returned to her seat. She took her notebook and began to record the summary of the day's work.    


On the opposite desk, Lin Shujuann was still typing something on the computer.    


The office was silent until Gong Moyi finished all the work and got up.    


She had just walked to the office door when she saw a scholarly man in his early thirties walking over.    


This was Zhang Sheng, who she had seen looking at a microscope in the laboratory yesterday. He was also in charge of extracting plant reagents.    


When he saw Gong Moyi, he greeted her with a smile. "Moyi, you haven't eaten dinner yet, right? My friend sent me some local specialties from my hometown last time. I'll bring some for you later before you go to eat!"    


Gong Moyi also smiled. "Thank you, Brother Zhang, but I also brought some food when I came over. There is no need for that!"    


"It's chili sauce." Zhang Sheng was very enthusiastic. "You're welcome. I usually don't finish it either. I heard that you liked spicy food during lunch today, so it's perfect."    


Gong Moyi could not reject him like this, so she smiled and said, "Okay, then thank you, Brother Zhang."    


The two of them took the elevator down together. They both lived in the dormitory building, but the dormitory building was not in the base. They needed to walk for ten minutes.    


Just as they arrived downstairs, Gong Moyi heard the roar of an engine. Very quickly, a cargo plane slowly landed on the landing pad in the distance.    


Zhang Sheng saw that she was looking, so he explained, "Moyi, we have people transporting goods over here every month. You know that. There are no other resources here, so almost everything relies on air transportation."    


Gong Moyi nodded and walked with Zhang Sheng towards the dormitory building.    


If they went this way, they would have to pass by the helipad. Hence, Gong Moyi saw that on the tarpaulin, the car that was picked up from the ground had already driven over. Someone had started to unload things from inside. They were all large cardboard boxes.    


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