Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1109 Gong Mo Yi Gave Xi Yancheng a Good Beating!

C1109 Gong Mo Yi Gave Xi Yancheng a Good Beating!

"Why are you here?" Gong Moyi asked again.    


"I brought you medicine." Lin Shujuann finished speaking and tidied his clothes slightly. He said, "I have to go back."    


"You go back by yourself?" Gong Moyi could not help but say, "It is too dangerous. You know what I mean..."    


"It is fine. I will go back the way I came." After saying that, Lin Shujuann turned around.    


When he heard Gong Moyi chase after him, Lin Shujuann turned around and said, "Take care."    


His figure quickly disappeared into the night, just like when he came.    


Gong Moyi still could not understand this man.    


Why did he specially come to deliver medicine to her?    


Did he like her? Gong Moyi felt that it was impossible.    


Or was he actually a relative of hers? Or perhaps she had once unintentionally saved his family or friends?    


She couldn't figure it out, nor did she know how he had come to the frontlines safely.    


But the situation didn't allow her to continue thinking, because soon, more wounded people were sent over.    


Gong Moyi was almost busy. At night, the battle in the sky seemed to have shifted to another place.    


She did not know how Xiyan Cheng was doing. She could only escort the wounded to a safe place with her comrades.    


When they reached the rear, Because all the wounded along the border line were gathered there, Gong Moyi and the other doctors continued to be busy.    


After the axis rotated for dozens of hours, it was already evening by the time it ended.    


When Gong Moyi walked out of the hospital, she felt that the world was spinning.    


She stood at the same place and slowed down. Then, she found a place to rest and casually sat down.    


She leaned against the wall of an old building. It was a pair of... Her legs casually stretched and she fell asleep without realizing it.    


When she woke up again, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. Even after the war, the stars in the sky did not change at all. They still quietly looked at the ground below.    


Gong Moyi very quickly found the three stars that were connected together.    


At this moment, she heard someone rushing over there. "Our border has been pushed forward by five kilometers!"    


That sentence was especially exciting.    


After all, this was the first time since the start of the war that they had won.    


Gong Moyi quickly stood up and saw someone driving an off-road vehicle over. From the logo of the off-road vehicle, it could be seen that they were all fighting at the front line.    


There were no fighter aircrafts stopping at the airport, and after the fighter aircrafts landed, the pilots would probably take the off-road vehicles over. After all, this was the base camp.    


Gong Moyi patted the dust off her body and quickly walked over.    


There were already people running to the open space. They went up to welcome the victorious hero. For a moment, the bustling noise finally swept away the melancholy of those who were previously wounded.    


Gong Moyi started to run a few steps, but when she got close, she slowed down instead.    


Immediately after, she saw a person jump down from the off-road vehicle. The clear moonlight shone on his body, bringing a dazzling light that made it hard for people to look away.    


He was still as low-profile as before. He was not surrounded by everyone. Instead, he was walking at the end. However, people could still see him at a glance.    


Gong Moyi felt her heart heat up, but she did not move. Instead, she looked at Xiyan Cheng through the noisy crowd.    


He walked towards her step by step. Their line of sight was sometimes blocked and then moved away, just like the moving light in a movie.    


Finally, he stood still five meters away from her.    


Xiyan Cheng opened his arms and said to Gong Moyi, "Little Moyi, come here."    


Gong Moyi trotted two or three steps in front of him. Just as Xiyan Cheng was about to put away his arms and hug her, she suddenly raised her leg and kicked Xiyan Cheng.    


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