Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1224 You Can't Judge a Relationship Based on How Long You Know Each Other

C1224 You Can't Judge a Relationship Based on How Long You Know Each Other

Gong Moyi fought back with all her might, but her movements were slow. She was like a clumsy machine.    


At this moment, the sound of an engine was heard.    


That person's expression froze, and he quickly turned in that direction.    


Far away, there was a ray of light. It was the outline of an off-road vehicle.    


Gong Moyi was delighted and quickly wanted to call for help.    


However, she was shocked to find that she could only make very low sounds.    


The man in front of her cursed in a low voice and then lifted Gong Moyi up and brought her into the car.    


He closed the car door and drove forward.    


The car behind him seemed to have noticed something and shot into the sky.    


The man turned around and shot at the car behind him.    


Gong Moyi was thrown to the back seat. She slowly took out acupuncture needles from her pocket and inserted them into the acupuncture points near her heart.    


Just as she inserted the needles, the car was suddenly flung. Then, she realized that the car seemed to have broken down.    


The car behind them was approaching.    


Gong Moyi had just pulled the needle out when someone picked it up again.    


At this moment, with the help of the other car's light, Gong Moyi saw that the person who grabbed her was a tall man.    


However, he was wearing a mask and only revealed a pair of eyes. It was impossible to distinguish his identity.    


And in the other car, it was surprisingly Jessica.    


Jessica saw that she was in the hands of a man. She directly held a gun and jumped out of the car.    


The man shouted at her: "Throw the gun away, or I will kill her!"    


Gong Moyi desperately winked at Jessica but Jessica did not even look at her and threw the gun away.    


The man saw what happened. He quickly shot Jessica.    


Jessica quickly rolled on the ground and took out another gun from the back of her waist. She aimed at the man and pulled the trigger.    


The man held Gong Moyi to block and dodged at the same time.    


Gong Moyi only felt a sharp pain in her shoulder and even her numb senses seemed to become clear.    


Jessica's expression changed drastically and she quickly called out to her. This time she did not dare to continue shooting.    


The man said to her, "Throw away the gun immediately or she will die!"    


Jessica also threw the second gun.    


The man saw that although she was empty-handed, he did not dare to be careless. He quickly looked at Gong Moyi who was almost on the verge of death and a trace of ridicule appeared in his eyes. Then, he threw her towards the valley.    


Gong Moyi's body rose into the air, then landed on the ground, and then quickly rolled down.    


As she rolled, her phone slid out. She saw a vague message notification on it, but she did not know who sent it to her.    


She thought of her family, of her friends who had grown up with her, and of Xiyan Cheng, who she didn't know where he was.    


She unlocked her phone with great difficulty, wanting to see the distance between her and Xiyan Cheng.    


However, in the next second, she heard Jessica's exclamation.    


Gong Moyi felt her body suddenly empty. Immediately, it was Jessica's face that rushed to the side of the valley, as well as her hand that was reaching out to her.    


After that, she heard a gunshot and Jessica, who was by the side of the valley, fell down.    


However, Jessica did not fall down. She was the only one who rolled down the valley.    


Gong Moyi stared blankly at Jessica, who had fallen down. She suddenly remembered that day. This girl, who was much taller than her, looked at her with a very contemptuous look. She said that her small arms and legs were more suitable for drinking milk at home. What troops did she come to? Should they fight?    


She was angry at that time and directly started fighting with Jessica.    


They did not fight and did not know each other. This fight became friends instead.    


But now, Jessica was implicated by her and she could not live anymore...    


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