Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1401 He Was Angry and She Was Angry!

C1401 He Was Angry and She Was Angry!

After Lin Zexuan's treatment, he finally managed to catch his breath. Xiyan Cheng and his comrades took a plane to escort him back to the country.    


Lin Zexuan was on Lee Hua's helicopter. Xiyan Cheng, Gong Moyi, and two other comrades were on the other helicopter.    


Gong Lingye still wanted to stay where he was and continue searching for Xuanyuan Lin's situation, so he, Soong Yiren and his two sons found a hotel to stay in.    


Lin Shujuann went to the research institute and discussed academic issues with a few colleagues.    


On the plane, Gong Moyi sat in the deputy captain's seat and looked at the green waves below quietly.    


It had been almost a year and a half since she was injured last time. She could also gradually recover to flying training.    


However, she had not touched a plane for more than a year, so she naturally needed to start from the passenger seat.    


The moment she sat on it, she felt that something in her blood was also slowly recovering.    


However, she always felt that Xiyan Cheng was strange, as if he was deliberately keeping a distance from her. It was completely different from the way he had looked when he had gone to save her.    


She did not know what this guy meant. However, before he could explain the matter of saving Nolri, he had already gotten angry at her.    


He was angry, but she was still angry.    


Hence, Gong Moyi glanced at Xiyan Cheng a few times and after noticing that he did not reply, she also ignored him.    


They flew all the way to Imperial City. There were blue waves everywhere. Because of the beautiful weather, it was quite easy for them to fly all the way.    


At this moment, a few transport planes flew over from another route. The logo on them was from Country G.    


Xiyan Cheng saw it on the central control screen. He realized that the other party's route was too close to their plane, so he issued a warning and prepared to replan the route.    


But at that moment, the doors of the few planes suddenly opened wide, and many unknown objects that looked like balloons flew out from within!    


Xiyan Cheng's pupils constricted, and he quickly ordered Lee Hua. "Change the path immediately and adapt to the situation. The other party should be targeting us!"    


Lee Hua responded, and immediately changed direction.    


He did not know what flew out of the plane. If it was a balloon, in such a thin air space, it would have exploded due to the lack of air pressure.    


However, they did not show any signs of exploding. Instead, they quickly surrounded Xiyan Cheng and Lee Hua's plane like catkins flying around in the early summer!    


"Lee Hua, lower your altitude immediately. I'll cover you!" After saying that, Xiyan Cheng pulled on the engine and used a special brake method to create air currents and disperse the floating objects in the air.    


They were only driving ordinary planes, not fighter planes. They did not have any ability to fight back. The only thing they could do was dodge!    


Xiyan Cheng's plane quickly created air currents. Immediately, a safe passage was formed behind it.    


Lee Hua's plane quickly passed through the passage and finally reached the safe zone when the floating objects closed up again.    


But at this moment, Xiyan Cheng's plane's control rang the alarm like a siren. On the instrument panel, the red words "Alarm" kept flashing!    


Xiyan Cheng's expression froze, and he said, "Prepare to parachute!"    


His comrades had also been prepared long ago, so with a command, everyone carried parachutes on their backs and took their positions.    


The sirens of the planes became more and more frequent. In a situation where the sky and earth were filled with those kinds of floating objects, even the most outstanding pilot would not be able to fly out.    


Xiyan Cheng sighed and took a parachute from under the cushion.    


But when he touched it, he realized that it was not there!    


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