Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1084 You Care so Much about Me?

C1084 You Care so Much about Me?

"As a soldier, how can you torture yourself?" Wang Yunkai's eyes were filled with indignation.    


"Hehe, what's wrong with torture?" Xiyan Cheng's eyes were filled with a cold smile. "You will never see the light in your life. Who knows if I have committed a private punishment?"    


Wang Yunkai was really scared this time. He held back the pain in his arm and suddenly used his other arm, which was still intact, to throw some powder at Xiyan Cheng.    


Xiyan Cheng was prepared for this. He quickly moved and held his breath. He quickly lifted his leg and pressed Wang Yunkai to the ground.    


Their movement attracted the attention of the people who were working out. Almost instantly, Some people found it difficult to breathe because they had inhaled the powder that had problems with their breathing.    


Although Xiyan Cheng had already predicted the toxicity of the other party's item, he was not in the field of research. Therefore, he did not expect that even if he held his breath, he would still feel the pressure.    


At this moment, Wang Yunkai had already run out.    


Xiyan Cheng quickly followed and went to the safe passage with Wang Yunkai.    


He only felt that his breathing was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Xiyan Cheng reached out his hand and touched the spear at his waist.    


At the same time, Wang Yunkai quickly took out the gun.    


The two guns were aimed at each other's temples at the same time.    


Wang Yunkai was not in a hurry to shoot. He just sneered at Xiyan Cheng. "Do you think you will be fine if you don't breathe because of the neurotoxin I gave you just now? Hehe, you will get more and more difficult to breathe. If you don't treat it immediately, you will only die!"    


Xiyan Cheng did not move, his fingers were already pulling the trigger at any time.    


Wang Yunkai firmly locked Xiyan Cheng's hand, but he was surprised to find that Xiyan Cheng's hand did not tremble.    


While he was in shock and bewilderment, through the light at the tunnel entrance, he saw sweat appearing on Xiyan Cheng's forehead.    


Wang Yunkai slowly raised the corner of his lips. "It seems that the soldiers of the people are not made of iron!"    


But at this moment, a sharp pain suddenly came from Wang Yunkai's wrist. Almost in an instant, Xiyan Cheng suddenly moved and quickly snatched the gun from Wang Yunkai's hand.    


On the safe passage, Gong Lingye had not put down the spear in his hand. Instead, he shot again at Wang Yunkai's calf.    


Thus, Wang Yunkai fell down and looked at the other end of the passage in disbelief.    


Gong Lingye gave Aa Mian an order. Aa Mian quickly came up and grabbed Wang Yunkai.    


They had just used a silencer, so they could not hear anything from the outside.    


Xiyan Cheng saw that Wang Yunkai was taken away, so he quickly said something to Gong Lingye. "Uncle Gong, I have been poisoned by the poison in his body, so I need to prepare a reagent to detoxify it immediately."    


Gong Lingye was about to call Aa Mian over to help when Gong Moyi came out from behind him. She said, "Mr Cheng, sit down and don't move. I will inform Dr. Lin immediately!"    


After saying that, she quickly went upstairs and made a call as she went upstairs.    


Gong Lingye's original words were stuck in his throat. He watched with his mouth agape as his little daughter ran to Xiyan Cheng's side and began to take his pulse.    


Gong Lingye pinched between his eyebrows and instructed Aa Mian, "Leave a few people to protect Moyi. The rest of you, take Wang Yunkai away."    


Soon, only Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng were left in the corridor, as well as a few bodyguards in the dark.    


Gong Moyi seriously helped Xiyan Cheng finish his pulse and quickly pressed a few acupuncture points to help him relieve his breathing difficulties.    


What she needed to do was to wait for the pharmacist to come.    


Xiyan Cheng felt that his breathing was slightly better. He looked up at Gong Moyi and felt a little helpless. " Little Moyi, I am happy to see you so nervous, but I don't want you to be so nervous about me just now."    


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