Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1188 The Anger of Being Wronged

C1188 The Anger of Being Wronged

Xiyan Cheng shook his head.    


Someone must have planned this long ago. Even if there was evidence, it would have been erased long ago.    


His eyes swept across the people present. He had already made a judgment in his heart: there must be a spy among these people.    


The rumbling outside continued, and in the bomb shelter, a white colonel said to Xiyan Cheng, "According to international peace laws and the laws of our military camps, you are suspected of betraying military secrets and breaking peace. From now on, you are officially under investigation!"    


After saying that, he directly ordered people to detain Xiyan Cheng.    


Gong Moyi was anxious. "Colonel Michael, is it possible that you are going to convict him with just a signal jammer that you found in Major Xi Yan's room and a photo of unknown origin? Shouldn't we investigate what happened to this local girl and the authenticity of the photo?! "    


Michael heard her and his blue eyes swept over. His voice was cold." Sergeant Gong Moyi, I am following the procedure. Do I need to follow your orders? "    


Gong Moyi still wanted to say something but Jessica pulled her to the side and motioned for her to not speak. If she said anything else, she would be punished with the crime of "hindering military orders." She would also be locked up.    


Gong Moyi's chest rose and fell as she tried to suppress her anger.    


She knew that she could not be rash. There were only him and Xiyan Cheng here. If she was also locked up, no one would be able to save them.    


However, the worry and unwillingness in her eyes could not be faked.    


Xiyan Cheng's expression had always been calm, but when faced with Gong Moyi's gaze, he felt his chest burn.    


No one spoke up for him just now. Especially after seeing that photo, even he was worried that Gong Moyi would not believe him. But he had clearly seen that girl in his room without a strand of hair. She did not have the slightest doubt and even stood in front of everyone to defend him!    


His gaze was fixed on her and used the Mandarin that only they could understand each other. "Baby, don't worry. Those who clear will clear themselves. I'll be fine."    


Gong Moyi clenched her fingers into a fist and watched helplessly as Xiyan Cheng was taken away.    


The border defense was empty. They could reach the cell directly. Gong Moyi saw where Xiyan Cheng was taken and knew he was taken to the cell.    


Her eyes were a little red. The unwillingness in her heart burned crazily, but she could only endure it!    


She would find a way to prove his innocence. She wanted to bring him out in an open and aboveboard manner!    


And at this moment, the roar of the engine came closer. Then, there was the sound of an off-road vehicle.    


Not long after, there was a sound coming from the entrance of the cave. It turned out that the person who walked in was from the Black Flame Mercenary Group.    


The man was short and fat, and his eyes were very smooth. When he came in, he smiled and said: "I'm sorry, everyone. We have also encountered a difficult problem. So we want to talk to Mr. Michael! "    


Then, he blew out a smoke ring. He did not take himself as an outsider and said, "Mr. Michael, is there a conference room?"    


On the other side, Mike and the other party went to the meeting room, leaving the other soldiers to continue guarding the bomb shelter.    


Time passed bit by bit, but the conference room still did not move. The soldiers outside were getting anxious.    


Just as Gong Moyi was planning to take this opportunity to visit Xiyan Cheng, Someone exclaimed, "Colonel Michael was killed!"    


Everyone's faces changed.    


The man from the Mercenary Group had left in a swagger. No one knew that he did not negotiate with Michael and had even killed him!    


Outside, the explosions were even louder. If this continued, the bomb shelter would not be able to hold on any longer.    


Obviously, the enemy had blocked all the signals here. They wanted to turn this place into a lone city!    


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