Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1373 Holding Her Hand

C1373 Holding Her Hand

Xiyan Cheng also looked over and locked his eyes on Gong Moyi's face. There was a bit of expectation in his eyes as he looked at her.    


At this moment, Gong Moyi really could not do anything anymore.    


She thought for a while and said, "You have to listen to your family's opinion when getting married. I think I am only 21, so there is no need to be so anxious."    


She did not say who she was marrying, nor did she embarrass Xiyan Cheng. She put the pressure on her parents, which could be considered to have escaped disaster.    


How could the crowd know what Gong Moyi was thinking?    


When they heard, they could not help but turn to Xiyan Cheng and say: "Brother Cheng, looks like you have to discuss with Moyi's family! But that's also true. She is the eldest daughter of Heavenly Palace Group. No matter what, her marriage must be grand and magnificent!"    


"That's right! Maybe she'll go to some vacation paradise and get married. " We don't know if we can go... "    


Xiyan Cheng smiled and said, "I will pay for the plane and treat everyone!"    


Oh, Brother Cheng is awesome! "    


"Brother Cheng is not a soldier, but can still be a domineering CEO!"    


Everyone was talking and talking, looking even more excited than they were getting married.    


After all, they had seen Gong Moyi and Xiyan Cheng come over like that. Although they had been separated for a year, Xiyan Cheng had returned. Everything that happened a year ago had been clarified. He did not let down the country and his comrades, so in everyone's eyes, Gong Moyi should naturally accept it.    


Therefore, in the warm atmosphere, everyone drank even more excitedly.    


However, Xiyan Cheng noticed that Gong Moyi was not right.    


Although she did not talk much before, she would always be attracted by their conversation.    


But now, she sat there quietly, holding the chopsticks in her hand but not moving at all. She said that she was sleeping, but she sat very straight and her eyes were open, but her eyes were staring at the plate in front of her, not moving at all.    


"Wait." Xiyan Cheng said to his comrades, so he stood up and walked to Gong Moyi's side.    


He called her, "Moyi?"    


Gong Moyi still looked the same, without any reaction.    


Xiyan Cheng could not help but frown and reach out to grab Gong Moyi's hand.    


She did not resist and let her wrist fall into his palm.    


As a half-baked doctor, Xiyan Cheng could tell something.    


He put his finger on Gong Moyi's pulse and carefully examined it. Then, he did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


She was fine, but she seemed to be drunk.    


But why was she so obedient after getting drunk? She didn't move, but she didn't sleep. Why was she sitting so straight?    


Everyone also noticed Gong Moyi's strange behavior and could not help but ask, "Brother Cheng, what happened to Moyi?"    


"She was drunk." After Xiyan Cheng finished speaking, he whispered to Gong Moyi, "Moyi, I will take you to rest?"    


Gong Moyi did not say anything and still maintained her original appearance quietly.    


"So Moyi was drunk like this?" Everyone laughed and said, "Brother Cheng, why don't you send her home first?"    


Xiyan Cheng saw Gong Moyi like this. I'm not in the mood to continue the party, so I nodded and said: "Then I will go first. Political Commissar Hu, comrades, I will continue to stay in the army for a while. We will meet another day!"    


"See you another day."    


After Xiyan Cheng said goodbye to everyone, he went to hold Gong Moyi's hand again.    


She obediently let him sign and was gently pulled up from her seat. She could still walk, but she lowered her head and did not say anything.    


She was especially obedient.    


Xiyan Cheng felt that the hand in his palm was small and soft. It was being held by his big hand, and it was as obedient as her. It made his heart so soft that it was a mess.    


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