Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1079 He Wants Revenge for His Son

C1079 He Wants Revenge for His Son

Gong Moyi looked aggrieved. "You won't let me participate in any missions in the future? I will tell Political Commissar Hu."    


"You have a backer now? But it's useless. " Xiyan Cheng raised his eyebrows and pressed Gong Moyi's lips with his finger. "Because I will tell your father directly that you do not care about your own safety when you carry out a mission."    


Gong Moyi blinked. "You want my father to support you?"    


"You can try." Xiyan Cheng's lips. The petal moved closer and closer, but it did not kiss him again. "Uncle should be here in a few hours, right?"    


Gong Moyi gritted her teeth with hatred and her eyes widened. "My father will listen to me."    


"Except for this matter." Xiyan Cheng tightened his arms and Gong Moyi ran into his arms.    


He held her tightly with his arms and completely pressed her in his arms. At this moment, his movements became gentle. "Be obedient from now on. Hmm? "    


Gong Moyi pouted and did not say anything.    


Was this fellow acting this way because he was jealous or because he was scared?    


Xiyan Cheng did not say anything else. He just quietly hugged Gong Moyi.    


Everything was quiet. Gong Moxuan, who was on the ground, did not move.    


Gong Moyi had been in Xiyan Cheng's arms the whole time. Only at this moment did she feel some lingering fear.    


She asked, "Mr Cheng, who do you think is a spy?"    


Xiyan Cheng said, "Now Dr. Lin and Zhang Sheng are very suspicious. You know about Dr. Lin's situation. I have seen Zhang Sheng's hand. It's a little special. "    


He continued to explain, "There are thin cocoons at his mouth of the tiger. Although the other pharmacists have them all at the mouth of the tiger, the texture is different."    


Gong Moyi was puzzled, "The texture is different?"    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "I checked Chen Junbo and Qiao Kun's today. They do experiments all year round, but even Chen Junbo joined the lab earlier than Zhang Sheng. The cocoons in his hands are not that thick, and their positions are different. "    


Gong Moyi raised her eyes. "So Zhang Sheng must have practiced with guns?"    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "Yes," Xiyan Cheng said. That was why he was very suspicious. As for Dr. Lin, Political Commissar Hu had already checked his information many times, and he said that there was no problem with it. "    


Then could it be that someone hid it? " Gong Moyi said," Until now, I still do not understand why Dr. Lin would knock me out that day and not let me continue reading. Furthermore, why does he have such good skills? "    


"The first question is very easy to explain." Xiyan Cheng said, "If he only wanted to protect you, he was worried that something would happen to you if you continued watching, so he took you away. As for the second question, I don't know the answer either. "    


For a moment, neither of them was 100% sure, so they could only analyze the problem until now.    


At this moment, Xiyan Cheng received news of his comrades' arrival.    


The surroundings were completely sealed off, and his comrades disappeared into the darkness.    


Gong Lingye arrived the next morning.    


When he arrived, Beiming Shen and Beiming Yumo just happened to leave.    


The helicopter landed on the empty space in front of the dormitory. Gong Lingye and Aa Mian walked down together.    


Behind them, more than 40 bodyguards came down together and guarded on both sides of the corridor.    


Gong Lingye and Aa Mian went straight to Xiyan Cheng's room and saw Gong Moxuan lying on the floor.    


Sometimes, one could be sure with just a glance. That was his relative.    


Gong Lingye's pupils instantly tightened, but the fire in his heart kept rising.    


If it really was Moxuan, then he would make all of them pay the price for treating him like this!    


"Dad, do you think he is Moxuan?" Gong Moyi asked.    


"I will take him to do the gene identification immediately." Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows. "Isn't this the biological research base? A mere gene assessment shouldn't be a problem for them, right?"    


In an instant, Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng understood that Gong Lingye was doing this to 'alert the enemy'.    


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