Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1358 Meeting Him

C1358 Meeting Him

When two girls are together, there will always be endless topics to talk about. It was not until 9 PM that Fu Qinyan was reluctant to say goodbye because her boyfriend had already come to pick her up.    


The two of them wanted to send Gong Moyi off but Gong Moyi refused. She also drove her own car and there was no need to send her over.    


Watching the two of them leave, Gong Moyi went to the parking lot alone.    


She did not expect that just as she was about to unlock her car, the car beside her would be unlocked.    


She turned her head as if she felt something and saw Xiyan Cheng in a suit.    


In the darkness of the night, his black suit seemed to blend into the darkness, and the white shirt inside outlined him again.    


He still had a neat cut of short hair, but perhaps because he was dressed like a business elite, his entire person seemed to have lost some of his usual Leng Yi, and had a few more traces of nobility. However, the iron blood in his bones could not be hidden by that suit pants.    


As if he did not expect to meet Gong Moyi, Xiyan Cheng's hand holding the car key paused slightly.    


Immediately after, he stepped on the night sky and walked towards her in large strides.    


Seeing that he was getting closer and closer, Gong Moyi reacted as if she had reacted. She hurriedly turned around and was about to open the car door and sit in.    


However, just as her hand touched the door handle, it was suddenly grabbed by Xiyan Cheng.    


One mouth wrapped around her hand and the other hand grabbed her waist.    


In the spring of Imperial City, it was still very cold at night. But at this moment, Gong Moyi felt a warm temperature surround Xiyan Cheng's body and sweep over her.    


She smelled a familiar scent. Perhaps because it had been too long, it made her feel a little distant, as if it was separated by a century.    


A man's voice came from behind her. "Baby, I miss you very much."    


Gong Moyi wanted to pull her hand away, but Xiyan Cheng did not let go. He hugged her very tightly. "Don't go. Talk to me, okay?"    


As he spoke, he slowly let go of her. He spread his hands and said, "Baby, I won't touch you. I just want you to say a few words with me. You can say anything you want."    


Today, Xiyan Cheng was very unfamiliar. Even his tone of voice was very unfamiliar. When had Gong Moyi ever seen him lower his attitude like this, almost begging?    


However, since they had already split their hands, it would be harmful to them if they kept repeating it.    


Since they had decided, then they should not drag it out anymore.    


Hence, Gong Moyi's voice suddenly became colder. "Mr. Xi Yan, it is not good for you to do this. You are making it impossible for me to explain it to my boyfriend."    


Xiyan Cheng's face froze when he heard what Gong Moyi said. He even took two steps back. His voice was trembling slightly. "Baby, I don't believe you are with Lin Shujuann."    


Gong Moyi said, "You saw it at the mall that day. Do you think I was acting on purpose?"    


Xiyan Cheng's fingers tightened. For a moment, he felt like he was suffocating.    


He looked at her, and the light in his eyes was extinguished bit by bit. "But I don't know how to accept it, nor can I accept it. Or tell me, what should I do? "    


Gong Moyi did not look at him and only went to open the car door. "Sorry, I don't know. I have to go home."    


"Baby, I have nothing left." Xiyan Cheng looked at her back and his eyes were bleak. "The investigation in the army is not good for me. You should go to the assessment tomorrow. I never thought that I would work so hard to lose you, but in the end... "    


When he said this, his Adam's apple rolled and he could not continue.    


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