Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1059 Don't be Afraid I will Protect You

C1059 Don't be Afraid I will Protect You

Gong Moyi quickly walked out as if she wanted to empty out the gloomy feeling in her heart. She jogged for a while and found that she actually came to the entrance of the outdoor basketball court here.    


At this moment, a voice that revealed anxiousness, "Moyi, what's wrong?"    


Gong Moyi lifted her eyes and the moment she saw that it was Xiyan Cheng, she finally felt that her nerves had completely relaxed.    


She gasped for breath and looked at him with wet eyes. "Mr Cheng, that Chen Junbo in our team is so scary!"    


This was the first time Xiyan Cheng had seen Gong Moyi's face turn so pale. Even at the border of Country F, she did not seem to be as panicked as she was now.    


He walked in front of her in two or three steps and held her in his arms.    


Gong Moyi originally felt a chill all over her body, but at this moment, the sudden warmth wrapped around her, making her feel safe and relaxed. Her body was still soft. She did not want to be independent at this time. She just leaned in Xiyan Cheng's arms and said in a soft voice, "Mr Cheng, I am so scared."    


Xiyan Cheng hugged her even tighter. His voice was soft and gentle. "Don't be afraid. I will protect you."    


Then he added. "If the situation here is still so complicated, you should go home first."    


"No." Gong Moyi shook her head. "The two of us working together is the best."    


Xiyan Cheng knew that she was stubborn, so he coaxed her. "Then tell me, what did you see just now? Did he bully you?"    


"No." She hid in Xiyan Cheng's arms and told him what had happened.    


After Xiyan Cheng heard her, he thought for a moment and said, "Then let's go out in public."    


Gong Moyi was surprised. "What? How can we go out?"    


Xiyan Cheng lowered his head and whispered into her ear, "Who said spies can't date? Among the people here, other than the mixed-blood Katana who was not that ugly, was there anyone else who was good-looking? I like you. "Moreover, we are all at D class, so it's perfectly normal."    


He continued: "Furthermore, can you find something else that can easily move a girl?"    


Gong Moyi subconsciously said, "Dr. Lin."    


Xiyan Cheng narrowed his eyes and said fiercely, "You want me to kiss you?"    


Gong Moyi did not speak anymore. But at this moment, all the fear disappeared. Her heart felt warm and sweet.    


"Is there no other way?" Gong Moyi asked.    


"This is the best way." Xiyan Cheng said, "This also gives me a reason to be close to you. If that person keeps talking to you in a strange way, even if I beat him up, it will be to protect my girlfriend. It is only right and proper!"    


Gong Moyi heard this theory and really felt that it made sense.    


But she still struggled for a bit. "Then we agreed that we would only pretend to be here. It doesn't count when we go back!"    


Xiyan Cheng laughed softly and connived. "Alright."    


Gong Moyi was satisfied and asked again, "Then how do we announce it?"    


"There is no need to announce it. Everyone has eyes." Xiyan Cheng lowered his head and kissed Gong Moyi's hair. "Alright, let my boyfriend hug her for a while. My girlfriend."    


Gong Moyi added, "Fake boyfriend."    


Xiyan Cheng was helpless. "Yes, a fake boyfriend."    


Xiyan Cheng's lips curled up into a smile, and his eyes inadvertently looked to a corner.    


There, that person's shadow had already disappeared.    


Xiyan Cheng's lips curled up slightly, but his teeth itched. The little thing in his arms was really too attractive!    


Beiming Yumo leaned against the wall at this moment, and it seemed like he was still replaying the scene he had just seen.    


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