Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1180 You Have a Baby?

C1180 You Have a Baby?

When the staff saw Beiming Yubai and Beiming Yubai, he immediately greeted them warmly, "Do you two want to pick clothes or toys for the baby?"    


"Take a look." After Beiming Yubai said that, she first took a look at a pink and white princess dress.    


The clerk smiled and said, "Beauty. This is what an 18-month-old baby wears. You've been pregnant for seven or eight months now, right? "The clothes of a newborn baby are all over here..."    


Beiming Yubai did not explain that because of the placenta problem, her stomach seemed to be protruding. She just nodded and went to the baby's side to choose.    


Pei Shangyu's ears were very good, and he clearly saw the shop assistant's words - Pregnant for seven or eight months.    


He did a quick calculation and found that according to this calculation, the last time he saw her, she was already more than a month pregnant.    


At that time, her stomach was still flat, but it turned out that she already had someone else's baby?    


Pei Shangyu looked at Beiming Yubai, who was looking up and down at her clothes. He felt that there seemed to be thousands of mountains and rivers separating them. That was clearly a distance that was close but could not be crossed.    


He did not know how long he had been standing there until Beiming Yubai and Lu Yunting had returned with a bountiful harvest.    


They had smiles on their faces, as if they were from a happy family.    


Pei Shangyu followed them downstairs again.    


At the entrance of the first floor, Beiming Yubai was just about to get into the car with Lu Yunting when she suddenly remembered that there was a bag in the mother area upstairs.    


Hence, Lu Yunting hurriedly said, "Bai, wait for me at the sofa area. I'll go up and get it."    


Beiming Yubai nodded and sat in the sofa area to look at the clothes she had just bought. There was a gentle smile on her lips.    


On the other side, Pei Shangyu just looked at her like that. His quiet eyes were filled with an inescapable fog.    


At this moment, a female shop assistant walked to his side. She suddenly pretended to fall and fell towards him.    


Although Pei Shangyu looked at Beiming Yubai in a daze, the sense of vigilance that he had felt for a long time came from his instincts.    


In a flash, he had already moved two meters away from the female employee.    


However, the shop assistant did not expect him to be like this. She fell to the ground and cried out in surprise.    


The commotion attracted Beiming Yubai's attention. She turned her head and saw Pei Shangyu beside the vortex.    


He was not affected by the female staff's fall at all. Instead, his eyes were still looking at her quietly.    


Their eyes met and Beiming Yubai's body trembled. Almost subconsciously, she wanted to dodge.    


Could he see that she was pregnant? Would he feel that she did not know how to behave?    


However, in the next second, the man had already walked towards her.    


Pei Shangyu didn't know why he had come. He thought that perhaps he would have to listen to her personally.    


He walked to her side and did not sit down. Instead, he half-squatted, and his line of sight was the same as hers.    


He used the calmest tone he could control and asked her, "Hebai, you... have a baby?"    


Beiming Yubai's heart sank and her fingers squeezed into her palm.    


She faced Pei Shangyu's eyes, and for a moment, she felt a little embarrassed to the point where there was nowhere to hide.    


"En." She nodded, wanting to explain, but everything was pale and powerless.    


Pei Shangyu also clenched his fists tightly. But in these few years, he was no longer the young man who was filled with joy and anger. He only tried his best to pull out a smile. "Oh, that's good. Congratulations."    


Beiming Yubai did not say anything. Time seemed to have frozen.    


At this moment, she felt that the baby in her stomach moved. The movement was a little big and she could not help but exclaim in a low voice.    


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