Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1387 Each of You Gets a Copy of Your Video

C1387 Each of You Gets a Copy of Your Video

After saying that, Lin Zexuan clicked on the video and went to Gong Moyi's bed.    


Gong Moyi looked at the people approaching and felt a chill in her heart.    


However, she still had a final trump card, which was the poison hidden in the armor.    


It was just that this kind of poison was especially overbearing. Once she pinched it open, as long as the poison entered her nose, it could also kill her.    


Thus, it could be considered a type of poison that would perish together with her.    


At this moment, looking at Lin Zexuan who was confident of victory, Gong Moyi felt a chill in her heart. However, ridicule gradually surged in her eyes.    


"So, this is your ability?" She sneered, "Compared to your godfather, you are still too far off!"    


Lin Zexuan did not care about such words. "Yes, my godfather is the person I worship the most! He has also come. I think he will be here soon!"    


Gong Moyi could not help but be shocked. Xuanyuan Lin would also come?!    


Lin Zexuan, on the other hand, had already started to unbutton his shirt.    


As he unbutton, he looked at Gong Moyi's reaction. However, he discovered that the girl's face did not have the fear and despair he wanted to see. Instead, there was only indifference.    


That indifference contained a sense of superiority, as if she was pitying his joke and ugliness!    


Lin Zexuan's action of unbutton the button paused. A burst of fire actually surged in his heart.    


He suddenly bent over and roared at Gong Moyi, "Are you not afraid? You are not afraid even if I release your video?! When the time comes, everyone in the Hua Country will have a video of you. Aren't you afraid?! "    


Gong Moyi looked at him indifferently. There was only coldness in her eyes.    


Lin Zexuan raised his hand and was about to slap Gong Moyi's face.    


At this moment, a ray of light came in from outside and landed on Gong Moyi's face. Her eyes instantly became bright and threatening.    


Lin Zexuan's action of raising his hand paused. The memory in the depths of his mind seemed to be split apart in an instant, and then a long and blurry image flashed past.    


He clearly could not remember what that person looked like. But when he saw Gong Moyi's eyes at this moment, Lin Zexuan still felt that their eyes just now were very similar.    


They all looked at him indifferently and pitifully, cold and merciful.    


Lin Zexuan suddenly raised his hand and covered Gong Moyi's eyes. He shouted at her. "Close your eyes! You are not allowed to look at me like that! " You are not worthy! "    


However, when he let go of her and was about to take off his clothes, he saw Gong Moyi still looking at him the same way.    


Lin Zexuan almost went crazy. "Close your eyes! Close your eyes!"    


However, in front of his eyes, Gong Moyi and the distant scene kept alternating, making him go crazy!    


He was so angry that he suddenly kicked the foot of the bed and walked out with big steps.    


Outside, Xuanyuan Lin just arrived and saw Lin Zexuan who came out with an evil aura. He asked, "What's wrong?"    


"Godfather, I can't do it." Lin Zexuan grabbed his hair.    


"You fell in love with her?" Xuanyuan Lin frowned.    


"No." Lin Zexuan answered straightforwardly, "I have no interest in her."    


Xuanyuan Lin did not continue to ask. He only said, "Okay, since you are not willing to do it, I will go."    


Lin Zexuan was startled and immediately understood what was going on. He nodded his head heavily and said, "Alright."    


Xuanyuan Lin smiled and walked into the room.    


Gong Moyi did not expect Xuanyuan Lin to come.    


And he was obviously even more abnormal. He directly came over and wanted to attack her.    


Her heart tightened. Regarding Lin Zexuan, what else could she delay, but Xuanyuan Lin...    


Step by step, he walked over. The scars on his face after falling off the cliff all those years ago were becoming more and more hideous.    


He looked at Gong Moyi, hatred surging in the depths of his eyes!    


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