Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1211 A 24-hour Chance

C1211 A 24-hour Chance

Gong Moyi was so hungry that she felt dizzy. When she heard Xiyan Cheng's words, she finally had some spirit. "Mr Cheng, what did you say? Where is the exit?"    


"You were not hallucinating just now. What we saw was a military-grade signal flare, standard NO 291." Xiyan Cheng could not hide his excitement. "This place must have been caused by some kind of material underground, causing a large area of light to distort. Because the area is too large, it has a similar effect of spatial folding."    


After saying that, Xiyan Cheng pulled Gong Moyi up and walked quickly towards the direction of the signal flare.    


Their shoes stepped on the cold snow, leaving a series of footprints.    


"Because it's similar to spatial folding, we can't find the exit, so it's impossible to leave this place. Those people were trapped here in the winter because of this."    


Xiyan Cheng explained as he walked, "And because of the rotation of the earth and the rotation, from a certain angle, light from the outside can penetrate through the distorted areas of the light. And in this short 24 hours, our vision will no longer lie to us. "What we see is the actual direction."    


Gong Moyi basically understood and asked, "Then we will follow that direction all the way. As long as we walk out of this area within 24 hours, we will be able to return to that mountain?"    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "Yes, and I believe that the matter that can distort a large area of space cannot be so abundant that we won't be able to walk out even after a day. Before this, we were just using the illusion technique, which is what the tradition says, 'Ghost Strike the Wall'. We were constantly walking the same path. "    


Gong Moyi nodded and looked into the distance. "Mr Cheng, I knew we would go out."    


Xiyan Cheng turned his body sideways. A kiss landed on Gong Moyi's cheek. "Yes, we still need to get old together."    


However, even if they found the direction, it was not an easy task to really go out.    


The sky was already very cold. The ground was covered with snow, and their shoes had long been worn out. The snow seeped in and turned into snow water that was bone-piercing cold.    


Gong Moyi felt that her legs were numb from the cold and coupled with the fact that she was dizzy from the hunger, when it was almost dawn, she could not hold on any longer.    


However, she did not know how far ahead she was. She did not even know if she would be safe after she went out. She did not dare to consume Xiyan Cheng's physical strength, so she gritted her teeth and persisted.    


The snow in front of her became more and more dazzling with the dawn, and Gong Moyi felt that there was already an illusion in front of her.    


The black and white TV's undetectable snowflakes were getting more and more in front of her eyes. Before she fainted, she only heard Xiyan Cheng anxiously calling her name.    


After that, she didn't know anything.    


Xiyan Cheng took Gong Moyi's pulse and confirmed that she fainted because she was tired and hungry. He did not dare to delay at all and carried her on his back and continued to walk forward quickly.    


The sky was getting brighter and brighter. Xiyan Cheng could see that the sunlight seemed to have become straight at this moment. When he turned around, he could also see the footprints he left behind, pointing straight in the direction of life.    


He and Gong Moyi's food lasted until yesterday, and there was only a small piece of dried fish left.    


The two of them could not bear to eat. Today, they only drank water and persisted until this moment.    


At noon, Gong Moyi woke up.    


She opened her eyes and found that they were already far away from the river from before. At this moment, they were surrounded by sand dunes covered in snow. The scenery in her sight was the same.    


She wanted to speak, but her throat was dry and she could only make a somewhat hoarse sound.    


Xiyan Cheng heard it and immediately put her down. He gave her the water bag. "Baby, drink some."    


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