Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1189 Be My Woman

C1189 Be My Woman

Michael was the highest ranking officer, and as soon as he died, the highest ranking officer here was a few major.    


Xiyan Cheng was one of them. There were also two other officers of the same rank, but none of them were willing to submit to the other. The situation was extremely chaotic at this moment.    


A portion of people agreed to forcefully charge out, while a portion of them felt that rushing out was courting death, while a portion of them were planning to surrender.    


After Gong Moyi heard Michael's death, she immediately went to the cell.    


In this cell, other than Xiyan Cheng, they were all sent over from the front line.    


Gong Moyi searched all the way and finally found Xiyan Cheng at the end of the cell.    


"Mr Cheng!" Gong Moyi tiptoed to the front of the iron window and quickly said, "The people from the Black Flame Mercenary Group killed Michael. It is in chaos now. They probably want to trap us here and kill us. I will save you when there is no one around!"    


If he was imprisoned and escaped without permission, he would be charged with all the crimes. But the situation was different now. Xiyan Cheng did not hesitate at all. He nodded and said, "Okay, the key should be with Nika. Don't force it. If he doesn't give it to us, we will think of another way."    


Gong Moyi agreed and quickly went out to find Nika.    


It was completely chaotic outside. Two groups of people had already rushed out.    


There were guns and off-road vehicles on this side. Once they rushed out of the camp and found a place to cover, they might escape the fate of being blasted by the plane.    


Gong Moyi looked around and finally saw Nika at the exit of the bomb shelter. He followed a group of soldiers and was ready to get into the car.    


"Nika, can you give me the cell key?" Gong Moyi said as she quickly took off her watch. "This is for you!"    


Nika looked at the watch and knew it was a good thing.    


He took it and grabbed Gong Moyi's wrist.    


He smiled and said, "What's so good about that man? I heard that the quality of humans in the East is not good. Be my woman and I guarantee that you will feel good!"    


After saying that, he pulled Gong Moyi and stuffed her into the car.    


Gong Moyi was a girl after all, so she had strength. How could she be a match for a soldier?    


She was directly stuffed into the car by Nika and even closed the door.    


There were continuous explosions outside. The bullets landed on the ground. Everywhere they landed, the ground exploded. Sand and fire could be seen everywhere, as well as limbs that had been blown up.    


Nika's car had already rushed into the smoke. Gong Moyi was pressed tightly on the seat of the car. She felt that her shoulders were about to be crushed.    


The car kept moving forward. Just as it was about to drive out of the square, at that moment, a bomb exploded. The bomb fell and went straight in the direction of the off-road vehicle.    


The soldier who was driving also reacted very quickly. He suddenly turned the steering wheel and barely avoided the bomb. The bullet, but in that instant, the car shook heavily, and the glass shattered.    


Everyone in the car was shaken until their center of gravity became unstable. Gong Moyi also felt that the strength that was shackled to her body suddenly loosened.    


She was pressed down on the seat of the car. The imbalance just now was actually easier to recover compared to others.    


She quickly jumped up from her seat and used one hand to support the chair in the front row. Then, with a flash, she jumped out.    


Because the car was still moving, when she landed, her entire body fell to the ground. Even though she immediately rolled, she felt as if her entire body had fallen apart and was in pain.    


There was a burning pain on the back of her hand. Gong Moyi looked down and saw that there were a few blisters on the back of her hand and there were also traces of blood seeping out from the abrasions.    


And in her breath, there was smoke.    


She did not dare to stay and quickly ran towards the bomb shelter.    


On the other side, Nika's car had already disappeared into the dust. Whether the person in the car was dead or alive depended on luck.    


The ugliness of human nature was vividly displayed in the face of life and death.    


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