Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1175 Don't Tell Me You're Going to School with Your Belly Up?

C1175 Don't Tell Me You're Going to School with Your Belly Up?

There were several employees in white coats in the pharmacy. When they saw Beiming Yubai enter, one of the employees immediately came over and asked, "What medicine does Miss want to buy?"    


Because there was no one in the pharmacy at this time, Beiming Yubai could feel that almost everyone's gaze fell on her.    


She felt that her cheeks were burning hot and she wanted to find a hole to hide in. She could only quickly walk to the side and said, "I will take a look myself."    


After saying that, she took a random bottle of eye potion from the medicine shelf and went to search for the pregnancy test items.    


Finally, she found a pregnancy test kit on one of the shelves.    


Beiming Yubai saw several different types, so she chose two expensive ones. She directly took them and walked towards the cashier in front.    


On the other side, she still did not dare to raise her head. She gave the money with her phone, stuffed the things into her bag, and left in a hurry.    


Along the way home, Beiming Yubai was so preoccupied that she went into the washroom. Her whole body was trembling.    


She read the instruction manual seriously a few times before starting the test.    


The liquid rose very quickly and she quickly saw a red bar. Then, the liquid continued to rise and climbed up to the observation area.    


When another bar appeared in the observation area, Beiming Yubai's body swayed and she almost could not hold the pregnancy test stick in her hand.    


She took another bar and tried the same method. It was the same result.    


On the instruction manual, it clearly indicated that her result meant that she was pregnant!    


Beiming Yubai squatted on the ground and did not move.    


She was really pregnant. What should she do after that?    


How should she face her family, her teachers, and her classmates?    


More importantly, should she still have children?    


She subconsciously touched her lower abdomen. She could not believe that there was a life in her completely flat abdomen at this moment.    


Beiming Yubai walked out of the bathroom in a daze. The garbage was taken care of by her. She put it in a few layers of bags and threw it outside.    


She went back to her room and sat on the bed, motionless.    


After a long time, there was movement from outside. It was the maid who came over and said that the phone she put outside had rung.    


Beiming Yubai took the phone and saw that it was Beiming Shen calling. He said that he would go home tomorrow.    


Beiming Yubai casually replied a few words and then returned to her room in a daze.    


Time passed bit by bit and the sun outside dyed the entire sky red.    


Beiming Yubai finally could not hold it in anymore and buried her face under the blanket, crying bitterly and in despair.    


She remembered that her mother told her that she and her brother were born.    


Even when she was caught by Xuanyuan Lin back then, Chiang Xiaoxi also tried her best to give birth to them.    


In her stomach was a fresh life. If she did not want it anymore, then she would take away the right of that small life to come to this world.    


It was her flesh and blood!    


But, if she wanted to give birth, what should she do?    


Should she find Lu Yunting to explain this matter, and marry him because of the child?    


There was no love between them. If they married because of the child, wouldn't that be unfair to both of them?    


Also, she was still in school at the school. Could it be that she was going to school with her belly up?    


Beiming Yubai did not feel that she had such a strong heart.    


Her heart was in a mess. She buried her whole body under the blanket and only felt a chill in her heart.    


That night, Beiming Yubai also did not have an appetite and basically did not eat much. One night. She slept in a daze and was woken up from time to time.    


When she woke up the next day, Beiming Shen and Beiming Yumo had already returned.    


When Beiming Yubai walked out of the room, her face was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes.    


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