Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1114 Pei Shangyu Saw Them Again

C1114 Pei Shangyu Saw Them Again

Gong Moyi was startled. Borrowing the light from outside, she discovered that Xiyan Cheng had already fallen asleep.    


He was not even wearing any clothes and did not cover anything. He just laid on the military blanket and fell asleep.    


Gong Moyi opened her eyes wide and looked at Xiyan Cheng for a few seconds. Then she moved lightly and went over to pick up the acupuncture bag.    


She bent over to look at Xiyan Cheng's face. His eyes were closed and his eyes were green.    


He had been concentrating for dozens of hours and did not sleep at all. Just now, he did not show any tiredness in front of her, but after she left, he did not even have time to cover himself with the blanket and fell asleep.    


Gong Moyi approached and carefully covered Xiyan Cheng with a thin blanket.    


After that, she walked out of the tent and helped him zip the tent properly.    


However, it was impossible for him to sleep for long this night. The genius had just woken up when Xiyan Cheng received the notice.    


The reinforcements from K Country had arrived. Therefore, what he needed to do now was to concentrate his firepower and drive the forces of X Country out of K Country.    


Thus, everyone quickly got ready and headed for the frontline battlefield.    


Gong Moyi set off together with the other members of the medical team. Before she left, she saw that Xiyan Cheng had already gotten up and boarded the off-road vehicle with the other pilots.    


Time was too urgent. He did not have the chance to speak to her alone before he disappeared into the endless dust.    


The morning light was a little light. Beiming Yubai and Lu Yunting were also in the ruins.    


Two people, one. The night was half asleep, and at this moment, they were completely woken up by the sound of explosions.    


The two of them raised their heads and saw the hovering fighter jets in the sky. They couldn't tell which country it belonged to, but they could clearly sense that their hiding place wasn't safe at all!    


K Country began to counterattack. They took back the lost land, and the place they were at welcomed the first cannon fire of this battle.    


The bomb exploded in the building in front of them. Beiming Yubai saw someone escape from inside. At the same time, the ground troops had already started fighting.    


They were unarmed and had no experience in such a war. They were like ants in an earthquake or tsunami. They looked at the situation that they could not control with fear and confusion.    


"Bai, why don't we go hide in the front?" Lu Yunting pointed at a pile of ruins in front of him. It was full of rubble and looked like it was not suitable to be bombarded.    


"En." Beiming Yubai's eyes were red, but she could not cry anymore.    


The two of them almost crawled over. Their faces were pressed against the stone slab, and their breathing was filled with dust and smoke.    


At this moment, several cars drove past on the other side of the road. Then, the gunfire became more intense.    


Beiming Yubai felt all her fear explode at this moment. Her voice was hoarse. "Senior, what should we do now?"    


It seemed like the front and back were fighting. They were violent. They were exposed in the air and there was nowhere to go!    


"We should still go there." Lu Yunting made up his mind. "We are civilians. I saw that they did not do anything to civilians. What we need to hide from is the bombing of the plane. "    


Beiming Yubai nodded. She ignored the bullets that kept whistling past her ears and quickly ran to the place they had chosen.    


At this moment, a sharp whistling sound suddenly flashed across the sky. The speed of the fighter jet was too fast. At that moment, it seemed to tear. It tore through the air, and in the blink of an eye, it broke through the air defense of Country X and came straight for them.    


As the bomb landed, many of the Country X soldiers who were fighting against Country K were blasted apart.    


Pei Shangyu was in the car behind them. He took a look at the telescope and quickly ordered, "Hide! Get out of the car and split up!"    


He also did not expect that the plane could actually break through the defense and come here. Then, the ground troops were really in danger!    


As soon as he spoke, the mercenaries of the Golden Python Corps quickly got out of the car.    


Everyone was very experienced. After a few seconds, they were all gone.    


Pei Shangyu flashed to a place to cover and prepared to attack.    


But at this moment, two figures jumped into their line of sight. They only felt that it was familiar.    


He raised his eyebrows and thought of the two people he had met yesterday.    


However, at this moment, he clearly saw that when the girl got up from the ground, her face turned slightly sideways.    


Pei Shangyu could clearly see her face. It was a face that he was extremely familiar with.    


He forced me to put a picture of my character in the WeChat public account 'Mu Han's novel' today. Everyone can go in and take a look. Young Master Cheng and Moyi take a picture with White Yumo and Shangyu ~    


Tomorrow, I'll see Shangyu's hero save the damsel in distress ~    


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