Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1294 Xi Yancheng Called Gong Moyi

C1294 Xi Yancheng Called Gong Moyi

On the other side, Xiyan Cheng quickly typed in a series of passwords and picked up the phone.    


The voice on the other end was more mocking than usual. "Cheng, you will definitely be happy after hearing what I said this time!"    


Xiyan Cheng asked, "What?"    


A hint of self-mockery appeared on his lips. What was there to be happy about? What else was there to be happy about now?    


"The second line you applied for has been opened." The superior said: "Didn't you always want to contact your little girlfriend? This time it has been opened, Gray and the others could not trace it. However, I've already said it. You can't call her for more than a minute every day. Because if you call her for more than 60 seconds, there is a risk of being decrypted. "    


He suddenly felt a burst of joy in his heart, and his frozen heart once again warmed up.    


Xiyan Cheng's eyes were filled with a smile. "Alright, Major General, I got it."    


"Alright. Xiyan Cheng said. "You're the only one who doesn't forget to fall in love even when you're on a mission!"    


Xiyan Cheng quickly told him about the current situation and hung up the phone.    


The screen showed that the call lasted 52 seconds.    


Xiyan Cheng put away his phone and saw Nolri still lying on the grass in the distance. He did not take another look and went back to his room.    


Knowing that he could call Gong Moyi, when Xiyan Cheng was unpacking the package, he was not in a bad mood anymore.    


He opened the package and saw a bullet box.    


So, she should have gone back to the army?    


When he thought of the courier station next to the supermarket that day, Xiyan Cheng suddenly had a bad premonition.    


When she returned to the army, did she hear something in the army?    


After all, in order to act realistic, Xiyan Cheng had even deliberately submitted an electronic report requesting to get married.    


Could she have actually seen this when she was in the army?    


Xiyan Cheng's heart sank.    


If it was Xiyan Chi who told her, he felt that it would be better, because that way, she would feel that their family was cooperating for him as a spy.    


But, if she found out in the army...    


Xiyan Cheng did not dare to continue thinking about it. He opened the magazine and felt that he had to make a special thread to explain it to her immediately.    


When he opened the magazine, he was surprised to find that it was the locator bracelet.    


Except, other than the bracelet, there was also the complete set of jewelry that he had given her for the first time.    


Xiyan Cheng still remembered that the first time he confessed to her, it was this set of jewelry.    


That day, she had run in front of him. She wore a white dress, like a blooming lily.    


He was moved and felt that she was even more beautiful than the moonlight that night. When he put on the jewelry for her, his heart beat without any pattern.    


In fact, from that time on, he had already regarded her as his girlfriend.    


What did returning this mean? It went without saying.    


Xiyan Cheng held the jewelry, gulped, and turned on the phone to connect to the line.    


This line only needed Xiyan Cheng to enter the password, and the other side could answer directly.    


It would take some time for the password to be connected. He had never felt so nervous before.    


How should he explain it to her? Would she listen? Would she believe him?    


Or would she have fallen in love with someone else? Even if he explained everything, it would be too late?    


Under such continuous emotional ups and downs, there was finally a beeping sound from the other end of the line.    


Xiyan Cheng suddenly gripped his phone tightly, feeling his throat dry. His lips... The petal moved. The moment she was about to answer the call, he called her by her name.    


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