Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1118 Kiss

C1118 Kiss

After hanging up the phone, Pei Shangyu stood at the door and didn't go in for a long time.    


His subordinate saw that he did not go in and could not help but come over. He winked at him and said, "Boss, there is a surprise inside. Brothers are here to show respect to you!"    


Pei Shangyu reluctantly nodded his head and turned around to push open the door and enter.    


The room was quiet, with only a small orange lamp left.    


Everything was the same as a few days ago. They just went around the small hall outside, but there was an extra person on the bed in the bedroom inside.    


Pei Shangyu walked over step by step and looked at the person on the bed.    


Beiming Yubai should have taken a shower. Her long hair was loose and scattered on the pillow, covering half of her face. Her eyes were closed. As she breathed, her eyelashes trembled slightly.    


At this moment, he finally had the chance to carefully size her up.    


She didn't know how long she had been here. He discovered that she had lost weight. Her originally somewhat round face had also become much sharper now. It seemed that her face had become even smaller, but her facial features had become even more exquisite.    


One of her arms fell outside the blanket. Pei Shangyu looked at it. There was a scratch on her arm. Although it had scabbed, it was very clear on her fair arm.    


He felt a stabbing pain in his heart. He looked at her deeply and thought of what Mr. K had said.    


He gently lifted Beiming Yubai's arm and Pei Shangyu lifted the blanket to put her in.    


Only when he looked at her did he realize that she was not wearing anything!    


Pei Shangyu's eyes turned cold and he strode out.    


When his subordinate saw him come out so quickly, he could not help but be shocked. "Boss, what do you need?"    


"Who took off her clothes?" Pei Shangyu asked.    


The subordinate immediately reacted, "It's the cleaning lady. You've seen her before. She's the black and fat aunty."    


Pei Shangyu's breathing calmed down slightly, but the light in his eyes became even colder. "Don't do such a thing again in the future!"    


After saying that, he did not explain much and turned around to return to the room.    


Returning to the bed, Pei Shangyu's eyes fell back to Beiming Yubai's body. He ground her facial features bit by bit and then slid to her neck.    


All of a sudden, the scene that he saw just as he lifted the blanket appeared in front of his eyes again.    


Pei Shangyu suddenly felt some blood surging.    


His Adam's apple rolled. He felt as if he had been bewitched and his gaze stuck to Beiming Yubai's lips again. He could not move his eyes away from Beiming Yubai's lips.    


The blood in his blood vessels heated up and clamored. Pei Shangyu inched closer to Beiming Yubai's lips. The petal, however, suddenly stopped when it touched Beiming Yubai's lips.    


She quietly laid on his bed, clean and pure. However, his body was filled with the smell of blood and smoke.    


Pei Shangyu felt somewhat inferior. He suddenly got up and quickly went to the bathroom.    


The water flushed down his bloody body, but Pei Shangyu also knew that what couldn't be washed away was the dirt on his body.    


In the end, it was impossible for him and her.    


No matter how she came here, the battle was intense right now, so he had to send her back to Hua Country immediately. Tonight might be their last meeting.    


Pei Shangyu returned to the bed and slowly bent down.    


He told himself that a kiss was enough.    


After he became a mercenary and cut off the past, it might be enough to have a kiss to savor the rest of his life.    


Anyway, he might die on a battlefield soon, and no one would remember him. Even if Mr. K received the nameplate with his name on it to the public cemetery, there would only be two words on it - Lingyu.    


Pei Shangyu's hand gently caressed Beiming Yubai's cheek and lips. The petal moved closer to her lips and lightly pressed on it.    


The moment his lips touched hers, Pei Shangyu smelled the sweet scent on Beiming Yubai's body.    


His Adam's apple rolled. Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, he heard Beiming Yubai whispering softly.    


What she was muttering was...    




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