Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1176 Pregnant Was Discovered

C1176 Pregnant Was Discovered

This was the first time Beiming Shen had seen his daughter like this. He could not help but worry. Are you feeling unwell somewhere?"    


Beiming Yubai shook her head, "No, I just stayed up late last night."    


"Young people should stay up late. This is not good for their health." Beiming Shen said and took out a gift for Beiming Yubai. It was a very beautiful necklace.    


Beiming Yubai took it and tried to smile. "Dad, I will wear it when I wash up!"    


However, just as she brushed her teeth, that kind of disgusting feeling came again.    


And this time it was especially fierce. She actually retched.    


At the side, when the maid saw this scene, she silently stopped for a few seconds.    


Beiming Yubai packed her things and sat down with everyone to eat.    


Today's breakfast was specially brought back by Beiming Yumo for his sister. It was all Beiming Yubai's favorite in the past.    


However, after Beiming Yubai ate a few mouthfuls, she felt a wave of discomfort and could not eat at all.    


Beiming Shen saw this and was about to call a doctor when Beiming Yubai hurriedly stopped him, saying that she did not sleep well and that she would be fine after a short rest.    


Beiming Shen did not think too much about it. After breakfast, he went to the study upstairs and had some things to tidy up.    


The maid handed over the tea that had been brewed. When she put it down, she did not leave.    


Beiming Shen was puzzled. He looked up and asked, "Mrs Wang, do you have something to say to me?"    


Mrs Wang looked hesitant, but after a moment, she made up her mind. "Master, I have something to say, but I am afraid you will be angry."    


"Tell me, as long as you don't do anything wrong, I won't punish you." Beiming Shen had gradually calmed down over the past few years, and he rarely got angry.    


"It is the young lady," Mrs Wang said anxiously. "I observed her condition and felt that she was a little pregnant. " Family Head, you'd better find a doctor to take a look at Miss... "    


When Beiming Shen heard this, his expression changed.    


Mrs Wang lowered her head. "I'm also an experienced person. I feel that Eldest Miss is in a dire situation. And I am the one who poured the trash in the washroom. " She probably hasn't used sanitary cotton in two months. "    


Beiming Shen's hand slowly tightened. After a few seconds, he said," Okay. I got it. "    


There were documents in front of him, and Beiming Shen was not in the mood to read them.    


He stood up, walked to the window, and forced himself to calm down. Only then did he stand up and walk out.    


Beiming Yubai was in the room, and when she heard Beiming Shen knocking on the door, she got up and went to open the door.    


Beiming Shen first asked her about her studies, then closed the door and sat down. He said, "With Bai, me and you. Mom cares about you very much. So no matter what happens to you, don't hide it from us. We can solve it together."    


Beiming Yubai's heart sank when she heard this.    


Beiming Shen asked again, "Have you encountered any trouble recently?"    


Beiming Yubai met her father's eyes. At this moment, she knew that Beiming Shen had guessed something.    


"Don't be afraid of Bai. Tell me what happened." Beiming Shen said, "If you think it is inconvenient for me to be a man, I will call you. " Mom, come here. We will solve it together. "    


Beiming Yubai heard this and finally could not help but cry, "Dad, I also do not know why it would be like this..."    


She cried as she recounted what happened two and a half months ago. Then, she sobbed and said, "I didn't think that I would get pregnant. Dad, I don't know what to do! "    


Beiming Shen was angry and distressed when he heard that. He narrowed his eyes. "This matter must be investigated!"    


He Bai said, "Why didn't you tell us at that time? This is clearly a conspiracy!"    


Beiming Yubai lowered her head and her tears kept falling.    


Beiming Shen saw it and immediately felt his heart ache again. He quickly comforted, "It's fine with Bai. Let's go to the hospital first and check the body."    


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