Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1201 Name the Baby

C1201 Name the Baby

Beiming Yubai was a little embarrassed to answer, but she still admitted, "Maybe it's because I'm slower, and then we..."    


Lu Yunting nodded. "Yes, I know."    


Beiming Yubai was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable, so she could not help but stop him, "In the future, there will be more time..."    


Lu Yunting smiled at her. "It is fine."    


Beiming Yubai changed the topic. "Oh right, dad said that he will get Mianmian's big name today."    


Lu Yunting nodded. "Yes, I am not good at naming. You name one, I like it all."    


Beiming Yubai smiled. "You are just lazy, right?"    


The two of them talked and laughed. Beiming Yubai was very tired very soon, so she decided to sleep for a while.    


Lu Yunting helped her lie down and covered her with the blanket before leaving the room.    


He walked to the door and looked at the sky outside. The gentleness on his face disappeared and was replaced by an expression of uncertainty.    


He didn't know if he should tell her that the child might not be his.    


Her body had not recovered yet and her mood had just calmed down. If he told her that the child might be a stranger, that stranger would still give her a blow. Medicine, the person who did those terrifying things, would she not be able to bear the blow?    


Lu Yunting thought for a long time, but he could not think of an answer.    


That night, the whole family went together to give Mianmian a name.    


The dictionary was flipped over and over several times. In the end, everyone gave a name and drew lots.    


He opened the note. There were two words on it: Jin Yu.    


Beiming Yubai's eyes lit up. "I chose it!"    


Beiming Shen saw that she was happy, so he nodded. "Then this one."    


After saying that, he asked, "Have you thought about the surname? Who is the child's surname with you?"    


Beiming Yubai had considered it when she was pregnant. She felt that the child could follow anyone. If Lu Yunting felt that the surname should be Lu, then it would not be a problem.    


At this moment, just as she turned to look at Lu Yunting, she heard him say, "I think it's good to have the surname Bai. Our family doesn't care about this."    


Upon hearing this, Beiming Shen looked at him with some doubt.    


Beiming Yubai repeated it twice. "Lu Jinyu, Northern Underworld Jin Yu."    


She then said, "Then it's settled. My surname is Northern Underworld Jin Yu. I think it's better to call her that!"    


Lu Yunting smiled. "Alright, it's up to you."    


Just as everyone was talking, Mrs Yue came over with the little fellow in her arms and said with a smile. "Mianmian probably heard that she had a name. She cried and wanted milk."    


Beiming Yubai got up and continued to be a wet nurse.    


But when she passed by Lu Yunting, she felt that he looked at Mianmian with a complicated expression.    


Actually, Beiming Yubai was not a careless person. She could clearly feel that since Mianmian was born, Lu Yunting had been a little strange.    


At first, she thought she was overthinking, but after observing him a few more times, she found him. It was not that she did not like the continuous flow, but that there seemed to be something hidden in her heart.    


Thus, after feeding Mianmian, she got up and went to Lu Yunting's room.    


He heard movement and got up to open the door for her. When he saw that she came by herself, he hurriedly helped her sit down and wanted to pour water for her again.    


Beiming Yubai shook her head, however. "Senior, I have something to ask you."    


Lu Yunting's expression froze.    


"Are you hiding something from me?" Beiming Yubai locked his eyes. "Something related to Mianmian?"    


Lu Yunting did not say anything, but his stiff expression revealed everything.    


"Do you... not like girls? Or did your family give you some pressure?" Beiming Yubai asked him to sit down. "It's okay. We agreed earlier. Don't be tied up because of the child. So if there's anything, just say it to me. "    


Lu Yunting met Beiming Yubai's serious expression and finally made up his mind. "With Bai, this matter is a bit big. When you heard it, say it. Don't be agitated."    


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