Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1136 It's Alright I Won't Die

C1136 It's Alright I Won't Die

From afar, Xiyan Cheng could see the lights falling down from the tower.    


The lights could light up all the checkpoints on the border, and the towers in front of them were armed border guards.    


If Xiyan Cheng came over with a fighter plane, it would be easier to cross the border, but he was not sure about the radar system and air defense.    


However, from the way the other side invited the Red Eagle Squad and the confrontation in the past few days, if he used a fighter jet to charge straight into the other side's territory, it would be more difficult for him to pass through safely than on the ground.    


Furthermore, the speed of the fighter jet was too fast. It was too difficult to locate Gong Moyi's position in the air. Therefore, Xiyan Cheng said to Li Mingxing, who was in the front passenger seat, "Get ready. We'll charge over."    


Li Mingxing touched his gun and nodded.    


Xiyan Cheng increased his speed. After he drove for fifty meters, the light landed on his car.    


Very quickly, the border guards on the attic had already aimed in this direction.    


Xiyan Cheng stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.    


A gun sound tore through the night sky. Then, bullets began to land on the off-road vehicle.    


It was also because of this war that almost all the ground troops were stationed at the front line. That was why the sentries here were much more relaxed, and there were not many guards left.    


Li Mingxing pressed George, who was in the back seat, under the seat of the carriage and started shooting at the outside.    


Xiyan Cheng's gaze was locked in front of him, but his peripheral vision and ears were not idle at all, constantly adjusting the route.    


The bullets in front of him were getting more and more concentrated. Xiyan Cheng knew that he must not let the opponent blow up the tires.    


His speed was almost flying. However, there was no pattern in his route.    


The modified car body was embedded with bullets. From afar, the car body was already mottled.    


The moment they passed through the border, there was a bang. The bullets hit the window on Xiyan Cheng's side. The window shattered into countless pieces and fell to the ground.    


As for the bullet, after passing through the window, it went into the seat behind Xiyan Cheng.    


Li Mingxing's back was covered in cold sweat, but his hands did not stop moving.    


They passed through the border. Although they were out of the range of the sentry, they heard the sound of several engines behind them.    


The troops were all transferred to the front line. Adding the news of the defeat at the front line, although the border side was relaxed, they had rested for many days. It was completely different from Xiyan Cheng's continuous battles.    


The army of Country X behind them had also been provoked. It was one thing if they had been defeated at the front line. Could it be that they could not even kill a few people who had broken into their country?    


Gunshots were fired crazily. A bullet just hit Xiyan Cheng's car in the rearview mirror. Suddenly, the situation behind could not be seen clearly.    


Xiyan Cheng knew that this was a madness with no way out. He completely handed the back to Li Mingxing and only locked onto Gong Moyi's position and drove forward crazily.    


The car behind him did not let go. Li Mingxing was still shooting at the back as he said to Xiyan Cheng, "Brother Cheng, move a little to the left..."    


Xiyan Cheng quickly drifted to the left and dodged the bullet that was aimed at the tire. As he turned the steering wheel, he suddenly heard a muffled groan.    


Xiyan Cheng stopped breathing and turned his eyes abruptly.    


He saw Li Mingxing flick his right chest, and blood quickly spread out from his camouflage T-shirt.    


Xiyan Cheng's throat rolled, and he was almost unable to make a sound.    


Beside him, Li Mingxing tightly clutched his chest, but his voice was soft. "It's nothing, Brother Cheng. Continue forward. I won't die."    


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