Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1363 I Didn't Know That Person Treated You That Way

C1363 I Didn't Know That Person Treated You That Way

Xiyan Cheng parked his car and walked to the entrance of the library. He happened to see Gong Moyi carrying a few books out.    


He walked over and said, "Baby."    


Gong Moyi looked up and saw Xiyan Cheng's hurried look. She was a little surprised.    


She asked, "What's the matter?"    


"I want to talk to you." Xiyan Cheng was afraid Gong Moyi would refuse, so he said, "About the person who attacked you a year ago."    


Gong Moyi could not help but ask, "Do you know the identity of that person?"    


Xiyan Cheng's heart warmed when he saw her ask that.    


So she had never suspected that person was him, right?    


Even if she should have seen the books in his house. Even if one of the people who were fighting at that time was Nessan's.    


"Yes, there is a suspect." Xiyan Cheng said and wanted to help Gong Moyi get the book. "Let's find a place to talk about it in detail."    


Gong Moyi knew Xiyan Cheng must have used this opportunity to do something, but she wanted to know who that person was.    


From Xiyan Cheng's tone, it seemed that he was an acquaintance.    


"I will take it myself." Gong Moyi did not give the book to Xiyan Cheng. Instead, she walked to the parking lot and put the book in first. Then she said, "There is a coffee shop on the first floor of the library."    


Xiyan Cheng understood that she did not want to get entangled with him too much. He was a little disappointed but still said, "Then go there."    


The two sat down. Xiyan Cheng very naturally helped Gong Moyi order a cup of her favorite drink. After the waiter left, the two of them reacted.    


The atmosphere suddenly became somewhat subtle. The two of them sat down and Gong Moyi directly asked, "Who do you suspect is that person?"    


Xiyan Cheng did not answer her but instead asked, "Baby, At that time, did you think that person was familiar?"    


Gong Moyi thought for a while and replied, "Not familiar, but I think that he might be someone I know. Because his voice is not right. It should not be using a voice changer. It should be that he deliberately suppressed it and was a little rough."    


She had never suspected that it was Xiyan Cheng, because they had been so intimate before. If it was him, even if he covered his face, she would still know.    


It was just that she did not understand why Xiyan Cheng had such a book at that time. Was he related to the person who attacked her?    


She carefully recalled. "Right, He doesn't have the strange accent of the locals, his foreign language is very standard"    


"How about his height and figure?" Xiyan Cheng asked again.    


Gong Moyi frowned and said, "It was dark at that time. I did not see it clearly. Moreover, I couldn't walk anymore after that, so my line of sight was lower. From that angle, he looked very tall. However, his figure should be a bit thinner than yours. Unfortunately, he was wearing a mask, so I didn't know what he looked like. "I can't see the color of his eyes either."    


Xiyan Cheng heard Gong Moyi say that she couldn't walk anymore and suddenly felt his heart being torn by some kind of force. He looked at her with deep pity in his eyes. "Baby, I don't know if you actually encountered that kind of thing or the day I came back from J Nation. I met Jessica a few times and she told me."    


Gong Moyi did not open her face and said faintly, "It's fine, I'm fine now."    


"I did not deliberately not go to see you at that time." Xiyan Cheng said again, "At that time, I thought you only had some superficial wounds. I didn't know you were bitten by a snake, and I didn't know that person treated you that way..."    


There was pain in his eyes. "Baby," he said. Sorry, I didn't show up when you needed me the most. I made you scared."    


Gong Moyi shook her head. "Let's get straight to the point!"    


Xiyan Cheng did not want to push Gong Moyi too hard, so he said, "I bought the snake training book with my friends a few years ago. He also mentioned that I bought it."    


Gong Moyi narrowed her eyes. "Who?"    


"Lin Zexuan. Xiyan Cheng said.    


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