Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1147 Have You Ever Cried?

C1147 Have You Ever Cried?

Gong Moyi's furrowed brows slowly relaxed as she listened to the song.    


The discomfort on her body gradually lessened along with the tiredness and sleepiness that assaulted her. She fell asleep once again.    


Xiyan Cheng sang many songs. When the girl in his arms finally fell asleep, he measured her body temperature again and found that it had started to decrease.    


He put Gong Moyi back in the car and applied a towel on her forehead until dawn.    


When Gong Moyi woke up, she felt that her throat was very dry. She moved her body and gently touched Xiyan Cheng beside her.    


He immediately opened his eyes and asked, "Baby, how do you feel?"    


Gong Moyi's lips. Her lips moved and her voice was dry and hoarse, "Water."    


Only now did she realize that it was not that difficult for her to speak anymore.    


Xiyan Cheng immediately took the water and fed it to Gong Moyi. After she drank half a bottle, she finally had strength. "Mr Cheng, where are we?"    


Xiyan Cheng explained, "We are in the border of X Country. I plan to find a way to go to the oasis and find a change of clothes. I will disguise as an ordinary person and leave the country."    


Gong Moyi thought for a few seconds and her memory gradually returned.    


When she was in a daze, she heard Xiyan Cheng say that her comrades and doctors had all died. There were scenes of him hugging her and singing. There were also scenes of her losing control of the plane a little earlier. Before she fell, she barely managed to control it, but it was still the despair she felt when she landed in the desert.    


She looked up, and her voice was still very weak. "Did a comrade die?"    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. Pain surged in the bottom of his eyes, but his fingers gently brushed Gong Moyi's face. "So you have to live well. We will leave in a while. I will take you to treat it."    


Gong Moyi nodded and leaned into Xiyan Cheng's arms. She felt very sad.    


It turned out that what she had felt when she was unconscious was true.    


Then, he hugged her and cried in despair. And those words that he had faintly said, were they also true?    


She grabbed the button on his chest and said softly, "Mr Cheng, Have you cried before?"    


Xiyan Cheng's expression froze for a moment, and then he said somewhat unnaturally, "No, you are mistaken."    


Gong Moyi said in puzzlement, "But at that time... I seemed to have heard it all."    


This time, it was Xiyan Cheng's turn to feel a little embarrassed. He asked, "You heard it?"    


"Yes." Gong Moyi thought of something and suddenly blinked playfully. "I heard you say that you also want to learn medicine from me..."    


Xiyan Cheng saw her proud look and found it funny, but he also felt happy.    


This was her. She was smart and had many bad ideas, which made him like her to the bone.    


"Okay, I'll learn from you." Xiyan Cheng lowered his head and kissed Gong Moyi on the forehead. "Teacher Gong."    


Gong Moyi was satisfied, but after a while, she became depressed again because she wanted to go to the toilet again.    


Luckily, Xiyan Cheng carried her and went to the toilet obediently. He did not show off anymore and the two of them returned to the car.    


Gong Moyi felt better. Even if there were bumps in the desert, she should be fine. So she said, "Mr Cheng, we can go now. I remember reading the report at the base that there is a plant in this desert. The juice is helpful for digestion and recovery. Let's see if we can meet it."    


After Gong Moyi said so much, she immediately felt tired and weakly leaned against the seat.    


Xiyan Cheng fed her some more bread before carefully fasten the seatbelt for Gong Moyi. He started the car and left.    


The fighter jet had no choice but to stay here, but he had already locked it, so even if the X people came into contact with him, they would not be able to drive it away.    


The off-road vehicle started moving towards the established oasis. After driving for about two hours, they saw a patch of green in front of them.    


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