Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1173 It's Always Her in My Dreams

C1173 It's Always Her in My Dreams

Two months ago, Pei Shangyu had failed his mission. When he woke up, he found that it was already the morning of the second day.    


When he opened his eyes, all his memories had returned.    


He remembered that he saw Beiming Yubai and Lu Yunting at that time. Because he was distracted, his opponent drugged him.    


And his opponent clearly understood him quite well. He knew that ordinary medicines were ineffective against him, and as a result, he drugged them with such a heavy amount!    


After that, his consciousness gradually became blurry, but he still remembered some things.    


In a trance, he seemed to have heard Beiming Yubai's voice. After that, he and she...    


After realizing this, Pei Shangyu quickly checked the situation in the room.    


However, there were no traces left by the girl in the room. Everything showed that he was... The fragments of the night were all his dreams.    


And he dreamt of her. And because he dreamt of her, he couldn't control himself and released her!    


Pei Shangyu sat at the head of the bed, picked up his phone, and sent a message to Mr K, saying that the mission had failed.    


Mr K replied very quickly, saying that he could not fail next time.    


Pei Shangyu left Hua Country on the same day. Before he left, he looked at the sky above Hua Country. When he thought about the scene of Beiming Yubai and Lu Yunting kissing, his desolate heart was covered with a layer of frost again.    


In the next two months, Pei Shangyu continued to be busy. There were several times when he was walking between life and death. He fell asleep in the dilapidated slums. The scenes of that day were all in his dreams. They were real and fresh.    


Until now, he saw her again on the television.    


She was attending the award ceremony with a few classmates from the same school as her.    


She should be the youngest, and beside her was Lu Yunting. Beside her were three more mature seniors.    


Everyone had a calm smile on their faces, and their eyes were shining.    


Pei Shangyu had always known that Beiming Yubai was outstanding. Although she did not get into Jin Cheng University, she was able to concentrate on the things she liked.    


She was like a piece of unpolished jade, gradually polished into a dazzling appearance in time.    


And he did not participate in this part of her life.    


On the contrary, they walked further and further away.    


His life was a place of vagabonds, and he walked between the darkness and the light.    


And she was bright and pure, perhaps she could no longer light up his night.    


Pei Shangyu finished watching the award ceremony until Beiming Yubai disappeared from the camera.    


He took out a large note from his pocket and placed it on the boss's counter. He casually took a few bottles and left.    


At this moment, thousands of miles away, Beiming Yubai and Lu Yunting came out of the award ceremony. The teacher held a celebration banquet for the five of them.    


It was past nine o'clock at night. Everyone had excited expressions on their faces. The teacher raised his glass and toasted to everyone.    


Beiming Yubai took a sip and felt a little dizzy.    


She drank a mouthful of the drink but still felt uncomfortable. So she got up and went out to take a breather.    


It was summer and the air outside was somewhat stuffy and hot. Beiming Yubai had just walked out when she felt a wave of nausea in her stomach. For a moment, she could not control it.    


She quickly took two steps forward and found a rubbish bin on the side of the street. She spat it out towards the rubbish bin.    


Actually she did not eat much at first, so she spat out almost all of the drinks and wine.    


After vomiting, she felt that the feeling of her stomach churning was slightly better. Beiming Yubai slowed down and prepared to go back.    


Behind her, a worried voice sounded, "How are you, and Bai? Are you feeling unwell in your stomach? I will take you to the hospital to take a look?"    


Beiming Yubai heard this and turned her head to see that it was Lu Yunting.    


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