Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1289 I Broke up with Him

C1289 I Broke up with Him

Beiming Yumo's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.    


He was planning to confess, but he didn't want Gong Moyi to know that he was pretending to be sick.    


Especially when he saw how seriously she gave him so many medicines, he somewhat regretted using this excuse.    


But now that he had exposed her, she would definitely be angry, right?    


Just as Beiming Yumo was feeling apprehensive, Gong Moyi explained. "That is to say, your stomach is uncomfortable. It is not physiological, but psychological."    


She looked at him with sparkling eyes. " Did you have any psychological hints during the first gastric pain? So, the body may have remembered this hint, so at some point, it will give you a nervous signal of gastric pain "    


Beiming Yumo looked into her eyes, not knowing what to say for a moment.    


He wanted to say, Moyi, I like you.    


I don't have any stomach disease. I just want to find a chance to get close to you.    


Gong Moyi saw that he did not speak and thought that he was thinking, so she did not interrupt him and instead slowly drank coffee.    


Beiming Yumo sat opposite her. After two minutes, he said, "Let's go watch a movie in a while. Yesterday, an action movie was released. You will probably like it."    


Gong Moyi felt helpless. This guy must have refused to talk about the cause of his stomachache for some reason.    


She said, "The movie is not the main point. Yumo, your problem can be big or small. I don't know about psychological hints, so I suggest you take a look at a psychiatrist. There are some in the hospital now. Finding the root of the problem is very important to the patient's condition."    


Beiming Yumo lowered his hand and rubbed the movie ticket in his pocket. "Okay."    


"But since I'm fine, let's go to the movie?" He said again.    


"Okay," Wang Yao said. Gong Moyi nodded. "I haven't seen a movie in two years."    


When she said this, even she was in a trance.    


She was with Xiyan Cheng. They were almost in the army or in every corner of the world.    


There were war zones and disaster areas waiting for help. They were far away from the urban civilization, far away from places like bars, cinema, and shopping malls, which modern people often went to. She seemed to have forgotten that she could go to the cinema to enjoy leisure time.    


After that, she and Lin Shujuann spent a lot of time and experience in the no man's area and in the laboratory. The only time they went shopping was when they were overseas.    


Gong Moyi suddenly realized that it was no wonder that she could not get along with many of her classmates and friends in her WeChat Moments. When they were chasing stars and buying cosmetics bags, she slept in the open and became a tough man.    


Opposite her, Beiming Yumo's expression was a little complicated. "Moyi, have you not been to the cinema for so long? You are really different from other girls."    


Gong Moyi smiled. "But I am preparing to apply to be transferred to the Combat Jet Research Department. In the future, I will probably be able to go to the movies occasionally."    


"Mhm." Beiming Yumo drank the milk and hesitated for a while. He said, "That day, Wubai called me."    


"Hmm? And then?" Gong Moyi asked.    


"You and Brother Cheng..." Beiming Yumo paused and asked, "Did something happen to you?"    


Gong Moyi was drinking coffee and her expression did not change, but she did not look at Beiming Yumo.    


She pretended to be fearless and smiled. "Yes, we split up."    


"Ah?" Beiming Yumo could not tell what he was feeling right now. His ears buzzed. His brain was filled with joy, anticipation, anxiety, and worry.    


He just followed his thoughts and asked, "When did this happen?"    


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