Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1169 Passion and Despair

C1169 Passion and Despair

Because Gong Moxuan was leaving the country the next day, everyone went crazy this time.    


Time passed quietly. In a lounge near the track, Pei Shangyu was enduring unspeakable torture.    


At this time, Beiming Yubai felt thirsty, so she went to the vending machine to buy drinks for everyone.    


But when she walked past the door of a lounge, she heard a painful sound from inside.    


Beiming Yubai was shocked and quickly stopped her footsteps.    


The sound inside was painful and familiar. Beiming Yubai's breathing was tight. At this moment, she thought of Pei Shangyu.    


But why was he here?    


Thus, she stood at the door and lightly knocked on it. She asked, "May I ask if you need help? Can I call a doctor for you? "    


But before she could finish, a hand suddenly reached out and pulled her in.    


Her heart beat wildly and she was about to shout out, but the person pulling her moved even faster, almost immediately blocking her lips.    


In an instant, a familiar aura suddenly surrounded her.    


The light in the room was very dark and Beiming Yubai could only see the vague outline but she could still recognize who the man in front of her was at first glance.    


It really was Pei Shangyu.    


His entire body exuded an unusual dangerous aura. It was the appearance that she had never seen before.    


She was a little afraid. She stretched out her hand to push him, but in exchange, he gave her an even more violent kiss.    


Beiming Yubai was even more afraid in her heart. She raised her hand to scratch him and said a few words with difficulty, "Mr Shangyu -"    


However, he seemed to not be able to hear it at all. His entire body was burning and his arms seemed to be made of steel, making her unable to move at all.    


Along with a clear cracking sound, Beiming Yubai felt a chill on her body.    


She was shocked in her heart. At this moment, she also realized that Pei Shangyu seemed to have completely lost his rationality.    


She did not know what was wrong with him, but no matter what, she could not wake him up.    


When he attacked her, her heart was filled with despair.    


Why did he treat her like this? After he had clearly turned around.    


Although it wasn't their first time, after today, what kind of mentality would she have to face him with?    


The wounds that were deeply buried in her heart were torn open again. Tears wet Beiming Yubai's face.    


On the other side, Lu Yunting went to the bathroom and came out. Seeing that Beiming Yubai had not come to buy water, he also walked to the vending machine.    


However, Beiming Yubai was not there at all.    


He was just about to pick up his phone and call Beiming Yubai, but at that moment, in the corner, Someone suddenly flashed out and covered his mouth and nose.    


Lu Yunting only smelled a pungent smell and very quickly, he no longer felt anything.    


He was quickly taken away by someone and sent to a lounge next to Pei Shangyu.    


Time passed quietly. Xuanyuan Yov's car had some problems there, so he got out early and was ready to change to another car.    


Seeing that Su Zimeng was the only one on the track, he asked, "Where are Lu Yunting and the others?"    


"They said they went to buy water." Su Zimeng saw the sweat on Xuanyuan Yov's face. She quickly took out a tissue and tiptoed to wipe his sweat.    


Xuanyuan Yov smiled and let his girlfriend serve him. After Su Zimeng wiped his sweat dry, he stretched out his arm and grabbed Su Zimeng's waist.    


"Meng Meng, give me a kiss." He lowered his head and pressed it against her forehead.    


Su Zimeng immediately tiptoed again and kissed Xuanyuan Yov.    


Xuanyuan Yov raised the corner of his lips and directly lifted the back of Su Zimeng's head to deepen the kiss.    


The more the two kissed, the harder it was for them to be inseparable. For a moment, they had forgotten everything.    


The temperature in the room also increased...    


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