Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1191 Then I'm Leaving What Are You Going to Do?

C1191 Then I'm Leaving What Are You Going to Do?

Gong Moyi was shocked by the sudden loss of the light. At the same time, the collapsing sound was even more shocking.    


In the cell, Xiyan Cheng's expression was serious. "Moyi, you go first. I will think of a way."    


The iron lock in the cell was hard to open. She had only learned a little about it before. Plus, she did not have professional tools, so it was too difficult to open it.    


Gong Moyi did not even raise her head and continued to search for the lock.    


Xiyan Cheng heard that she was still working on the lock and could not help but become anxious. "Moyi, you can't open this lock. Take advantage of the fact that this place did not collapse and leave immediately!"    


Gong Moyi almost immediately asked, "Then I will leave. What do you do?"    


Xiyan Cheng was speechless for a moment and then said, "The cell is strong. Even if it collapses, it will be fine. I will climb out by myself."    


Gong Moyi turned around and gave him an army. "The cell is strong. Then I will be buried with you. I can still climb out with you!"    


Xiyan Cheng was speechless.    


He took a deep breath and started to coax her. "Moyi, listen to me. Be good. You can go out and see the situation before coming back."    


Gong Moyi did not fall for it. Her tone even had some traces of it. "Mr Cheng, don't speak. Interrupt me from unlocking the lock."    


Xiyan Cheng could not do anything to her. He could only quietly lean against the cell door.    


Separated from him, he could feel her constant movements. He gently knocked on his back.    


He couldn't see anything in his line of sight, and this kind of darkness made his sense of touch even more sensitive.    


Gong Moyi did not think about anything, nor did she think about what would happen if she and Xiyan Cheng were buried. She just tried to unlock the lock with peace of mind.    


Her mind was instantly emptied. Gong Moyi could even feel every tiny change in the lock as the wire moved.    


The bomb shelter seemed to have started to collapse. In the cell closest to the outside, someone screamed.    


Instantly, the entire alley was filled with frightened voices.    


Everyone was fighting inside the cage, but no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to shake the cell door in the slightest.    


Xiyan Cheng leaned against the door. He felt like he had thought a lot, but it seemed like he hadn't thought of anything.    


Until he felt the lock on the other side of the door lightly flick.    


He had just stood up when Gong Moyi's excited voice came from behind him. "Mr Cheng, I opened it!"    


Xiyan Cheng's throat opened. The knot rolled heavily. "Yes."    


The moment he turned around, the door in front of him opened. Then, a soft body crashed in.    


Xiyan Cheng hurriedly held Gong Moyi up. He still wanted to hug her, but at this moment, he could not allow them to stay any longer.    


He pulled her into his embrace and quickly ran out with her in his arms.    


Gong Moyi's phone fell into the car when she was in Nikala. The two of them did not have any lighting and could only rely on their memories to quickly run out.    


Xiyan Cheng's balance was very good. Several times there were obstacles in front of him, and he was able to completely stabilize his body and carry Gong Moyi directly.    


Something fell from above their heads from time to time. When the two of them reached the cave entrance, they found that the cave entrance had completely collapsed.    


It was already dusk outside. The light of the setting sun shone through the gaps between the rocks. Along with it, there was also the thick smell of gunpowder.    


Xiyan Cheng let go of Gong Moyi and quickly climbed to the cave entrance and began to clean up the obstacles.    


He moved very quickly. Not long after, he cleared out a hole that could allow one person to climb out.    


He took the lead to climb out. After making sure that there was no danger outside, he returned to the cave entrance and reached his hand to Gong Moyi.    


Gong Moyi had already climbed up from the inside. However, just as her hand was about to reach Xiyan Cheng, she suddenly felt someone pull her leg!    


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