Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1222 I Only Want You

C1222 I Only Want You

When Gong Moyi drove out of the camp, she had to go through many checkpoints. She had to go through all the procedures. When she left the small town, she received a call from her superior and ordered her to return to the team.    


But the location of the bracelet had not changed. How could Gong Moyi not go?    


She pretended not to hear and drove all the way up the mountain road.    


The road here had been very bad after years of war. Several roads had been cut off, so they could only take a detour.    


When they drove all the way to the valley, it was already evening. Gong Moyi was constantly paying attention to the change in the location on her phone and found that it really had not changed.    


She could not help but feel puzzled. If Xiyan Cheng was injured here, he should not have searched for so long and no one found him. Or did his bracelet fall here?    


Just as she was wondering, Gong Moyi heard a gunshot.    


She was shocked and immediately turned off the car light.    


At the same time, bullets continuously passed by her car, and there were even a few bullets that even hit her car.    


However, the sky was already dark, and there were shadows everywhere, making it hard for people to see clearly who was shooting.    


Gong Moyi quickly turned the car horizontally and flashed to a low slope.    


It was also here that she discovered that there were two groups of people competing with each other, but their target was not her.    


There were quite a number of people on both sides. Although she had a gun in her hand, she did not dare to take the risk. She could only wait anxiously behind the slope.    


The sky was getting darker and darker. It was gradually shrouded by the darkness. The gunshots on both sides seemed to have finally come to an end after a series of intense gunshots.    


There was no moon tonight, and his vision was almost completely dark.    


Gong Moyi's heart was slightly relieved. She held the gun tightly and prepared to get out of the car to take a look.    


Just as she opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, the front passenger's door was suddenly opened. Someone rushed in at once.    


Gong Moyi was shocked and almost immediately pointed the gun at that person.    


However, that person's speed was even faster. Before she could aim in the direction of the sound, a gun had already pressed against her forehead.    


A hoarse male voice in stiff English said: "Put the gun down!"    


Gong Moyi did not move. Her fingers were about to pull the trigger.    


However, her wrist suddenly felt a sharp pain and she subconsciously shrank.    


And it was also with this one move that her gun was taken away.    


Then, she felt a numbness in her wrist.    


She was shocked, as if she had been bitten by a poisonous snake?    


She quickly pressed a few acupuncture points and then said to the person in front of her: "I'm not from here, I'm afraid you've caught the wrong person"    


However, the person ignored her and continued to use his gun to stop her. Then, he used his other hand to pull her clothes.    


Gong Moyi was shocked. At this moment, there was almost no light at all. She did not know who this person was at all. But how did this person see her clearly?    


Why did he pull her clothes?    


"Let's have a good talk. If you want a car or a gun, I'll give it to you." She quickly said.    


"I only want you" That person laughed in a low voice and then rushed over.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi also knew that there was no way out. No matter if it was the gun on her forehead or anything else, she only knew that she absolutely could not fall into this person's hands.    


She did not care whether he would shoot or not. She only pulled open the car door beside her and directly jumped down.    


Behind her, there was a hissing sound. She felt that the thing suddenly bounced up and then there was a sharp pain in her calf.    


Then, a numb feeling ran up her calf, and she fell directly into the grass.    


Then, that person jumped out of the car and walked in front of her step by step.    


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