Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1053 I Met an Old Friend in a Foreign Land

C1053 I Met an Old Friend in a Foreign Land

Gong Moyi and Zhang Sheng continued to move forward, but they couldn't help but look at the cardboard boxes.    


She asked, "Oh right, Brother Zhang, what kind of animals are usually used for our clinical trials?"    


Gong Moyi had previously visited some of the biological pharmaceutical centers in Hua Country, and there were many little white mice used for testing there.    


However, she saw some here, but very few.    


"We mainly use white mice." Zhang Sheng smiled and said, "Of course, there are also rabbits, but they are relatively few."    


Gong Moyi said, "Yes, I feel that the quantity is not enough..."    


"You don't have to ask about this. You will know when you go from D class to B class." After Zhang Sheng said that, he changed the topic. "The dormitory here is good at soundproofing. It is too close to the airport."    


Gong Moyi echoed a few words, but she had a guess in her heart. Could it be that the test here did not use mice, but living people?    


But Political Commissar Hu did not say it. Furthermore, on this day, she felt that everyone here was not simple. If there was a spy, there might be more than one.    


When they reached the dormitory, Zhang Sheng could be considered a gentleman. He did not invite Gong Moyi to his room. Instead, he took the initiative to let Gong Moyi wait for him in front of the elevator. He went to get the chili sauce for her.    


Gong Moyi thanked him with a smile and returned to the dormitory first.    


This place was filled with experts in bio-brewing. Gong Moyi did not dare to eat the food that was given to her.    


She first scooped out a spoonful and used her own method to test it. After confirming that there was no poison, she also put it aside.    


Fortunately, she had brought a bottle of chili sauce with her, so she poured the things Zhang Sheng had given her, washed the bottle, and put it back into her own. Only then did she feel slightly relieved.    


After doing all this, Gong Moyi received a message from Xiyan Cheng, asking her to go to dinner together.    


She changed her clothes and went out with dinner.    


When she arrived at the base building, Gong Moyi saw someone carrying boxes into the storage room of the building. They all had a visiting permit. Under the lead of the staff, they had obviously been there many times.    


When they arrived at the canteen, Gong Moyi saw that Xiyan Cheng had already ordered food there.    


She ordered some food and sat in front of Xiyan Cheng. She opened the chili sauce in her hands and said, "Mr Cheng, try it!"    


Xiyan Cheng looked at the packaging. "Ning Country?"    


Gong Moyi quickly explained the matter in a low voice and said, "Mr Cheng, when you looked at the data, did you see what it was used for clinical experiments?"    


Xiyan Cheng shook his head. "I am also D. I saw D-level data and data."    


Gong Moyi understood and suddenly felt that the water inside should be very deep.    


At this moment, in the Beiming Family thousands of miles away, Beiming Shen received a phone call.    


He did not know what the person on the other side said. He frowned and said, "Alright, I understand. I will personally go and deal with it."    


Today was Friday, so Beiming Yumo, who didn't have any classes in the afternoon, had already gone to the company.    


He had been busy with the family business recently, so it was actually the school and the family that ran on both sides.    


After Beiming Shen hung up the phone, he saw his son standing at the door with the documents in his hands, so he waved at him. "Yumo, come in."    


Beiming Yumo put down the documents. "Dad, you asked me to investigate this."    


Beiming Shen looked at it and said, "I have to go to K Country tomorrow."    


Beiming Yumo nodded. He knew that since many years ago, Beiming Shen had been investing in the medical field because of the tumor in his head.    


A few years ago, Beiming Shen had business dealings with a biological base in K Country.    


Although the research fund for the national research base was allocated to Hua Country, K Country provided geographical assistance, but the daily expenses of the base were based on the external business cooperation of the base.    


In other words, the core research and development products of the base were only provided to the country. The cost country was willing to pay, and the benefits were all public.    


The other peripheral products attached to the base could work with the merchants outside, and the benefits belonged to the base itself.    


Hearing that his father wanted to go over, Beiming Yumo thought for a moment and said: "Dad, can you take me there?"    


Beiming Shen was a little puzzled. "Yumo, you want to go too?"    


Beiming Yumo nodded. "I want to go and take a look. The school's first year courses are relatively simple. Even if I delay it for a few days, I can still make up for it."    


Beiming Shen hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "I heard that there might be a war over there at any time. Although the base is in the desert and not at the border, it might be more dangerous."    


Beiming Yumo held his father's hand and said seriously, "Dad, when you were 18 years old, you relied on yourself to make it. If you never let me go when you feel danger, then I don't have the confidence to inherit the family business in the future. "    


Beiming Shen was startled for a moment, then he smiled helplessly. "Alright, I'll take you there."    


After they agreed, Beiming Yumo went back to his desk and started to organize the materials from K Country.    


The next day, the two of them took a plane and flew straight to K Country.    


On the same day, Gong Moyi was still busy in the laboratory for the whole day. She found that there were a lot of laboratories here, and each laboratory had a logo on it.    


D-level employees like her could only enter C-level laboratories at most. However, every clinical laboratory was above B-level. Some of them were even A-grade. A class or even a peak S class.    


Gong Moyi knew that impatience did not mean hot tofu, so she had always been obedient.    


Because she was young, beautiful, and obedient, her colleagues liked her and could not find fault with her.    


After Xiyan Cheng came here, he had become like a farmer.    


Every day, he faced the computer and processed different data. Because of the large amount of data, he often worked very late.    


It was a little late for him to finish his work today. When Gong Moyi finished eating in the canteen, the sky had already darkened.    


For the sake of the employees' health, there was also a specialized sports field. Gong Moyi thought of observing all the places and went to the sports center.    


There were also people working out in the sports stadium at the moment. Gong Moyi found a device and started to exercise step by step.    


After she finished a few sets of training, she looked up and saw Wang Yunkai who was in her group walking over.    


He was originally the youngest in the group, and he was also a wooden person. After seeing Gong Moyi, he did not have any reaction and went straight to the treadmill.    


Gong Moyi did not greet him either and directly walked out.    


At this point, she still had no idea who the mole was.    


Just as she walked to the entrance of the building, she saw a young man smoking in a corner.    


Gong Moyi inadvertently turned her eyes and when she saw his face, she could not help but be stunned.    


Why was Beiming Yumo here? Furthermore, he should not have smoked before, right? At least she had never seen him before.    


Gong Moyi saw this and could not help but blink her eyes, thinking that she had seen wrongly.    


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